How to find out the iPhone model


How to find out the iPhone model

Often people give as a gift or clothe the phone from Apple, as a result of which they want to know what model they got. After all, it depends on which applications you can run, quality and capabilities and camera, screen resolution, etc.

Model iPhone.

Find out which iPhone is lying in front of you, it is not difficult, even if you bought it not yourself. The most simple methods are the inspection of the box, as well as the inscriptions on the lid of the smartphone. But you can use the iTunes program.

Method 1: Box and device data

This option involves finding the necessary data without using a special software intended for managing a smartphone.

Inspection of packaging

The easiest way to know the information is to find a box in which a smartphone was sold. Just turn it over and you can see the model, color and size of the device, as well as IMEI.

Information about the model of the original phone iPhone on the back of the box

Note - if the phone is not original, the box may not have such data. Therefore, make sure that your device is authenticated by using the instructions from our article.

The iPhone model will not be difficult to find out both using iTunes on the computer and using the smartphone data. Unfortunately, on the case itself, such information is not prescribed.

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