Hazardous impact on hard magnetic disk


Hazardous impact on hard magnetic disk

Hard disk (railway) - one of the components of any computer, without which the full work behind the device is practically impossible. Many users already know that it is precisely it is considered almost the most fragile component due to the complex technical component. In connection with this active PC users, laptops, external HDDs need to be known how to properly exploit this device to prevent its physical breakdown.

See also: What is the hard drive

Hard disk work features

Despite the fact that a moral hard disk has long been outdated, a worthy alternative for him does not exist to this day. Solid-state drives (SSD) work many times faster and are deprived of most of the drawbacks of the railway, however, due to their increased cost, which is especially noticeable on models with a large amount of memory, and certain restrictions on the number of cycles of information overwriting the main source of data storage may.

Many users still make a choice in favor of HDD, which allows you to store for several terabytes of these for many years. For server and DATA centers, there can be no other option as the purchase of many advanced hard drives and combining them into RAID arrays.

Because in the foreseeable future Recovery.

Incorrect location inside the system unit

This clause refers to HDD installed in the desktop system unit. In almost all housings for drives, a block with horizontal excavations is assigned - it is considered that this is the perfect positioning option. However, sometimes the user fails to correctly arrange it in a special compartment, for example, due to the lack of free space, and the railway just occupies any free space inside the block, it does not matter whether it is vertical or horizontal.

Invalid angle of placement

Vertical location, contrary to frequent misconceptions, does not affect negatively at work. Moreover, in the housings made with the mind, and on the part of the HDD servers are located vertically. However, there is one generally correct for both options: a hard disk should not deviate from a vertical or horizontal position for more than 5 °. In addition, it can not be close to lean to the walls of the case - from other PC components the drive must be separated by the minimum stock of the empty space.

Electronics is up

Another incorrect version relating to the horizontal arrangement is up. In this case, convection is disturbed from the lid and the hemobal is not cooled sufficiently. Accordingly, the temperature increases inside, which is unevenly distributed and is negatively reflected on the work resource of the entire HDD, especially having several plates. In addition to everything, the speed of positioning of magnetic heads is reduced.

The correct position of the hard disk board down inside the PC housing

Rare, but still the event taking place associated with the installation of the board up is a violation of the spindle bearing. After a period of time, there can be a lubricant from there and spoil the part of the plate and the magnetic head. In connection with the foregoing, it is worth thinking about several times, whether it makes sense to install a card up, especially if it is planned to constantly load the data and reading data.


Modern drives are more demanding on high-quality electrical power. With its interruptions and unexpected computer disables without difficulty, the hard disk operation can be disturbed, turning it into a device that requires formatting, reassigning broken sectors or a complete replacement to a new HDD.

Sources of such problems are not only central energy interruptions (for example, due to cable breaks around the area), but also the wrong selection of the power supply unit installed in the system unit. The low power of BP, which does not match the configuration of the computer, often leads to the fact that the hard disk is not enough power and it starts to disable. Either, if there are several railway, the power supply does not cope with elevated loads when the PC is started, which is also adversely reflected in the state of not only hard drives, but also any other components.

Read also: The reasons for which clicks hard disk, and their solution

The exit here is obvious - with frequent electricity breakup, you need to get a source of uninterrupted power (UPS) and check whether the power supply unit is complies with the PC that all components of the computer together (video card, motherboard, hard disk, cooling, etc. ).

See also:

How to find out how much watts consumes a computer

Select uninterruptible power supply for computer

Bad cooling

Here, difficulties begin again with the wrong installation of Winchester, which is especially relevant if they are a total of two or more. In the section above, we said that the layout of the board up can already harm, but this is not the only reason for elevated temperatures.

As you probably already know, hard drives in ordinary computers have speed of rotation of 5400 rpm. or 7200 rpm. This is not enough from the point of view of the end user, because The speed of reading and writing the HDD is significantly inferior to SSD, but much from a technical point of view. Due to the strong promotion, more heat is highlighted, so it is extremely important to cool the railway to the high temperature, in general, poorly affecting the mechanics, did not fail the main component of the drive - the magnetic head - reducing its return.

If this happens, ultimately worsen or fully lost the possibility of reading not only data recorded users, but also a servometer. The sign of the breakdown can be considered a knock inside the HDD and the impossibility of its definition by the computer both in the operating system and in the BIOS.

READ ALSO: Operating temperatures of different hard drive manufacturers

Lack of free space in the system unit housing

The easiest way to deal with the installation of the disk, if it is only one, and the seats are somewhat. Location near other heat generation sources (and this is almost all components of the PC) incorrect. The further the railway will be removed from other devices, including coolers blowing air, the better. Ideally, from the edges there should be about 3 cm of free space - it will provide passive cooling.

Correct location of several hard drives inside the PC case

It is impossible to place the device close to other hard disks - it will inevitably affect the degradation of their work and will significantly accelerate the failure. The same refers to a close location with a CD / DVD drive.

Incorrectly close position of hard drives inside PC housing

If a small body factor (Micro / Mini-ATX) and / or a large number of railway is not allowed to place the hard disk, it is very important to take care of the correct active cooling. Ideally, it can be the average power of the cooler on blowing, whose air falls on the drives. The speed of its rotation should be adjusted in accordance with the number of hard drives and their temperatures resulting from cooling. At the same time, the fan is better not to stand on the same wall, where the basket is located under HDD, since there is a chance of vibration when working, also negatively affecting them.

See also:

Coolers Management Programs

How to measure the temperature of the hard disk

Adverse external temperatures and other conditions

At the temperature of the entire PC affect not only coolers, but also the medium outside the hull.
  • Low temperatures are no less unwanted than high. If indoors are cold or an external drive, it was brought from the street, where the air temperature is about 0 °, before using it, it is necessary to warm it in a natural way to room temperature.
  • Increased humidity - contributes to lowering the temperature durability of the hard disk. That is, in a wet room (or on the street near the sea), with a non-heating disk, it requires additional cooling, although there is no need for normal humidity in it.
  • Pollution of the room is another enemy of the hard disk. One of its component elements is a barometric hole, normalizing pressure inside. It is inevitable through it inside the body can enter the air, and if it is dirty, with dust and garbage, even a built-in filter with disabling particle containment resources will not save. About how dust can withdraw the railway, is also written below. It is worth noting that this form factor 2.5 "are exposed significantly stronger than 3.5", since there is at least thinner protective filters.
  • Any dangerous evaporation - here are the ionizers, impurities in the air, like nitrogen oxide, production emissions. They provoke both corrosion and wear of the internal mechanical components.
  • The electromagnetic field - as you remember, the disk is called "magnetic rigid", therefore the medium contributing to demagnetization and creating strong electromagnetic fields slowly, but correct turns the HDD to unreadable.
  • Static tension - even the human body can accumulate charges that can damage the electronics. Usually, people when using HDD do not encounter this, but when it is replaced or installing a new device, it is recommended to comply with the simplest security rules, not a touch of radio elements and circuit boards without, for example, a grounding bracelet.

Mechanical impact

Many are aware that with the transportation of the HDD must be referred to as much as possible in order not to break his work. Any powerful effects on it may be destructive, and this concerns not only external, but also standard built-in 3.5 "models. Despite the fact that companies in production are in every way trying to reduce the likelihood of this, a large percentage of the exit of the CITY is due to this item.


Vibration for embedded hard drives can be constant if the user incorrectly installed it into the system unit housing. For example, poor screwed screws will vibrate when working with a cooler or random strikes on the body of a person. The same applies to the option when the railway is attached not to 4 screws symmetrically each other, and on 2/3 - loose edges will be the source of the overall vibration of the drive.

Proper and improper fastening of hard drives inside PC housing

PC components can also be affected inside the housing on the hard disk:

  • Fans. In most cases, there are no problems from them until the user decides independently and ineptly change the cooling method. True, some cheap buildings were already initially constructed as unsaluable and from poor-quality materials, which is why the vibration from the promoted cooler can be transmitted by the wall to the hard disk.
  • Other HDD, drives. The absence of free space between them provokes not only heating, but a mutual vibration. CD / DVD drives often operate at high speeds, and optical discs themselves can have different speeds, forcing the drive accelerate and stop, creating vibration. HDD themselves also vibrate, most often when positioning the head and spindle rotation, which is not critical for the disc itself, but bad for a neighbor, because Speed ​​and periods of activity differ from them.

Near some of some are also external sources causing vibration. These are home theaters, acoustic systems with a subwoofer. In such a situation, it is desirable to protect one technique from another.

Naturally, vibration is inevitable when transporting hard drives, especially external. If possible, this process should be limited, sometimes replacing the device on the USB flash drive, and it is also important to choose an external HDD with a protected housing.

READ ALSO: Tips for choosing an external hard disk


It is known that in the off state, the hard drive is less susceptible to the influence of shocks, because in non-working, the magnetic heads do not damage the disk plates, while at this point in the parking lot. However, it is not necessary to think that even a de-energized train is not terrible falling and blows.

Hard disk after falling

Falling even with a small height, the device risks fail, especially if it lands the side. If it is also in working condition, the probability of damaging the stored data and other HDD elements increases several times.

Dents on the lid and the inlets of the hard disk

A firmly fixed hard disk in the system unit is riveted from drops and shocks, but they are replaced by random strikes on the housing of the legs and various things (vacuum cleaner, bag, books, etc.). This is especially dangerous when the computer is in working condition - Winchester due to working magnetic heads becomes even more fragile and the surface of the surface of the plates can occur.

It is worth noting that drives in many laptops due to portability of the latter are more protected from external influences. This is ensured by the shock-absorbing design of containers, as well as more sensitive acceleration (or vibration) sensors, which are better determined, which falls, and immediately park magnetic heads, parallel to stop the rotation of the plates.

Hard disk in the laptop compartment

Violation of tightness

Normal hard disk operation is impossible in disruption. Inside it has its own pressure, and several elements are responsible for the integrity itself. In case of damage to the tightness caused by careless actions of a person, a strong pressure on the HDD cover, sharp corners of the basket in the system unit, there are almost 100% warranty of failure of the entire drive. Of course, if the problem was seen and eliminated in a timely manner (when the HDD has not yet turned on after damage) with girlfriend type of sealant type or tape / scotch, you can continue to use it.

Otherwise, inside in a short period of time, not only air, unnecessary there, but also dust. Even one tiny particle of dust is able to lead to the loss of data, the axial on the plate and subsequently hitting the magnetic head. It will not only be a warranty case - even repair the drive may not work.

Dust inside the hard disk

In the absence of factory tightness, a destructive factor will be the above-mentioned elevated humidity that causes corrosion.

Earlier, we have already told that even the factory fully a good hard disk is not monolithic - it has a technical hole protected from dust. But this filter is almost useless against the water. Even a few straight drops can "kill" HDD, not to mention situations where water is significantly more.

Moisture inside the hard disk

HDD analysis attempt

This item fully follows from the previous one, however, we decided to note it separately. Some PC users think that in the event of certain problems listed above (entering inside dust, water), it is necessary to disassemble it and purge, dry the hair dryer. It is not recommended to do this, because there is no chance of returning a working condition in the absence of due experience.

If you omit the most important thing - ignorance of the rules of parsing and reverse assembly, as well as the return of tightness of the body, there are other reasons that are finally outlined hard drives from the working state. First, it is air that should not fall under the lid, and secondly - dust. It will not be able to get rid of it, even blowing the whole structure - most likely, there simply will fall out and grow old / new dusting, and the process of combating them will be not only infinite, but also meaningless.

Such procedures take place, but in special laboratories of service centers, in compliance with all rules of dismissal and conditions for cleanliness of the room and the wizard.

Hard disk repair in the service center

Due to the difficult design and the requirements of certain conditions for functioning a hard disk of capricious in operation and storage. The factors affecting its performance, many, in connection with which you need to know the basic rules for handling HDD and follow them.

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