How to open CSV online


Opening CSV file via web services

CSV is a text file that contains tabular data. Not all users know, with what tools and how to open it. But as it turns out, it is not necessary to install a third-party software for this to this computer - view the contents of these objects can be organized through online services, and some of them will be described in this article.

The contents of the CSV file appeared on the BECSV website in the Opera browser

Method 2: ConvertCSV

Another online resource on which you can make various manipulations with CSV format objects, including viewing their content, is the popular ConvertCSV service.

Online service convertcsv

  1. Go to the main page of the ConvertCSV on the link presented above. Next, click on CSV Viewer and Editor.
  2. Switch to viewer and CSV files editor on the site of the SonvertcSV in Opera browser

  3. A section will open in which you can online not only view, but also edit CSV. Unlike the previous method, this service in the "Select Your Input" block offers at once 3 options for adding an object:
    • Selection from a computer from a computer or from the disk carrier connected to the PC;
    • Adding a reference to the internet CSV;
    • Manual data insert.

    Since the task that is placed in this article is to view an existing file, in this case the first and second options are suitable, depending on where the object is placed: on the hard disk of the PC or on the network.

    Three options for adding a CSV file on the SonvertcSV website in Opera browser

    When adding a CSV posted on a computer, click on the "Choose A CSV / Excel File" option on the "Select File" button.

  4. Go to the file selection window on the site of the SonvertCSV website in Opera browser

  5. Further, as when using the previous service, in the file selection window that opens, move to the disk carrier directory that contains CSV, select this object and click Open.
  6. Selecting the CSV file in the file selection window on the SonvertCSV website in the Opera browser

  7. After you click on the above button, the object will be downloaded to the site and its contents will be displayed in tabular form directly on the page.

    The contents of the CSV file appeared on the SonvertCSV website in the Opera browser

    If you wish to view the contents of the file, which is located in the World Wide Web, in this case, follow the "ENTER AN URL" option, enter its full address and click on the Load URL button. The result will be presented in tabular form as when loading CSV from a computer.

Adding a CSV file from Introve on the SonvertCSV website in the Opera browser

Of the two Web services considered ConvertCSV are somewhat more functional, as it allows you to produce not only viewing, but also editing CSV, as well as download the source code from the Internet. But for easy viewing of the contents of the object's capabilities of the BecSV site, too will be enough.

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