How to dial views in tits


How to dial views in tits

Tip 1: Trend Study

Trackers exist in Tyktok: certain topics are sharply becoming popular, they are foresyat and spread well-known personalities. This is not always Challenge or music videos, sometimes "virusing" shooting type "Look at my photo and guess who I work." Therefore, everyone who wants to grasp thousands or millions of views stably, it is important to carefully track the trends and know what is now relevant. Trends in Tiktok as very quickly appear, so very quickly and become irrelevant, because of which it does not always turn out to be spoken in time to get into recommendations. If you want big views to the shortest possible time, remove the trends - the most effective option, but should not ignore the following advice, because only in the aggregate they will bring the necessary result.

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Important note on trends: Sometimes they are created by specific users and they develop, including through collaboration and records of duets. If you already have a specific audience, you can try to contact one of the media individuals and discuss joint cooperation. It is always done on mutually beneficial conditions, so if you cannot provide the influx of new subscribers or a set of views for a well-known person, try to agree on advertising, which is the creation of a joint clip.

Tip 2: Content Uniqueness

An important role in promoting video is played by the built-in algorithms that are changing from time to time, and no one can say exactly how they work. However, there is always one rule - the content must be unique. Try to shoot a video where your face can be seen or captured by the author's process, whether it is needlework, work at a computer or any observation of what is happening around. Do not download ready-made rollers from other users, and if you do it, feed the clips as cutting, memes or other compilation. Always change the name of the downloaded file in advance if you want to overdo the roller, change its format and other parameters using any video editor.

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If you have previously shot rollers for other video messages, it is not difficult to optimize them for a TICK, as long rollers are divided into several parts without any problems and are loaded into the profile in turn. So the number of views is averaged, because users have a desire to go and see the second part of the video, and then subscribe. However, sometimes it works in a negative key, since users, seeing the fact that the video lasts too long and is still divided into several parts, they simply turn it out because they want to get a portion of information faster. Here it is already to solve you, in which format to represent your clips to the audience.

Difficulties with uniqueness will not arise from business owners who have decided to promote their brand through Tiktok. In this case, it is enough just to shoot a video about the products, sometimes to express your own opinion on related topics and advertise the brand by any ways known to you by typing views automatically thanks to the internal algorithms of the social network. When working with a business account, do not forget to leave references to your website or pages in other social networks so that the views are not just were, but brought the result, that is, new customers.

Tip 3: Video Output Regularity

Another advice associated with the internal algorithms of Titock to promote video of new authors. If you posted one video and forgot about it for a month in the hope that views, subscriptions and popularity will come by themselves, most likely, this clip will not see anyone at all, as the system will consider your account not enough to promote it in the recommendation. It will take to remove the minimum of 1 video per day, although this is now not enough, because the users need a compressed information, but in large volumes. In addition, the chance to get into recommendations is significantly higher if the clips are laid out more. They all fall into the ribbon to different people, an assessment of interest and further promotion takes place.

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The ideal solution is to make a plan for the creation of content and clearly follow him. Decide for yourself how long the clips on the day are you willing to take pictures and with which time it is published. Try not to deviate from the specified goal and day after day to follow it, watching how much the views are recruited under each new video. Sooner or later, at least one clip will not just fall into the recommendation, but will stay there for a long time, bringing not only one-time activity, but also permanent subscribers.

Tip 4: Use Hestegov

Hashtegi - Special markers added to the video manually during its download. With their help, the specific topic of the roller or an important designation is defined, for example: "Challenge", "Humor", "Dancing" and so on. Any TIKTO user may include sorting on hashtags, that is, go to the "Interest" section and search for the topic it is necessary. This is not the only advantage of such a function, since, as it turned out, the addition of hashtegov positively affects the advancement of the roller and increases the chances of entering the recommendation.

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You may notice that certain users, regardless of their videos, add Hestegi "Recommendations", "in rivers", "rivers" and all related to the recommendations of the word. Perhaps, previously algorithms and worked on this principle that clips with these marks had more chances to get into recommendations for different users, but there are still no accurate information, whether this technique works. We do not recommend using it, but we advise you to get acquainted with the popular tags and shoot a video according to their themes or add a hash-tag characteristic to the clip name to the clip name.

Tip 5: Using Effects

A large number of different effects used in the creation of content are present in Tyktok. Some of them change the image radically, while others only add certain parts. In any case, for each of them, you can search and understand which video using the selected filter was removed. However, changing the picture and viewing activity is not the only thing for what needs similar effects. With their help, you can dial a lot of views, displaying clips in the recommendation, because at a certain period of time in the trend there are different filters, actively using well-known bloggers. As it is already clear, it is necessary to understand himself, which is now popular and how to create content based on available effects.

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Their use does not guarantee one hundred percent video promotion, but increases the chance to score more views than usual. Do not forget that all the tips are working better if they are somewhat applied immediately. Create a creative idea, so far users show activity under the video so that they affect its promotion. As with hashtags, the effects should not be used in random order, creating meaningless clips. Firstly, Titstok automatically defines most of the incomprehensible video, and secondly, they will quickly scroll through users, reducing the average viewer of the clip and negatively affecting its distribution. Remove the thematic rollers and apply the effects where it is appropriate. It is important to monitor the quality of the content of the content, since the algorithms are relate to it more loyally.

Tip 6: Selection of Music

During the recording of clips for Tiktok, the participant can add to the video of his own sounds, using a third-party editor for this, or apply the built-in tool for selecting sounds from the list available. The second option is great in those situations when you need to find some popular sound, ensuring video input to the list taken under it. It works on the same principle as effects or hashtags: users can switch to the sound page and view clips, removed only under it.

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As for the set of views by adding music, here all the same TICK algorithms come into running, which promote rollers using all sorts of decorations, including sound support. Sometimes the sounds become trendy, and many clips taken abruptly appear sharply. Then you can not even get into the recommendation, but to light up on the page of the track itself and thereby earn a considerable number of views. However, if there is such an opportunity, always add music through the editor built into the Tiktok to increase the possibility of positive acceptance and promotion of algorithms.

Tip 7: Shooting Challenge

Challenge - Miscellaneous Topics Rollers, the authors of which perform certain tasks or remove the content on the specified topic. The essence of Challenge is that they appear spontaneously, popular for some time, and then gradually or very quickly fade away. The creators of the clips, especially Live Topic, must constantly follow them if they want to be in trend. The shooting of the actual challenge often brings a huge number of views, as the viewers independently find a roller on a hashtyga or title, using the "interesting" section. Accordingly, the more likes and other activity, the stronger the video is moving in the recommendations and dials views.

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Challengee exists a variety of one, one is performed simply, for example, when you need to dance a specific dance for sound, while others require applications and installation skills (as an example - interesting transitions using different locations and grima). You can independently find currently relevant Chellandji or trends to choose suitable and remove one or even a few videos. Consider that the subjects of the tasks should not be too different from the other video laid out on the channel, since the Tiktok algorithms prefer to promote authors who take clips for specific topics, and not by community.

Tip 8: Advertising Acquisition

Purchase of advertising is one of the most effective methods of promoting Titstok, because it guarantees almost one hundred percent receipt of a new audience with a budget allocated by the user, while promotion through recommendations is not always an effective approach depends on a number of randomness and may take too much time . You can easily find other users who have access to advertising duets or shooting clips specifically for advertising a specific user. In this regard, it all depends only on how much money you are willing to spend and what kind of content is removing.

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Another option is to use the advertising platform built into the application. In such a situation, you acquire promotion directly from developers, and your video is pop up as notifications on users of users or appear when the application is first started. There are many disputes regarding the effectiveness of each option, so the exacting council will not be possible, since it all depends on the quality and uniqueness of the content. However, when buying a promotion of a specific video, the views will definitely type, but whether they will be effective - another question.

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