How to reset the password through the command line in Windows 10


How to reset the password through the command line in Windows 10

In the Windows 10 operating system, in addition to additional identification tools, there is also a regular text password by analogy with previous versions of the OS. Often this kind of key is forgotten, forcing the use of reset tools. Today we will tell about two password reset methods in this system through the "Command Line".

Password reset in Windows 10 through the "Command Line"

Reset the password, as mentioned earlier, you can via the "Command Line". However, to use it without existing account, you will need to restart the computer and boot from the installation image of Windows 10. Immediately after that you need to click "SHIFT + F10".

Step 2: Password Reset

If the actions described by us were performed as accuracy according to the instructions, the operating system will not start. Instead, at the download stage, the command line opens from the "System32" folder. Subsequent actions are similar to the procedure for changing the password from the relevant article.

Read more: How to change the password in Windows 10

  1. Here you need to enter a special command, replacing the "name" in the name of the editable account. It is important to observe the register and layout of the keyboard.

    Net User Name.

    Enter Net User command on the Windows 10 command prompt

    Similarly, add two quotes-running quotes after the name of the account. In this case, if you want to change the password, and not reset, we enter a new key between quotes.

    Enter a password reset command in Windows 10

    Press "ENTER" and, if the procedure is successfully completed, the "command is successful" string appears.

  2. Successful password reset in Windows 10

  3. Now, without reloading the computer, enter the REGEDIT command.
  4. Go to the registry from the Windows 10 command line

  5. Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch and find the "SYSTEM" folder.
  6. Go to the System folder in the Registry in Windows 10

  7. Among the child elements, specify "SETUP" and double-click the LKM on the "Cmdline" line.

    Go to the cmdline string in the registry in Windows 10

    In the "String Parameter" window, clear the "Value" field and press OK.

    Clearing the CMDLINE parameter in the Registry in Windows 10

    Further expand the SetupType parameter and set the "0" value.

  8. Changing SetupType in the Registry in Windows 10

Now the registry and the "Line command" can be closed. After the actions done, you log in in the system without the need to enter a password or with what was set manually in the first step.

Method 2: Administrator Account

This method is possible only after the actions made in step 1 of this article or if there is an additional Windows 10 account. The method is to unlock a hidden account that allows you to manage any other users.

Read more: Opening the "Command Line" in Windows 10

  1. Add the Net User command Administrator / Active: YES and use the "Enter" button on the keyboard. At the same time, do not forget that in the English version of the OS, you need to use the same layout.

    Activation of the administrator entry in Windows 10

    If successful, the appropriate notification will be displayed.

  2. Successfully executed command in Windows 10

  3. Now go to the user selection screen. In the case of using an existing account, it will be enough to switch through the "Start" menu.
  4. Changing an account in Windows 10

  5. At the same time, press the "Win + R" keys and in the "Open" string insert the compmgmt.msc.
  6. Go to the COMPMGMT.MSC section in Windows 10

  7. Expand the directory marked in the screenshot.
  8. Go to user management in Windows 10

  9. Click PCM by one of the options and select "Set Password".

    Transition to password change in Windows 10

    Warning about the consequences can be safely ignored.

  10. Password change warning in Windows 10

  11. If necessary, specify a new password or, leaving the fields empty, just click on the "OK" button.
  12. Installing a password in Windows 10 OS

  13. To check, be sure to try on the name of the desired user. At the end, it is worth deactivating the "Administrator" by running the "command line" and using the previously mentioned command, replacing "Yes" to "NO".
  14. Administrator deactivation in Windows 10

This method is the most simple and suitable if you are trying to unlock the local account. Otherwise, the only optimal option is the first method or methods without using the "command line".

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