How to fix the error 0x80070005 on Windows 10


How to fix the error 0x80070005 on Windows 10

During the interaction with the computer, we can face problems in the form of various system failures. They have different nature, but always cause discomfort, and sometimes stop the workflow. In this article, we will analyze the causes of the error 0x80070005 and we describe the options to eliminate it.

Error correction 0x80070005

This error most often occurs with the next automatic or manual OS update. In addition, there are situations where the dialog box with this code occurs when the application is launched. The reasons that lead to such behavior of "Windows" are very diverse - from the "hooliganism" of the antivirus program before damage to the data in the system section.

Cause 1: Antivirus

Antivirus programs feel their hosts in the system and often act perfectly in hooligan. Applicable to our situation, they can block access to the network for update services or prohibit execution of programs. You can solve the problem by turning out active protection and firewall, if such is included in the package, or completely remove the software at the time of the update.

Removing the McAfee antivirus program in Windows 10

Read more:

How to turn off antivirus

How to remove antivirus

Cause 2: The VSS service is disabled.

VSS is a shadow copy service that allows you to overwrite those files that are currently engaged in any processes or programs. If it is disabled, some background operations can pass with errors.

  1. Open the system search by clicking on the magnifier icon in the lower left corner on the "taskbar", write a "service" request and open the application found.

    Running the System System System System in Windows 10

  2. We are looking for the service list shown in the screenshot, click on it, and then click on the link "Run".

    Starting the Shadow Copy Service in Windows 10

    If the "Status" column already indicates "executed", click "Restart", after which I reboot the system.

    Restarting the Shadow Copy Service of Tom in Windows 10

Cause 3: TCP / IP failure

Most update operations occurs with Internet connection using TCP / IP. The latter failure can lead to an error 0x80070005. The protocol stack reset will help with the console team.

  1. Run a "command line". Please note that it needs to be done on behalf of the administrator, otherwise the reception may not work.

    Read more: Opening the command line in Windows 10

    We write (copy and insert) such a command:

    Netsh int ip reset

    Click the Enter key.

    Reset TCP-IP protocol stack from the command line in Windows 10

  2. After the process is completed, reboot PC.

Cause 4: System Folder Attributes

On each disk in the system there is a special folder with the name "System Volume Information", containing some sections and file system data. If it has an attribute that allows only reading, then the processes that require entries in this directory will issue an error.

  1. Open the system disk, that is, the one as installed Windows. We go to the "View" tab, open "Parameters" and go to a change in folder parameters.

    Go to setting up folder and search options in Windows 10

  2. Here we activate the "View" tab and turn off the option (remove the checkbox), hiding protected system files. Click "Apply" and OK.

    Enabling display of hidden system files in Windows 10

  3. We are looking for our folder, click on it PCM and open properties.

    Go to the system folder properties in Windows 10

  4. Remove the "read-only" position. Please note that Chekbox does not have to become empty. The square is also suitable (see Screenshot). Moreover, after closing properties, this mark will be displayed automatically. After setting, click "Apply" and close the window.

    Disabling read-only attribute for the System Volume Information folder in Windows 10

Cause 5: Errors when downloading updates

In Windows, there is another special directory with the name "Softwaredistribution", which all downloaded updates fall into. If an error occurred during the download and copying process or a connection breaking, then the packages may be damaged. In this case, the system will "think" that the files are already downloaded and will try to use them. To solve the problem, you need to clear this folder.

  1. Open the "service" snap-in through the system search (see Hashe) and stop the "update center".

    Stop service center service in Windows 10

  2. In the same way, we complete the work of the background service.

    Stop the background intelligent transmission service in Windows 10

  3. Now we go to the "Windows" folder and open our directory.

    Go to Softwaredistribution system folder in Windows 10

    Select all the contents and delete it.

    Deleting the contents of the SoftWaredistRibution system folder in Windows 10

  4. To ensure the achievement of the result, you must clear the "basket" from these files. You can do this using special programs or manually.

    Cleaning the basket from remote update packages in Windows 10

    Read more: Cleaning Windows 10 from garbage

  5. Perform a reboot.

It is worth explained here why we changed the installation path. The fact is that further we will have to write scripts to manage the registry, and they will appear this address. By default, it is quite long and when you enter, it is quite possible to make a mistake. In addition, there are still gaps, which implies the take value in quotes, which is why the utility may not behave unpredictable. So, with the installation we figured out, go to the scripts.

  1. Open the usual system "Notepad" and register this code in it:

    @echo off

    SET OSBIT = 32

    IF EXIST "% ProgramFiles (x86)%" SET OSBIT = 64

    Set Runningdir =% ProgramFiles%

    IF% Osbit% == 64 set RunningDir =% ProgramFiles (x86)%

    C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subkeyreg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Component Based Servicing" / GRANT = "NT Service \ TrustedInstaller" = F

    @Echo Gotovo.


    Enter the code of the first script to control the registry console utility Subinacl

  2. We go to the "File" menu and select "Save As".

    Transition to the preservation of the first script to control the registry Console Utility Subinacl

  3. Type Select "All Files", give a script any name with the .bat extension. We save at a comfortable place.

    Saving a script to apply SubinCL utilities in Windows 10

Before applying this "Bachts", it is necessary to progress and create a system recovery point so that changes can be returned in the event of a failure.

Read more:

How to create a recovery point in Windows 10

How to roll back Windows 10 to the recovery point

  1. Run the script on behalf of the administrator.

    Starting the script to apply the SubinCL utility on behalf of the administrator in Windows 10

  2. Restart the car.

If the reception did not work, you should create and apply another "batch file" with the code specified below. Do not forget about the recovery point.

@echo off

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / GRANT = administrators = f

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / SubkeyReg HKEY_CURRENT_USER / GRANT = administrators = f

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTRA / GRANT = administrators = f

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subdirectories% SystemDrive% / GRANT = administrators = f

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / GRANT = SYSTEM = F

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER / GRANT = SYSTEM = F

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / GRANT = SYSTEM = F

C: \ subinacl \ subinacl.exe / subdirectories% SystemDrive% / GRANT = SYSTEM = F

@Echo Gotovo.


Note: If during the execution of scripts in the "command line" we see access errors, then the initial registry settings are already correct, and you need to look towards other correction methods.

Access errors to registry sections on Windows 10 command prompt

Cause 7: Damage to system files

Error 0x80070005 also arises due to damage to system files that are responsible for the normal course of the update process or launching programs for program execution. In such cases, you can only try to restore them using two console utilities.

Restoring damaged system files on the Windows 10 command prompt

Read more: Restore system files in Windows 10

Cause 8: Viruses

Malicious programs are the eternal problem of PC owners running Windows. These pests are capable of spoiling or blocking system files, change the registry settings, causing various failures in the system. If the above methods did not bring a positive result, you need to check the PC for malicious programs and when detecting to get rid of them.

Scanning a computer for malicious programs Kaspersky Virus-Removal Tool utility

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Cause 9: Hard disk errors

The next thing to pay attention to is possible errors on the system disk. WINDOVS has a built-in testing and troubleshooting tool. However, it is possible to use and specially designed for this programs.

Checking the system disk for errors in Windows 10

Read more: Perform a hard disk diagnostics in Windows 10


An extreme means of fixing error 0x80070005 is an attempt to restore the system or its complete reinstall.

Read more:

We restore Windows 10 to source

Return Windows 10 to the factory state

How to install windows 10 from a flash drive or disk

Give advice on the prevention of this problem is quite difficult, but there are several rules to minimize its occurrence. First, learn the article from the paragraph about the viruses, it will help to understand how not to infect your computer. Secondly, try not to use hacked programs, especially those that set their drivers or services, or change network parameters and the system as a whole. In third, without extreme need and preliminary study of the process, do not change the contents of the system folders, the registry and settings of the "Windows".

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