How to unsubscribe from man in classmates


How to unsubscribe from man in classmates

The world around us is in constant movement, change and we. The fact that yesterday was interested and worried, today can be a sad smile. And if in everyday life to part with the past is not so easy, then you can do this in your favorite social networks in several clicks of the computer mouse.

We delete a subscription to a person in classmates

Suppose you have been subscribed to updating the account of another user classmates and have lost interest. Or sent a request to add friend to friends, but did not receive a positive answer, but remained in the subscribers. Can I cancel a subscription to a person if necessary? Of course, yes, and on the OK website, and in mobile applications for devices on the Android and iOS platform.

Method 1: Section "My Subscriptions"

First, try to cancel the display of alerts about the news of another person on the page with your subscriptions and this very clean the tape from you already unnecessary information. In the full version of the social network site, we have a complete toolkit for a successful solution of the task.

  1. In any Internet browser we go to the resource site, authorized by entering the login and password of access to the appropriate fields, we fall on your personal page. On the top of the user, click the "Friends" button to go to the desired section.
  2. Go to friends on the site classmates

  3. Among the filters for the classification of friends, we find and click the LKM on the "More" icon, in the supplementary menu, open the subscription unit. At the same time we see the number of users, on the updates we are signed.
  4. Transition to subscriptions on the site classmates

  5. We bring the mouse pointer to the photo of the person, from which we unsubscribe, and in the menu that appears, select "unsubscribe."
  6. Unsubscribe from user on classmates

  7. Now in a small window, I confirm your actions and forever forget about the object of your past curiosity. Subscription removed. News of this user will no longer be displayed in our tape.
  8. Confirmation of support on the site classmates

    Method 2: User Profile

    There is an alternative and faster option. You can stop subscribing to the user by entering its page through the search and literally a couple of simple manipulations. But this method is not suitable if you are in the "black list" at the user, since then you cannot get into the necessary profile.

    1. In the "Search" row, which is located in the upper right corner of your personal page, type the name and surname of the user selected for the cancellation of the subscription. After you make click LKM on the avatar of the necessary user in the search results and go to his profile.
    2. Jouser search on classmates

    3. Under the main photo of a person, press the button with three dots, located in a row horizontally, and in the dropping menu we solve "unsubscribe". The cancellation process is completed. You will no longer see the publication of this person in your tape.

    Unsubscribe on the user page on the site classmates

    Method 3: Mobile application

    In applications for mobile devices based on Android and IOS, there is also an opportunity to unsubscribe from the news of another member of the social network. And here difficulties will not cause even a novice user.

    1. We start the application, enter your profile, at the top of the screen in the search field, start typing the name and surname of the user, from which you need to unsubscribe.
    2. Jouser search in classmates

    3. In those who opened below, find the search results we find the avatar of a wanted person, tadam on it and go to the page of this user.
    4. Search Results in classmates

    5. Under the photography of a person, click on the "Set up subscription" button.
    6. Set up a subscription in classmates

    7. In the menu that appears in the Add to Rent section, move the left slider by turning this feature for this user. Ready!
    8. Remove from ribbon in classmates

      So, as we set together, cancel a subscription to another person in classmates can be several steps in various ways. Indeed, why choke your news feed on the news from the people that have not been interested in you for a long time?

      READ ALSO: a person subscription in classmates

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