How to remove Norton Security from Windows 10


How to remove Norton Security from Windows 10

There is a sufficient number of reasons that can force the user to remove anti-virus software from the computer. The most important thing is to get rid of not only from the software itself, but also from residual files, which will later simply clog the system. From this article, you will learn how to correctly uninstall Norton Security anti-virus from a computer running Windows 10.

Norton Security Delete Methods in Windows 10

In total, two main methods of uninstalling said antivirus can be distinguished. Both are similar on the principle of operation, but differ in execution. In the first case, the procedure is performed using a special program, and in the second - system utility. Next, we will talk in details about each of the methods.

Method 1: Specialized third-party software

In one of the previous articles, we talked about the best programs to delete applications. You can familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link below.

Read more: 6 best solutions for complete removal of programs

The main advantage of such software is that it is capable not only correctly uninstalling software, but also to carry out a complex cleaning of the system. This method implies the use of one of these programs, for example, Iobit Uninstaller, which will be used in the example below.

You will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Install and run Iobit Uninstaller. On the left side of the window that opened the window click on the "All Programs" row. As a result, on the right side, a list of all applications that you have installed. Find Norton Security anti-virus in the list, and then click on the green button in the form of a basket opposite the name.
  2. Norton Security Anti-Virus Removal Button in the Iobit program in Windows 10

  3. Next, you must put a tick near the option "Automatically delete residual files". Please note that in this case you cannot activate the "Create Recovery Point Before Deletion" function. In practice, there are quite rare cases when critical errors occur when uninstallations. But if you want to be reinforced, you can mark it. Then click the "Uninstall" button.
  4. Choosing Norton Anti-Virus Removal Parameters in Iobit Uninstaller

  5. This will follow the process of uninstallation. At this stage it will be necessary to wait a bit.
  6. Norton Anti-Virus Removal Process in Iobit Uninstaller

  7. After some time, an additional window appears on the screen with removal parameters. It should activate the line "Delete Norton and all user data". Be careful and be sure to remove a tick near the block with small text. If this is not done, the Norton Security SCAN component will remain in the system. At the end, click the Delete My Norton button.
  8. Delete user data in the Norton Anti-Virus Uninstall

  9. On the next page you will be prompted to leave a review or specify the reason for the removal of the product. This is not a prerequisite, so you can simply press the "Remove My Norton" button again.
  10. Disposal send button while removing Norton Anti-Virus from Windows 10

  11. As a result, preparation for removal will begin, and then the uninstall procedure itself, which lasts about a minute.
  12. The final removal procedure of Norton Anti-Virus from Windows 10

  13. After 1-2 minutes, you will see a window with a message that the process is completed successfully. In order for all files to be completely erased from the hard disk, you will need to restart the computer. Click the Restart Now button. Before pressing it, do not forget to save all open data, since the reboot procedure starts instantly.
  14. Button Reloading the system after removing Norton Anti-Virus

We reviewed the anti-virus removal procedure using a special software, but if you do not want to use this, read the following method.

Method 2: Standard Windows 10 Utility

In any version of Windows 10 there is a built-in tool for removing installed programs, which can also cope with the removal of antivirus.

  1. Click on the Start button on the desktop with the left mouse button. A menu will open in which you want to click the "Parameters" button.
  2. Running Windows 10 parameters through the Start button menu

  3. Next, go to the "Applications" section. To do this, click LKM by its name.
  4. Go to the application section in the Windows 10 parameters window

  5. In the window that appears, the required subsection - "applications and capabilities" will be automatically selected. You can only go down at the bottom of the right side of the window and find in the list of Norton Security programs. By clicking on the string with it, you will see the drop-down menu. In it, click "Delete".
  6. Norton Anti-Virus Removal Button via Windows 10 settings

  7. Nearby "pop up" an additional window with a request for confirmation of uninstallation. Click it "Delete".
  8. Norton Anti-Virus Removal Button in Additional Window

  9. As a result, the Norton Anti-Virus itself will appear. Mark the string "Delete Norton and all user data", uncheck the checkbox below and press the yellow button at the bottom of the window.
  10. Select Uninstall Settings and Norton Security Removal Button

  11. If desired, specify the reason for your actions by clicking "Tell us about your decision." Otherwise, just click on the "Delete My Norton" button.
  12. Norton Anti-Virus Removal Confirmation Button from Computer

  13. Now you can only wait until the running uninstall process is completed. It will be accompanied by a message with a request to restart the computer. We recommend to follow the advice and press the corresponding button in the window.
  14. Window with a button to restart the system after removing Norton Security Anti-Virus

After rebooting the system, the antivirus files will be completely erased.

We considered two methods for removing Norton Security from a computer or laptop. Remember that to search and eliminate malicious software at all, it is not necessary to install the antivirus, especially since the defender embedded in Windows 10 is quite well coping with security task.

Read more: Checking a computer for viruses without antivirus

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