The printer does not print documents Word: 8 solutions problem


The printer does not print documents Word

Some Microsoft Word users sometimes encounter a problem - the printer does not print documents. It's one thing if the printer does not print anything in principle, that is, it does not work in all programs. In this case, it is quite obvious that the problem lies in the equipment. It is quite another thing if the print function does not work only in the Word or, which is also sometimes found, only with some, and even with one document.

Troubleshooting Problems in Word

Whatever reasons for the origins of the problem when the printer does not print documents, in this article we will deal with each of them. Of course, we will tell us about how this problem is eliminated and still print the necessary documents.

Cause 1: User Inattention

For the most part, it applies to small-extreme PC users, because the likelihood that the newcomer faced with the problem is simply doing something wrong is always available. We recommend that you make sure that you are doing everything right, and our article about printing in the Microsoft editor will help you figure it out.

Printing document Word.

Lesson: Print documents in Word

Cause 2: Incorrectly connected equipment

It is possible that the printer is incorrectly connected or not connected to the computer at all. So at this stage should be doubled all cables, both at the output / input from the printer and the output / input of the PC or laptop. It will not be superfluous to check if the printer is enabled at all, perhaps someone turned off without your knowledge.

Check the printer connection

Yes, such recommendations may seem like most funny and banal, but believe me, in practice, many "problems" arise precisely because of the inattention or user's rush.

Reason 3: Problems in equipment performance

Opening the seal section in Word, you should make sure that you choose the printer correctly. Depending on the software installed on your work machine, in the Printer Selection window there may be several devices. True, everything except one (physical) will be virtual.

If this window does not have your printer or it is not selected, you should make sure of its readiness.

  1. Open "Control Panel" - Select it in the menu "Start" (Windows XP - 7) or click Win + X. And select this item in the list (Windows 8 - 10).
  2. Open control panel

  3. Go to section "Equipment and sound".
  4. Control Panel Equipment and Sound

  5. Choose a section "Devices and Printers".
  6. Equipment and Sound - Devices and Printers

  7. Find your physical printer in the list, click on it right mouse button and select item "Use default".
  8. Select printer

  9. Now go to Word and make a document that needs to be printed, ready to edit. To do this, do the following:
    • Open menu "File" and go to the section "Intelligence";
    • Remove the Word Document Protection

    • Click on the "Document Protection" button and select a parameter. "Allow editing".
  10. Allow editing document Word

    Note: If the document is already open to edit, this item can be skipped.

    Try printing a document. If you succeed - congratulations, if not, go to the next item.

Print document Word.

Cause 4: Problem with a specific document

Quite often, Word does not want more precisely, there can be no documents due to the fact that they were damaged or contain damaged data (graphics, fonts). It is possible that to solve the problem you do not have to make special efforts if you try to perform the following manipulations.

  1. Run Word and create a new document in it.
  2. Document Word.

  3. Enter the document in the first row "= RAND (10)" without quotes and press the key "ENTER".
  4. Enter text Word.

  5. In a text document, 10 paragraphs of random text will be created.

    Casual text in Word

    Lesson: How to make a paragraph in the Word

  6. Try printing this document.
  7. Printing a document in Word

  8. If this document is properly printed, for the accuracy of the experiment, and at the same time, the definition of the true cause of the problem, try changing the fonts, add some object to the page.

    Change formatting in Word

    Word lessons:

    Insert drawings

    Creating Tables

    Change font

  9. Re-try printing the document.
  10. Thanks to the above-described manipulations, you can find out whether the Word is capable of printing documents. Problems with printing can occur because of some fonts, so by changing them you can install, is it so.

If you manage to print a trial text document, it means that the problem was hidden directly in the file. Try copying the contents of the file that you could not print, and insert it into another document, and then send it to print. In many cases it can help.

If the document that you need is so needed is still not printed, the likelihood is that it is damaged. In addition, this probability is also available if a specific file or its contents are printed from another file or on another computer. The fact is that the so-called symptoms of damage to text files can only manifest themselves on some computers.

Restoring a document in Word

Lesson: How to restore the unsaved document

In the event that the recommendations described above did not help you solve the problem with printing, go to the next method.

Cause 5: MS Word failure

As mentioned at the very beginning of the article, some problems with the printing of documents may affect only Microsoft Word. Others can reflect on several (but not all) or indeed on all programs installed on the PC. In any case, trying to thoroughly understand why Word does not print documents, it is worth understanding whether the reason for this problem in the program itself lies.

Document - WordPad.

Try sending a document from any other program, for example, from the standard WordPad editor. If you can enhance the contents of the file in the program window, which you cannot print, try sending it to print.

Printing a document in Wordoad

Lesson: How to make a table in WordPad

If the document is printed, you will make sure that the problem is in the Word, therefore, go to the next item. If the document is not printed in another program, still go to the next steps.

Cause 6: Background Print

In the document to be printed on the printer, follow these manipulations:

  1. Go to the menu "File" And open the section "Parameters".
  2. Open parameters in Word

  3. In the program settings window, go to the section "Additionally".
  4. Additional Word Settings

  5. Find there section "Seal" and remove the checkbox from the point "Background Print" (Of course, if it is installed there).
  6. Disable background printing in Word

    Try printing the document if it does not help, moving on.

Reason 7: Incorrect Drivers

Perhaps the problem in which the printer does not print documents, lies not in the printer's connection and availability, as not in the settings of the Word. Perhaps all of the above methods did not help you solve the problem due to drivers on MFP. They may be incorrect, outdated, and even absent.

Driver for printer

Consequently, in this case, you need to reinstall the software required for the printer. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Install the drive from the disk that comes with the equipment;
  • Download drivers from the manufacturer's official website by selecting your own model of equipment, specifying the installed version of the operating system and its discharge.

White Drivers Site

Reinstalling the Software, restart the computer, open Word and try printing the document. More detailed solution of the procedure for installing drivers for printing equipment We have been reviewed in a separate article. With it and recommend to get acquainted in order to certainly avoid possible problems.

Read more: Search and install the printer drivers

Cause 8: No Access Rights (Windows 10)

In the latest version of Windows, the occurrence of problems with the printing of documents in Microsoft Word may be caused by insufficient user rights of the system or the lack of such in relation to one specific directory. You can get them as follows:

  1. Enter the operating system under the account with the administrator rights, if it was not done earlier.

    Read more: Receiving admin rights in Windows 10

  2. Go along the path C: \ Windows (if OS is installed on another disk, change its letter in this address) and find the Temp folder there.
  3. Temp folder on Windows 10 system disk

  4. Click on it right-click (PCM) and select the "Properties" item in the context menu.
  5. View the properties of the TEMP folder on the Windows 10 system disk

  6. In the dialog box that opens, go to the "Security" tab. Focusing on the username, find the account in the list of "groups or users", through which you work in Microsoft Word and plan to print documents. Highlight it and click on the "Edit" button.
  7. Changing access rights for user account in Windows 10

  8. Another dialog box will be opened, and it also needs to be found and highlight the account used in the program. In the "Permissions for Group" parameters, in the Allow Column, set the checkboxes in checkboxes opposite all the items presented there.
  9. Providing access rights to the TEMP folder for Windows 10 user

  10. To close the window, click "Apply" and "OK" (in some cases it will require additional confirmation of the changes by pressing "Yes" in the Windows Security pop-up window), restart the computer, be sure to log in in the same account for which we You have given missing permissions in the previous step.
  11. Confirmation of changes in access rights for Windows Windows 10

  12. Run Microsoft Word and try printing the document.
  13. Trying Microsoft Word document in Windows 10

    If the cause of the problem with the seal was precisely in the absence of necessary permissions, it will be eliminated.

Check files and parameters of the Word program

In the event that the stamp problems are not limited to one specific document when reinstalling the drivers did not help when problems arise in the Word only, it should be checked. In this case, you need to try to run the program with default parameters. You can reset the values ​​manually, but this is not the easiest process, especially for considerable users.

Download the default settings utility

The link above shows the utility for automatic recovery (reset Word parameters in the system registry). It was developed by Microsoft, so it is not worth worrying for reliability.

  1. Open the folder with the downloaded installer and run it.
  2. Follow the installation wizard instructions (it is in English, but everything is intuitive).
  3. Upon completion of the process, the problem with performance will be eliminated automatically, Word parameters will be reset to default values.
  4. Since the Microsoft utility removes the problem section of the registry, the next time the opening will be updated the correct section. Try now to print the document.

Microsoft Word Resistance

If the method described above does not help solve the problem, you should try another program to restore the program. To do this, run the function "Find and restore" which will help find and reinstall those program files that have been damaged (of course, if any). To do this, you need to start the standard utility "Installation and removal of programms" or "Programs and Components" , depending on the version of the OS.

Word 2010 and above

  1. Close Microsoft Word.
  2. Close Word.

  3. Open " Control Panel" and find a section there "Installation and removal of programms" (if you have Windows XP - 7) or click "Win + X" and select "Programs and Components" (in newer versions of OS).
  4. Open programs and components

  5. In the list of programs that opens, find Microsoft Office. or separate Word. (Depends on the version of the program installed on your computer) and click on it.
  6. Find Word in the program and components window

  7. At the top, on the quick access panel, press the button. "Change".
  8. Change Word in the program and components window

  9. Select "Restore" ("Restore Office" or "Restore Word", again, depending on the installed version), click "Restore" ("Continue") and then "Further".
  10. How would you like to restore Office programs

Word 2007.

  1. Open Word, click on the shortcut panel button "MS Office" and go to the section "Word Settings".
  2. select Options "Resources" and "Diagnostics".
  3. Follow the prompts that appear on the screen.

Word 2003.

  1. Click on the button "Reference" and select "Find and restore".
  2. Click "Begin".
  3. When the query appears, insert the Microsoft Office installation disk, then click "OK".
  4. If the above-described manipulations did not help eliminate the problem with the printing of documents, the only thing that remains with you is to look for it in the operating system itself.

Optional: Troubleshooting Windows Problems

It also happens that the normal operation of MS Word, and at the same time the print functions you need, are prevented by some drivers or programs. They can be in the memory of the program or in the memory of the system itself. To check if it is necessary to run Windows in safe mode.

  1. Remove optical discs and flash drives from the computer, turn off the extra devices, leaving only the keyboard with the mouse.
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. During restart, hold down the key "F8" (Immediately after switching on, starting with the appearance on the logo screen of the manufacturer's motherboard).
  4. You will appear a black screen with white text, where in the section "Advanced download options" You need to select item "Safe mode" (Move with the arrow on the keyboard, press the key to select "ENTER").
  5. Log in to the administrator account.
  6. Now, running a computer in safe mode, open the Word and try it in it. If there is no problem with printing, it means that the cause of the problem lies in the operating system. Consequently, it needs to be eliminated. To do this, you can try to recover the system (provided that you have a backup of the OS). If until recently you normally printed documents in Word using this printer, after the system is restored, the problem will accurately disappear.


We hope this detailed article helped you get rid of problems with printing in Word and you have been able to print the document earlier than the all described methods were tried. If none of the options proposed by us did not help you, we strongly recommend contacting a qualified technician.

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