Error log in Windows 10


Error log in windows 10

During the operation of the operating system, as well as any other software, errors occur periodically. It is very important to be able to analyze and correct such problems, so that in the future they did not appear again. In Windows 10, a special "error log" was introduced for this. It is about him that we will talk under this article.

"Magazine magazine" in windows 10

The magazine mentioned earlier is only a small part of the System Utility "View Events", which is present by default in each version of Windows 10. Next, we will analyze three important aspects that concern the "error log" - the logging logging, launching the "View event" and the analysis of system messages.

Turning on logging

In order for the system to record all events in the log, it is necessary to enable it. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Press in any empty place "taskbar" with the right mouse button. From the context menu, select "Task Manager".
  2. Run Task Manager via Taskbar in Windows 10

  3. In the window that opens, go to the "Services" tab, and then on the page itself at the bottom, click Open Services.
  4. Running service utility via task manager in Windows 10

  5. Next, in the list of services you need to find "Windows Event Log". Make sure it is running and running automatically. This should be evidenced by the inscriptions in the "Status" and "Startup type" graph.
  6. Checking the service status of Windows Event Log

  7. If the value of the specified rows is different from those that you see in the screenshot above, open the service editor window. To do this, click two times the left mouse button on its name. Then switch the "Start Type" to "automatically" mode, and activate the service itself by pressing the "Run" button. To confirm, press "OK".
  8. Changing service parameters Windows event log

After that, it remains to check if the swap file is activated on the computer. The fact is that when it is turned off, the system simply will not be able to keep records of all events. Therefore, it is very important to set the virtual memory value of at least 200 MB. This is reminded by Windows 10 itself in a message that occurs when the paging file is completely deactivating.

Warning when deactivating paging file in Windows 10

On how to use virtual memory and change its size, we have already written earlier in a separate article. Check out it if necessary.

Read more: Enabling the paging file on a computer with Windows 10

With the inclusion of logging figured out. Now moving on.

Run "View Events"

As we mentioned earlier, the "error log" is part of the standard snap-in "View Events". Run it is very simple. This is done as follows:

  1. Click on the keyboard at the same time the "Windows" and "R" key.
  2. In the window that opened the window, enter Eventvwr.msc and press "ENTER" or the "OK" button below.
  3. Run the utility View events via the command line in Windows 10

As a result, the main window of the above utility will appear on the screen. Please note that there are other methods that allow you to start "viewing events". We were told about them in detail earlier in a separate article.

Read more: View event log in Windows 10

Analysis of the error log

After "Viewing Events" is running, you will see the following window on the screen.

General view of the utility viewing events when starting in Windows 10

In the left part there is a tree system with sections. We are interested in the Windows Magazines tab. Click on its name once LKM. As a result, you will see a list of subsecutive subsections and general statistics in the central part of the window.

Opening Windows Magazines in the Utility View Events in Windows 10

For further analysis, it is necessary to go to the "System" subsection. It contains a large list of events that previously happened on the computer. You can allocate four types of events: critical, error, warning and information. We will briefly tell you about each of them. Please note that you can not describe all possible errors, we can not physically. There are many of them and they all depend on various factors. Therefore, if you fail to solve something yourself, you can describe the problem in the comments.

Critical event

This event is marked in the magazine with a red circle with a cross inside and the corresponding asscription. I click on the name of such an error from the list, slightly below you can see the general information of the incident.

An example of a critical error in the event log in Windows 10

Often the information provided is enough in order to find a solution to the problem. In this example, the system reports that the computer was dramatically turned off. In order for the error does not appear again, it is enough just to turn off the PC correctly.

Read more: Disable Windows 10 system

For a more advanced user, there is a special tab "Details", where all the event is presented with error codes and are consistently painted.


This type of events is the second most important. Each error is marked in the magazine with a red circle with an exclamation mark. As in the case of a critical event, it is enough to press the LKM by the name of the error to view the details.

An example of a standard error in the event log in Windows 10

If you do not understand anything from the message in the General field, you can try to find information about the network error. To do this, use the source name and event code. They are indicated in the corresponding graphs opposite the name of the error itself. To solve the problem, in our case, it is necessary to simply re-install the update with the desired number.

Read more: Install updates for Windows 10 manually

A warning

Messages of this type occur in those situations where the problem is not serious. In most cases, they can be ignored, but if the event is repeated once at once, it is worth paying attention to him.

An example of warning in the event log in Windows 10

Most often, the reason for the appearance of the warning is the DNS server, or rather, an unsuccessful attempt to connect to it. In such situations, the software or utility simply addresses the reserve address.


This type of events is the most harmless and created only so that you can be aware of all that is happening. As it is clear from his name, the message contains summary data on all installed updates and programs created by the recovery points, etc.

Example of messages with information in the event log in Windows 10

Such information will be very useful for those users who do not want to set third-party software to view the latest Windows 10 actions.

As you can see, the process of activation, starting and analyzing the error log is very simple and does not require deep knowledge of PC. Remember that in this way you can find out information not only about the system, but also about its other components. To do this, it is enough in the "View Event" utility to select another section.

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