How to remove sound on video on iPhone


How to remove the sound from the video on the iPhone

With the help of various iPhone applications, it allows you to perform useful tasks, such as editing the rollers. In particular, this article we will talk about how you can remove the sound from the video.

Clean the sound with video on the iPhone

The iPhone has a built-in roller editing tool, but it does not allow you to remove the sound, which means you will need to contact third-party applications anyway.

Method 1: Vivavideo

A functional video editor with which you can quickly remove the sound from the video. Please note that in the free version you can export a roller with a duration of no more than 5 minutes.

Download vivavideo

  1. Download Vivavideo free from the App Store.
  2. Run the editor. In the upper left corner, select the Edit button.
  3. Editing video in Vivavideo application on iPhone

  4. On the Video tab, select the video from the library, with which further work will be carried out. Tap the "Next" button.
  5. Video selection in Vivavideo application on iPhone

  6. The editor window appears on the screen. At the bottom, on the toolbar, select the "No Sound" button. To continue, select "Send" in the upper right corner.
  7. Turning off the sound in the Vivavideo application on the iPhone

  8. You can only save the result in the phone's memory. To do this, tap the "Export to Gallery" button. In the event that you plan to share a roller on social networks, at the bottom of the window, select the application icon, after which it will be launched at the stage of publishing the roller.
  9. Export video to the gallery in the Vivavideo application on the iPhone

  10. When you save the video in the memory of the smartphone, you have the ability to save it or in MP4 format (quality is limited to the resolution of 720p), or exported in the form of gif animation.
  11. Select the quality of the roller in the Vivavideo application on the iPhone

  12. The export process will begin, during which it is not recommended to close the application and disable the iPhone screen, since saving can be interrupted. At the end of the video will be available for viewing in the iPhone Mediator.

The process of exporting video to the gallery in the Vivavideo application on the iPhone

Method 2: videoshow

Another functional video detector, with which you can remove the sound from the video literally in one minute.

Download videoshow.

  1. Download the Videoshow application for free from the App Store and run.
  2. Tap the "Video Editing" button.
  3. Editing VIDEOSHOW video on iPhone

  4. A gallery will be opened in which you will need to mention the video. In the lower right corner, select the Add button.
  5. Choosing a video in the VideoShow application on the iPhone

  6. The editor window will appear on the screen. In the left upper area, tap on the sound icon - a slider will appear, which will be needed to drag into the left part by setting to the minimum.
  7. Turning off the sound in the Videoshow application on the iPhone

  8. After making changes, you can proceed to the conservation of the roller. Select the export icon, and then mark the desired quality (480P and 720p are available in the free version).
  9. Saving video in the VideoShow application on the iPhone

  10. The application will switch to the conservation of the roller. In the process, do not exit from videoshow and do not turn off the screen, otherwise exports can be interrupted. At the end of the video will be available for viewing in the gallery.

Video export process in the video Videoshow application on the iPhone

Similarly, you can remove the sound from the roller and in other video editor applications for the iPhone.

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