What system to choose: Windows or Linux


What is better than Windows or Linux

Now most modern computers are running Windows operating system from Microsoft. However, distributions written on the Linux kernel are developing much faster, they are independent, more protected from intruders and stable. Because of this, some users cannot decide which OS to put on his PC and use it on an ongoing basis. Next, we will take the most basic items of these two software complexes and compare them. After reading the material presented, it will be much easier for you to make the right choice specifically under your goals.

Compare Windows and Linux operating systems

As a few years ago, at the moment, it is still possible to say that Windows is the most popular OS in the world, with a large margin I am given to Mac OS, and only in the third place there are various builds of Linux with a minor amount of interest, if we proceed from existing statistician. However, such information will never interfere with Compare Windows and Linux among themselves and reveal what advantages and disadvantages they have.


First of all, the user pays attention to the pricing policy of the developer of the operating system before loading the image. This is the first difference between the two representatives under consideration.


It's no secret that all versions of Windows are distributed for DVDs, flash drives and licensed versions. On the official website of the company, you can buy a home assembly at the moment Windows 10 for $ 139, which is considerable money for some users. Because of this, the share of piracy is growing when craftsmen make their own hacked assemblies and pour them into the network. Of course, by installing such an OS, you will not pay a penny, but no one gives you guarantees about the stability of her work. When buying a system unit or laptop, you see the model with a pre-installed "dozen", in their cost also includes the OS distribution. Previous versions, such as "seven", cease to be supported by Microsoft, so in the official store not to find this product, the only purchase option remains the acquisition of a disc in various stores.

The cost of the Windows operating system

Go to the official store Microsoft


Linux kernel, in turn, is publicly available. That is, any user can take and write its version of the operating system on the open source code provided. It is because of this that most distributions are free, or the user itself chooses the price he is ready to pay for downloading the image. Often in laptops and system blocks put Freedos or Linux assembly, as it will not overestimate the cost of the device itself. Linux versions are created by independent developers, they are supported stable with frequent release of updates.

The cost of the operating system Linux

System requirements

Not every user can afford to acquire expensive computer equipment, and not everyone needs it. When PC system resources are limited, it is necessary to look at the minimum requirements for installing the OS to make sure its normal operation on the device.


You can familiarize yourself with the minimum requirements of Windows 10 in another article on the following link. It is necessary to consider what the resources consumed there are specified there without the calculation of the launch of the browser or other programs, because we advise you to add to the RAM at least 2 GB to the minimum of the dual-core processors of one of the last generations.

Read more: System requirements for installing Windows 10

If you are interested in more old windows 7, detailed descriptions of the computer characteristics can be found on the official page of Microsoft and you can check them with your iron.

Read the system requirements of Windows 7


As for the Linux distributions, it is primarily necessary to look at the assembly itself. Each of them includes various pre-installed programs, a desktop shell and much more. Therefore, there are assemblies specifically for weak PCs or servers. The system requirements of popular distributions can be found in our material further.

Read more: System requirements of various Linux distributions

Installation on a computer

The installation of these two compaable operating systems can be called almost the same simple except for certain Linux distributions. However, there are also their differences here.


To begin with, we will analyze some features of Windows, and then compare them with the second operating system under consideration today.

Installing Windows 10 - Installation Confirmation

  • You will not be able to set two copies of Windows nearly without additional manipulations with the first operating system and connected media;
  • Equipment manufacturers begin to abandon their iron compatibility with old versions of Windows, so you either get cropped functionality, or do not be able to install Windows on a computer or laptop at all;
  • Windows has a closed source code, precisely because of this, this type of installation is possible only through the branded installer.

See also: How to install Windows


The developers of distributions on the Linux kernel are a slightly different policy on this matter, so they provide their users more powers than Microsoft.

OC UBUNTU Installation Procedure

  • Linux is perfectly installed next to Windows or other Windows distribution, allowing you to select the desired bootloader during the start of the PC;
  • Iron compatibility problems are never observed, the assembly is compatible even with enough old components (if the reverse does not specify the OS developer itself or the manufacturer does not provide versions under Linux);
  • There is a possibility to collect the operating system from various pieces of code, without resorting to the download of additional software.

See also:

Step-by-step Linux installation guide from flash drive

Linux Mint Installation Guide

If you take into account the speed of installing the operating systems under consideration, then Windows has it depends on the drive used and installed components. On average, this procedure takes about an hour of time (when installing Windows 10), in earlier versions, this indicator is less. Linux all depends on the selected distribution and user purposes. Additional software can be installed in the background, and the OS itself leaves from 6 to 30 minutes of time.

Installation of drivers

Installing drivers is necessary for the correct operation of the entire connected equipment with the operating system. Refers this rule to both OS.


After the installation is completed or during this, drivers for all components present in the computer are also installed. Windows 10 loads itself some files in the presence of active Internet access, the rest of the same user will have to use drivers drive or the manufacturer's official website to download them and deliver. Fortunately, most are implemented in the form of EXE files, and they are installed automatically. Early versions of Windows did not load drivers from the network immediately after the first system launch, so when reinstalling the system, the user needed to have at least a network driver to enter the Internet and download the rest of the software.

Install Driver For Windows

See also:

Installing Drivers Standard Windows

The best programs for installing drivers


Most drivers in Linux are added even at the installation stage of the OS, as well as available for download from the Internet. However, sometimes component developers do not provide drivers for Linux distributions, because of which the device can remain partially or fully inoperable, since most of the drivers for windows are not suitable. Therefore, before installing Linux, it is advisable to make sure whether there are separate software versions for the equipment used (sound card, printer, scanner, game devices).

Supplied software

Versions Linux and Windows include a set of additional software that allows you to perform standard tasks for the computer. From dialing and quality depends, how many more applications will have to download the user to ensure comfortable work for PC.


As is known, together with the operating system, Windows, a number of auxiliary software, for example, a standard video player, edge browser, calendar, "weather", and so on are loaded to the computer. However, this application package is often not enough for the application package, moreover, not all programs have the desired set of functions. Because of this, each user loads additional free or paid software from independent developers.

Default applications in Windows


In Linux, everything still depends on the selected distribution. Most builds have all the necessary applications to work with text, graphics, sound and video. In addition, there are auxiliary utilities, visual shells and much more. By choosing the Linux assembly, you need to pay attention to what it is adapted to perform what tasks it is adapted - then you will receive all the necessary functionality immediately after the installation is completed. Files stored in Microsoft branded applications, for example, Office Word are not always compatible with the same OpenOffice running on Linux, so this should also be considered when choosing.

Default programs in Linux Mint

Available to install the program

Since we started talking about the default programs, I would like to tell you about the possibilities of installing third-party applications, because this distinction becomes a decisive factor for Windows users in order not to go to Linux.


The Windows operating system was written almost completely in the C ++ language, which is why this programming language is still very popular. It develops a variety of different software, utilities and other applications for this OS. In addition, almost all the creators of computer games make them compatible with Windows or at all release only on this platform. On the Internet, you will find an unlimited number of programs for solving any tasks and almost all of them are suitable for your version. Microsoft manufactures its programs for users, take the same Skype or Office complex.

Read also: Install and delete programs in Windows 10


Linux has its own set of programs, utilities and applications, as well as a solution called Wine, which allows you to run software written specifically under Windows. In addition, now more and more game developers add compatibility with this platform. I want to pay special attention to the Steam platform, where you can find and download the right games. It is also worth noting that the predominant majority of software for Linux is distributed free of charge, and the share of commercial projects is significantly less. The installation method varies. In this OS, some applications are installed through the installer, starting the source code or using the terminal.


Each company seeks to ensure that their operating system would be as safe as possible, since hacks and various penetrations often entail large losses, and also cause a number of indignations from users. Many people know that Linux is much more reliable in this regard, but let's deal with the question in more detail.


Microsoft with each new update increases the security level of its platform, however, it still remains one of the most unprotected. The main problem is popularity, because the more the number of users, the more attackers attracts. And the users themselves often come across a hook due to illiteracy in this theme and negligence when performing certain actions.

Independent developers offer their decisions in the form of anti-virus programs with frequently updating bases, which raises the level of security by several tens of percent. The latest versions of the OS also have a built-in "defender", which increases the protection of the PC and delivering many people from the need to install third-party software.

Security in the Windows operating system

See also:

Antiviruses for Windows

Installation of free antivirus on PC


At first, you might think that Linux is safer only because it does not use almost no one, but this is not so. It would seem that the open source code should be badly influenced by the protection of the system, but this only allows advanced programmers to view it and make sure that it is not present in the third parties. In the security of the platform, not only the creators of distributions are interested, but also programmers who are put by Linux for corporate networks and servers. In addition, in this OS, administrative access is much protected and limited, which does not allow intruders so simply to penetrate the system. There are even special assemblies, resistant to the most sophisticated attacks, because many experts consider Linux the safest OS.

READ ALSO: Popular Antiviruses for Linux

Stability of work

Almost everyone knows the expression "Blue Death Screen" or "BSOD", since many Windows owners faced with such a phenomenon. It means a critical system failure, which leads to a reboot, the need to correct the error or at all reinstalling the OS. But stability lies not only in this.

The appearance of the BSOD in the Windows operating system


In the latest version of Windows 10, the blue screens of death began to appear much less often, but this does not mean that the stability of the platform has become perfect. Small and not very mistakes are still found. To take at least the release of the update 1809, the initial version of which entailed the appearance of multiple troubleshooting for users - the inability to use system tools, accidentally deleting personal files and more. Such situations can only mean that Microsoft is not fully convinced of the correctness of the work of innovations before their release.

See also: solve the problem of blue screens in Windows


The creators of Linux distributions are trying to ensure the maximum stable operation of their assembly, lightningly correcting emerging errors and establishing thoroughly proven updates. Users rarely face various failures, departures and the appearance of difficulties that should be corrected personally. In this regard, Linuxs are several steps ahead of Windows, partly thanks to independent developers.

Customization interface

Each user wants to configure the appearance of the operating system specifically under itself, giving it uniqueness and convenience. It is because of this that the ability to customize the interface is a rather important aspect of the structure of the operating system.


The correct functioning of most programs provides a graphic shell. Windows it alone changes only by replacing system files, which is a violation of the license agreement. Mostly users upload third-party programs and customize the interface with them by reworking previously inaccessible parts of the window manager. However, it is possible to load a third-party desktop environment, but it will increase the load on RAM several times.

Windows 10 desktop

See also:

Installing Live Wallpapers on Windows 10

How to put animation on your desktop


The creators of distributions of Linux allow users to download from the official site an assembly with an environment to choose from. There are many desktop environments, each of which changes without any problems by the user. Moreover, you can choose the appropriate option based on the assembly of your computer. Unlike Windows, here the graphics shell does not play a big role, because the OS passes into the text mode and thus fully functioning.

Exterior view of the Linux operating system

Scope of application

Of course, the operating system is installed not only on ordinary working computers. It is needed for the normal functioning of multiple devices and platforms, such as mainframe or server. Each OS will be the most optimal for use in one or another sphere.


As we said earlier, Windows is considered the most popular OS, so it is installed on many regular computers. However, it is used and to maintain the operation of the servers, which is not always securely, what you already know by reading the Security section. There are specialized Windows assemblies intended for use on supercomputers and setup devices.


Linux is considered an optimal option for server and home use. Due to the presence of multiple distributions, the user itself selects the appropriate assembly for its purposes. For example, Linux Mint is the best distribution kit for familiarization with the OS family, and CENTOS is a great solution for server installations.

Server on Ubuntu OS

However, you can get acquainted with popular assemblies in different areas you can in another article on the following link.

Read more: Popular Linux distributions

Now you know about the differences of two operating systems - Windows and Linux. When choosing, we advise you to familiarize yourself with all the factors reviewed and, based on them, consider the optimal platform to fulfill their tasks.

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