How to install Windows 10 updates


install windows updates 10

Microsoft will soon release after windose 10 announced that a new version of the OS is unlikely to appear, and instead the development will focus on improving and updating the current version. Therefore, it is important to promptly update the "top ten", what we are today and we will help you.

Ways and options Windows Update 10

Strictly speaking, there are only two methods for installing considered OS updates - automatic and manual. The first option can occur even without user intervention, and in the second he chooses which updates to install and when. The first is preferable due to the convenience, while the second allows you to avoid trouble when installing the update results in various problems.

Also, consider upgrading to the particular versions or editions of Windows 10, because many users do not see any reason to change the usual version to a newer, despite the improvement of safety and / or increase the usability of the system.

Option 1: Windows Update in automatic mode

Automatic updating is the easiest way to get updates from the user does not require any additional actions, everything happens independently.

However, many users do not demand immediate reboot just to update, especially if the computer goes processing of sensitive data. Receive updates and scheduled reboots after them, you can easily set up, follow the instructions below.

  1. Open the "Options" key combination Win + I, and then select them in the item "Updating and security."
  2. Open update options to configure Windows 10

  3. "Windows Update" is displayed will open the section in which the default. Click on the link "Change period of activity."

    Changing the period of activity for the Configure Automatic Updates Windos 10

    In this snap, you can set the activity period - a time when the computer is on and in use. After you configure and activate this mode windose will not bother Restart requirement.

Setting the period of activity to configure Automatic Updates Windos 10

When done, close the "Options": now the OS will automatically refresh, but all the attendant inconveniences will fall at a time when the computer is not in use.

Option 2: Update 10 manually windose

Some demanding users still insufficient measures described above. option suitable for them will be the installation of certain updates manually. Of course, it is a little harder than the automatic installation, but no specific procedure does not require skill.


Lesson: Upgrading Windows 10 manual

Option 3: Windows 10 HOME Editor Update to Pro

With the "dozen", Microsoft Corporation continues to adhere to the strategy for the release of different OS editors under different needs. However, some of the versions may not arrange users: a set of tools and features in each of them differ. For example, an experienced users of the functionality of the HOME version may not be enough - in this case there is a way to upgrade to the most complete revision of Pro.


Read more: Update Windows 10 Home to Pro

Option 4: Updating outdated versions

The newest current is the assembly of 1809, released in October 2018. She brought with him many changes, including on the level of the interface that not to all users liked. For those of them who still use the very first stable release, we can recommend to upgrade to version 1607, it is also Anniversary Update, or up to 1803, dated April 2018: These assemblies brought with them the most significant changes, relatively With Release Winds 10.

Lesson: Windows 10 update to assembly 1607 or assembly 1803

Option 5: Windows 8 to 10 Update

According to many lovers and some specialists, Windows 10 is an informed to mind, as it was with Vista and "seven." Anyway, the tenth version of the "windows" is truly more practical than the eighth, so it makes sense to update: the interface is the same, and opportunities and convenience are much more.


Lesson: update windows 8 to Windows 10

Elimination of some problems

Unfortunately, in the process of installing updates of the system may occur. Let's consider the most frequent of them, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Installing updates is infinite

One of the most frequent problems is to hang up the updates when booting a computer. This problem arises for a variety of reasons, but most of them are still software. The methods of eliminating this failure can be found in the article below.


Read more: Troubleshooting the problem with endless installation of Windows 10 updates

In the process of updating, an error occurs with code 0x8007042C

Another frequent problem is the appearance of errors in the process of installing updates. The basic information about the problem contains a failure code in which you can calculate the cause and find the method of eliminating it.


Lesson: Troubleshooting Windows 10 Update with Code 0x8007042C

Error "Failed to configure Windows Updates"

Another unpleasant failure that occurs at the system update setting is the error "Could not configure Windows Updates". The cause of the problem is "broken" or dissatisfied update files.


Read more: Eliminating the causes of failures when installing Windows Updates

The system does not start after the update

If the system after installing the update ceased to start, then most likely something is not in order with the configuration that existed before that. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in the second monitor, and maybe the virus settled in the system. To clarify the cause and possible solutions, read the following guidance.


Lesson: Fix windows 10 launch error after updating


Installing updates in Windows 10 is a fairly simple procedure, regardless of the editorial and specific assembly. It is also easy to update with older windows 8. Errors that occur during the installation of updates are most often easily eliminated by an inexperienced user.

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