How to continue to receive Windows XP updates


How to receive Windows XP updates after stopping support
As, it is probably known to all those who read the news by Windows XP, Microsoft has stopped supporting the system in April 2014 - this is, among other things, it means that an ordinary user can no longer receive system updates, including those related to security.

However, this does not mean that updating data is no longer available: many companies, equipment and computers which run running Windows XP POS and Embedded (versions for ATMs, CASS, and similar tasks) will continue to receive them up to 2019, since a fast translation This equipment on new versions of Windows or Linux is spent and takes time.

But what about the usual user who does not want to give up XP, but would like to have all the latest updates? It is enough to make that the update service believed that you have installed one of the above versions, and not standard for Russian Windows XP Pro. It is not difficult and this will be discussed in the instructions.

Obtaining XP updates after 2014 by registry editors

The manual is written on the basis of the assumption that Windows XP updates on your computer shows that there are no available updates - that is, they are all already installed.

Run registry editor

Run the registry editor to do this, you can press the Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the REGEDIT then press ENTER or OK.

Creating a POSREDY section in the Windows XP Registry

In the Registry Editor, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ WPA \ WPA section and create a subsection with the name PosReady (right-click on WPA - Create - section).

Creating a DWORD parameter in the registry

And in this section, create a DWORD parameter named Installed and the 0x00000001 value (or simply 1).

These are all the necessary actions. Restart your computer and after that, you will be available Windows XP updates, including those that have been released after the official termination of support.

Windows XP updates

Description of one of Windows XP updates released in May 2014

Note: Personally, I believe that it doesn't have a special meaning in old versions of the OS, with the exception of those cases when you really have old equipment.

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