How to install VNC-Server in Ubuntu


How to install VNC-Server in Ubuntu

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a system to ensure remote access to the computer's desktop. A screen image is transmitted via the network, press the mouse buttons and keys on the keyboard are passed. In the Ubuntu operating system, the said system is installed through the official repository, and then the surface and detailed setting procedure occurs.

Install the VNC server in Ubuntu

Since in the latest Ubuntu versions, the GNOME graphic shell is installed by default, we will install and configure VNC, pushing out from this environment. The whole process for convenience is divided into consecutive steps, so you should not have difficulties with understanding the commissioning of the work of the instrument.

Step 1: Installing the required components

As mentioned earlier, we will use the official repository. There is the most recent and stable version of the VNC server. All actions are made through the console, because to start standing from its launch.

  1. Go to the menu and open the "Terminal". There is a hot key Ctrl + Alt + T, which allows you to make it faster.
  2. Opening the terminal through the menu in Ubuntu

  3. Install updates for all system libraries via sudo APT-Get Update.
  4. Check library updates in Ubuntu

  5. Enter the password to provide rort access.
  6. Enter the password to confirm access to Ubuntu

  7. At the end, you should register the Sudo Apt-Get Install command --No-Install-Recommends Ubuntu-Desktop Gnome-Panel Gnome-Settings-Daemon Metacity Nautilus Gnome-Terminal VNC4Server and click on ENTER.
  8. Installing a VNC server through the official repository in Ubuntu

  9. Confirm Adding new files to the system.
  10. Confirmation of adding new Ubuntu Server Files

  11. Expect the installation and addition to the appearance of a new input row.
  12. Completing the VNC server installation in Ubuntu

Now the Ubuntu has all the necessary components, it remains only to check their operation and configure before starting the remote desktop.

Step 2: First Run VNC-Server

During the first launch of the tool, the main parameters set up, and then the desktop starts. You should make sure that everything is functioning normally, and this can be done like this:

  1. In the console, write the VNCServer command that is responsible for starting the server.
  2. The first launch of the VNC server in Ubuntu OS

  3. You will be asked to set a password for your desktops. Here you need to enter any combination of characters, but not less than five. When you set, the characters will not be displayed.
  4. Entering a new password for server in Ubuntu

  5. Confirm the password by entering it again.
  6. Confirm password for server in Ubuntu

  7. You will be notified that the starting script has been created and the new virtual desktop began its work.
  8. Successful first launch server in Ubuntu

Step 3: Setting up a VNC server for full functioning

If in the previous step we only made sure the performance of the components installed, now you need to prepare them for remotely connect to the desktop of another computer.

  1. First, complete the launched desktop command VNCServer -Kill: 1.
  2. Complete the running server running in Ubuntu

  3. Next is to start the configuration file through the built-in text editor. To do this, enter Nano ~ / .vnc / xstartup.
  4. Run the server configuration file in Ubuntu

  5. Make sure the file has all the rows listed below.

    #! / bin / sh



    # EXEC / ETC / X11 / Xinit / Xinitrc

    [-X / ETC / VNC / XSTARTUP] && Exec / etc / VNC / XSTARTUP

    [-R $ home / .xresources] && XRDB $ home / .xresources

    xsetroot -solid Grey

    vncconfig -iconic &

    X-Terminal-Emulator -Geometry 80x24 + 10 + 10 -ls -title "$ VNCDesktop Desktop" &

    X-Window-Manager &



    Metacity &

    Nautilus &

  6. Edit Ubuntu Server Configuration File

  7. If you made any changes, save the settings by pressing the Ctrl + O key.
  8. Save changes to the file in Ubuntu

  9. You can exit the file by pressing Ctrl + X.
  10. Exit the file editing mode in Ubuntu

  11. In addition, you should also arouse ports to provide remote access. It will help to make this task IPTables -A Input -P TCP --DPORT 5901 -J Accept.
  12. Around the ports for the server in Ubuntu

  13. After Introduction, save the settings, Speaking IPTables-Save.
  14. Save ports for server ports in Ubuntu

Step 4: Vnc Server Verification

The last step is to check the installed and configured VNC server in action. Use To do this, we will be one of the applications for managing remote desktops. We offer you to get acquainted with its installation and launch.

  1. First, you will need to run the server itself by entering VNCServer.
  2. Start the VNC server in Ubuntu

  3. Make sure the process passed correctly.
  4. Check server performance in Ubuntu

  5. Start adding the Remmina application from the user repository. To do this, print in the Sudo APT-Add-Repository PPA console: Remmina-PPA-Team / Remmina-Next.
  6. Install a remote table manager in Ubuntu

  7. Click ENTER to add new packages to the system.
  8. Confirm Adding Manager Libraries in Ubuntu

  9. Upon completion of the installation, you need to update the Sudo APT UPDATE system libraries.
  10. Re-update system libraries in Ubuntu

  11. Now it remains only to assemble the latest version of the program through the Sudo Apt Install Remmina Remmina-Plugin-RDP Remmina-Plugin-SECRET command.
  12. Set all the remote table manager files in Ubuntu

  13. Confirm the installation operation of new files.
  14. Confirmation of the installation of the manager in Ubuntu

  15. You can run Remmina through the menu by clicking on the corresponding icon.
  16. It only remains to choose the VNC technology, to register the desired IP address and connect to the desktop.

Of course, to connect, thus, the user needs to know the external IP address of the second computer. To determine this, there are special online services or additional utilities added to Ubuntu. Detailed information on this topic can be found in official documentation from OS developers.

Now you are familiar with all the basic actions that you need to perform to install and configure the VNC server for the Ubuntu distribution on the GNOME shell.

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