How to save gifs on iPhone


How to save gifs on the iPhone

Animated pictures or gifs are very popular with social network users and messengers. You can download such files using the iOS standard tools and the built-in browser.

Saving Gifs on the iPhone

Save an animated picture to your phone can be in several ways. For example, using a special application from the App Store to search and save the gifs, as well as browser and sites with such images on the Internet.

Method 1: Giphy application

Convenient and practical applications for searching and downloading animated pictures. Giphy offers a huge collection of files that are ordered by category. You can also search for various hashtags and keywords. To save your favorite gifs in the bookmark you need to register your account.

Download Giphy from App Store

  1. Install and open the GIPHY application to your iPhone.
  2. Installed GIPHY application for searching and downloading animated images on iPhone

  3. Find your animated image you like and click on it.
  4. Search for the desired gifs in the Giphy application on the iPhone

  5. Tap the icon with three points from the bottom of the picture.
  6. Pressing the three-point icon to save the gifs in the GIPHY application on the iPhone

  7. In the window that opens, select "Save to Camera Roll".
  8. The process of saving an animated picture in the GIPHY application on the iPhone

  9. The picture will automatically be saved either into the "Photopile" album, or in "animated" (on iOS 11 and higher).

Giphy also offers its users to create and upload animated pictures in their application. Gif can be created in real time using the smartphone camera.

Creating your own gif-picture using the camera in the GIPHY application on the iPhone

In addition, using the Safari browser, you can download gif pictures in popular social networks. For example, VKontakte. For this you need:

  1. Find the picture you want and click on it for full viewing.
  2. Search for the right gif-picture in VKontakte application on iPhone

  3. Select "Share" at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Function Share in Annex VKontakte on iPhone

  5. Click "More."
  6. Selecting an item still in the menu that opens Share in Annex Vkontakte on the iPhone

  7. In the menu that opens, select "Open to Safari". The user will reincarnize this browser to further save the picture.
  8. Opening Gifki in Safari browser from VKontakte application on iPhone

  9. Press and hold the hyphic file, then select "Save Image".
  10. Saving Gifs from VKontakte through the Safari browser on the iPhone

See also: How to lay out GIF in Instagram

Gifts Conservation Folder on iPhone

In different versions of iOS, animated images are downloaded to different folders.

  • iOS 11 and above - in a separate alima "Animated", where they are reproduced and can be viewed.
  • Album Animated for Gifs on the iPhone with IOS 11 and Above Version

  • iOS 10 and below - in a common album with photos - "Photopile", where the user cannot view the animation.

    Album with saved gifs on the iPhone with version 10 and below

    In order to do this, you need to send the gif using the iMessage messages or the messenger. Or you can download special programs from the App Store to view the animated pictures. For example, GIF Viewer.

  • Sending a message with an animated picture on iPhone with iOS 10

You can save gifs on the iPhone from both the browser and through various applications. Social networks / VKontakte vessels, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, etc. are also supported. In all cases, the sequence of actions is preserved and should not cause difficulties.

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