Failed to run the screen driver in Windows 10


Failed to start the screen driver

The error with the text "Failed to run the screen driver" may appear in any version of the popular family of operating systems, including Windows 10. Most often, this problem occurs when you try to start the game or at ruling time when interacting with the computer. In most cases, this is due to the incorrect functioning of graphics drivers, so attention should be paid to the following options for solving this problem.

Method 1: Updating graphics drivers

First of all, the suspicion falls on the outdated video card drivers, since when the operating system is released and simultaneously updating the operating system, conflicts leading to errors of various kinds. We advise you to always support software up to date to avoid similar troubleshooting. You can install graphics records to install updates both automatically and manually using the available methods for this. More detailed instructions on this topic are looking for in a special manual on our website by clicking on the link below.

Updating video card drivers to solve the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

Read more: Ways to update video card drivers on Windows 10

If you are the owner of a graphics adapter from AMD or NVIDIA, you need to take into account the additional aspects associated with the graphics applications that are necessary for manual configuration of the graphics in Windows. You should independently go to the official website of the manufacturer of the installed video card model and see whether updates came to software. In case of their presence, downloading is made through the same source, because it is the most reliable and verified.

Read more: Updating AMD Radeon / Nvidia Video Card Drivers

Method 2: Full Reinstalling Drivers

If the updates were found not or they were not installed for some reason, perhaps the current video card driver functions incorrectly, which is often due to the damage to the added files or the initial incorrect installation. Check and solving this situation is to fully reinstall software. To do this, the current driver and its "tailings" are first removed, and then loaded the latest version of the appropriate software.

Reinstalling the video card drivers to solve the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

Read more: Re-install video card drivers

Method 3: Checking system updates

Above, we have already talked about the fact that the problem under consideration could be caused by the conflicts of Drivers and Windows Updates. If none of the two methods listed above brought the proper result and the message "Failed to run the screen driver still appears on the screen, you should check the availability of system updates, which is happening as follows:

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. The transition to the parameters to solve the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

  3. In the window that appears, find the last section "Update and Security".
  4. Go to update to solve the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

  5. You will find yourself in the first category "Windows Update". Here, click on the button "Check availability of updates".
  6. Running updates checking for solving the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

It remains only to wait for the completion of the operation. If updates are found, installed them and restart the operating system so that all changes take effect. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following manuals on updates Windows 10, if suddenly there are additional questions or problems with installation.

Read more:

Installing Windows 10 Updates

Solve problems with installing updates in Windows 10

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Method 4: Rollback of the latest Windows update

In some situations, the problem under consideration today, on the contrary, appears after the recent update of the operating system. This is due to the fact that the developers do not always have the opportunity to fully verify the correctness of the functioning of innovations, which is why there are unexpected problems that need to be corrected. If you recently installed current updates and just after that it began to appear notice "Failed to run the screen driver", we recommend rollusted it.

  1. Through the "Options" menu, go to "Update and Security".
  2. Go to the recovery section When solving an error failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

  3. Move to the "Restore" category.
  4. Go to recovery to solve the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

  5. Lay the item "Back to the previous version of Windows 10" and click on "Start".
  6. Rollback to the previous version When solving the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

Now it remains to follow the instructions displayed on the screen to complete the rollback. However, after that, the update can still be installed, because it is automatically in Windows. If you were convinced that the problem disappeared after restoring the previous version, for a while, turn off the automatic search and installation of updates to wait for the correction.

Read more: Disable updates in Windows 10

If for some reasons, the return to the previous version failed, there is an alternative, which is to restore the stored backups, but for this this option must be enabled in advance. In the case when the computer is activated on the computer, it is not possible to return to the previous state.

Read more: Rollback to the recovery point in Windows 10

Method 5: Checking a graphics adapter

The last method is associated with a video card check for hardware faults. Sometimes the device itself works incorrectly, which can be triggered by wear of the component or its breakdown for other reasons. This provokes the emergence of various errors in the operating system. On our site there are two useful guides, in which all hardware problems are painted as in detail as much as possible, as well as instructions on self-diagnostics of the component.

Checking the video card to solve the problem failed to start the screen driver in Windows 10

Read more:

How to understand that the video card "dies"

How to understand what the video card burned

If nothing of the above helped get rid of the problem "Failed to run the screen driver" in Windows 10 and it turned out that the graphic adapter is fully working, it remains only to reinstall the OS, referring to the fact that it is caused by the errors of the assembly itself or failures in the system Components.

Read more