Pros and disadvantages of the Linux operating system


Pros and disadvantages of the Linux operating system

Operating systems on the Linux kernel do not use particularly popular among ordinary users. More often, they choose people who want to explore programming / administration or already possess sufficient knowledge in the field of computer management, to work through a convenient terminal, maintain the operation of the server and much more. Today, our material will be just devoted to those users who want to choose Linux instead of Windows or other OS for everyday work, namely we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned system.

Pros and disadvantages of distributions on the Linux kernel

Next, we will not take the example specific distributions, since there are their large quantities and all of them are sharpened to perform certain tasks and for installation on different PCs. We just want to highlight common factors affecting the choice of OS. In addition, we have the material in which we are talking about the best systems for weak iron. We recommend to familiarize yourself with it further.

Read more: Select Linux distribution for a weak computer


At first I would like to talk about the positive sides. We will discuss only general factors, and the topic of comparisons Windows and Linux is devoted to a separate article that you find at the following link.

See also: What kind of operating system to choose: Windows or Linux

Security use

Linux distributions can be customary as safest, since not only developers are interested in ensuring their reliability, but also simple users. Of course, the unpopularity of the OS makes it less attractive for intruders, unlike the same Windows, but this does not mean that the system is never exposed to attacks. Your personal data can still be stolen, but for this you yourself must allow an error, getting on the hook to the fraudster. For example, you get a file from an unknown source and without any doubt run it. The built-in virus begins to work in the background, so you will not even know about it. Most of these fraud is carried out through the so-called BackDoor, which is literally translated as "back door". The ill-wisher is looking for the safety holes of the operating system, develops a special program that will use them to receive remote access above the computer or any other purposes.

However, it should be borne in mind that finding a vulnerability in an independent Linux distribution is much more complicated than in the same Windows 10, since the developer team often monitors its source code of its OS, it is also tested by advanced users interested in their own security. If you find holes, they are fixed almost instantly, and the usual user needs only to set the latest update as quickly as possible.

Updates operating system Linux

It is impossible not to mark special administrative access to Linux. By installing Windows, you immediately receive administrator rights, which are not strong and protected from changes inside the system. Linux access is rutted. When installing, you create an account, specifying the password. After that, most important changes are made only if you prescribed this password through the console and successfully gained access.

Installing a password when installing Linux

Despite the fact that the usual yowser can be forgotten by the infection of the blocker or pop-up advertising blocks during the use of Linux, some companies are still engaged in developing antiviruses. If you set them, provide almost complete system security. Details with popular protective programs Meet another material on the following link.

Antivirus for Linux operating system

READ ALSO: Popular Antiviruses for Linux

Based on the material described above, Linux can be considered a sufficiently safe system for both home use and corporate reasons. However, before the reference security, the current popular distributions are still far away.

Variety of distributions

Be sure to mention the variety of assemblies created on the Linux kernel. All of them are developed by independent companies or a group of users. Usually, each distribution is sharpening under the execution of certain purposes, for example, Ubuntu is the best solution for home use, a centos - server operating system, and Puppy Linux is the perfect option for weak iron. However, you can get acquainted with the list of popular assemblies in another article by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Popular Linux distributions

In addition, each distribution has various system requirements, since it works on a specific graphic shell and contains different functionality. Such a variety in the choice will allow any user to find the ideal version of themselves, pushing out from the existing iron and the main objectives of the installation of the OS.

Read more: System requirements of various Linux distributions

Price policy

From the very beginning of the development of the Linux kernel was publicly available. An open source code allowed the craftsmen to upgrade and change their personal distributions in every possible way. Therefore, as a result, the situation has developed in such a way that the overwhelming majority of assemblies are free. The developers on the official website provide details to which you can send a certain amount of money for further support of the OS or as a sign of gratitude.

Provision policy of the Linux operating system

In addition to all the programs being developed under Linux often also have an open source code, thanks to which they are distributed free of charge. Part of them you get during the installation of the distribution (the variety of software depends on what was added by the developer), the other necessary software is in free access and you can download it without any problems.

Stability of work

For each user, an important factor when choosing an operating system is the stability of its work. We will not allocate some separate distributions, but only we will talk in general terms, how to ensure the correct functioning of the OS developers on the Linux kernel. Having established the current version of the same Ubuntu, you immediately "from the box" get a stable platform. All manufactured versions are tested long enough not only by the creators, but also by the community. Found errors and failures are corrected almost immediately, and updates become available for conventional users only when they satisfy all the parameters of stability.

Often patches and innovations are installed automatically with an active connection to the Internet, you may not even know about the fact that the problems found were promptly fixed. This is the policy of developers of almost all relevant open assemblies, so the OS is one of the most stable.

Customization interface

The convenience of control is one of the most important aspects of a good operating system. Provides its graphic shell. Thanks to it, the desktop is created, there is interaction with folders, files and individual applications. Linux distributions support a huge number of different desktops environments. Such decisions not only make the interface more beautiful, but also allow the user to independently adjust the position of the labels, their size and icons. The list of famous shells is located - GNOME, MATE, KDE and LXDE.

Variety of graphic shells of Linux OS

It is worth noting that each interface is equipped with its set of visual effects and other additions, so directly affects the number of system resources consumed. There is not enough RAM - install LXDE or LXQT, which will significantly increase productivity. You want something similar to the Windows operating system and intuitively understandable - look at Cinnamon or Mate. The choice is quite large, each user will find a suitable option.


Above, we discussed the five positive qualities of the Linux operating systems family, but there are also negative parties that repel users from this platform. Let's discuss the basic and most significant shortcomings in detail so that you can familiarize yourself with them and make the final decision on the OS under consideration.

The need for adaptation

The first with which you will come across when moving to Linux - the difference with the usual Windows not only in the design, but also in management. Of course, we have previously told about the shells that are a bit similar to Windows Desktop, but in general they do not change the procedure of interaction with the OS itself. Because of this, novice users will be especially difficult to deal with the installation of specific applications, equipment setting and solving other issues. We'll have to learn, seek help on forums or to special items. From this floats the following flaw.

See also:

SAMBA Setup Guide in Ubuntu

We are looking for files in Linux

Linux Mint Installation Guide

Frequently used commands in "Terminal" Linux


Linux users circle are both limited, especially in the Russian-speaking segment, so much depends on the selected assembly. Auxiliary articles on the expanses of the Internet are not enough, not all of them are written by a clear language, which will cause difficulties from newbies. Technical support for some developers is simply missing or running unstable. As for the visits to the forums, the novice user is often faced with ridicule, sarcasm and other similar messages from the resource inhabitants, while the intentional response is expected to be a clear answer.

This includes design documentation for software and native utilities. Usually they are also written by enthusiasts or minor companies, which neglect the rules for documenting their products. Take for an example written for Windows and Mac OS Adobe Photoshop - known to many graphic editor. On the official website you will find a detailed description of everything that is in this program. The bulk of the text is focused on the users of any level.

Adobe Photoshop Editor User Guide

Programs on Linux are often not at all have such instructions or they are written with emphasis on experienced users.

Software and Games

The last years of Linux programs and games are becoming more, but the number of available applications is still much lower than that of more popular operating systems. You will not be able to install the same Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop. Often it will not even be possible to open documents stored in this software on available counterparts. You are only invited to use the like emulator - Wine. Through it, you find and install everything you need from Windows, but at the same time be prepared for the fact that the whole mixture sometimes requires a huge number of system resources.

Of course, you can install Steam and download several popular games, but the majority of current new items will not be able to play, because not all companies want to adapt their products under Linux.

Steam games for Linux operating system

Compatible with equipment

Linux distributions are known to the fact that many drivers for the equipment installed in the computer are downloaded at the OS installation stage or after the first connection to the Internet, but there is one disadvantage associated with the support of devices. Sometimes manufacturers of components do not produce special versions of the drivers for the platform under consideration, so you will not get to download them from the Internet, the equipment will remain partially or fully inoperable. Such situations are rare, but still owners of a special peripherals, for example, printers before the transition should be made sure that they can interact with their device.

We allocated the main disadvantages and advantages of Linux to which the user is recommended to pay attention to the installation of this operating system. It should be noted that everyone has their opinions about work, so we tried to give the most objective assessment of the platform, leaving the final decision for you.

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