Error syncing Google-account in Android


Error syncing Google-account in Android

Full use of all the functionality of the Android-devaysa difficult to imagine without the connected Google-account. The presence of such an account is not only gives you access to all of the company's proprietary services, but also ensures stable operation of the elements of the operating system that send and receive data from the servers. This is possible only with a stable functioning of sync, but if her problems, the normal interaction with a smartphone or tablet can be no question.

Correcting the error-sync Google account

Most often error Google-account syncing on Android is short-term phenomenon - she disappears after a few minutes after the occurrence. If this does not happen, and you still see a message such as "timing issues. Soon it will work "and / or icon

Timing issues. Soon it will work
(In the sync settings, and sometimes in the status bar), you must seek the cause of the problem and, of course, resort to solving the problem. However, before you start to take action, check the obvious, but important nuances, which describe below.

Preparation for the restoration of data synchronization

It is likely the cause of synchronization errors dictated not serious problems, and user negligence or minor failures of the Android OS. It is logical to test and find out before we'll get down to more decisive action. But above all, try to reboot the device - it is quite possible this will be enough to restore the synchronization.

Restart your Android smartphone

Step 1: Check your internet connection

It goes without saying that in order to synchronize the Google-account from the server needs a stable internet connection - it is desirable that it was Wi-Fi, but also relatively stable 3G or 4G will also be enough. Therefore, first check whether you are connected to the Internet and good if it works (quality coverage, data transfer speed, stability). Do it will help you the following articles on our site.

Checking the Internet connection on your smartphone with Android

Read more:

Quality control and Internet connection speed

Enabling mobile Internet 3G / 4G smartphone

How to improve the quality and speed of the Internet to the device Android

Troubleshooting with the work Wi-Fi on Android

What if the android device is not connected to wi-fi

Step 2: Sign-in attempt

Having understood with the Internet connection, the "focus" problem should be determined and understood whether it is connected exclusively with the device used or as a whole with the account. So, in case of synchronization error, you will not be able to use any of the Google services, at least on the mobile device. Try to enter, for example, in the Gmail mail, the google cloud storage or the YouTube video hosting via the computer on the computer (using the same account for this). If you succeed, go to the next step, but if the authorization is completed on the PC, immediately go to step No. 5 of this part of the article.

Attempt to log in to Google Account via a browser on a computer

Step 3: Checking availability

Google quite often updates its branded products, and manufacturers of smartphones and tablets, if possible, produce updates operating system. Often, various problems in the work of Android, including the synchronization error under consideration, may arise because of the obsolescence of the software component, and therefore it should be updated, or at least check the availability of such an opportunity. This must be done with the following components:

  • Google app;
  • Google Play services;
  • App Contacts;
  • Google Play Market;
  • Android operating system.

Check and update applications in Google Play Market on Android

According to the first three positions, you should contact the playing market, in the fourth - to familiarize yourself with the following instruction below, and on the last one - go to the "On Phone" subsection, which is located in the "System" section of the settings of your mobile device.

Check availability on Google Play Market on Android

Read more: How to update Google Play Market

For more information, the procedure for updating both applications and the operating system, we have been described in the references below.

Check availability for Android operating system

Read more:

How to update applications for android

How to update Android OS on a smartphone or tablet

Step 4: Turning on automatic synchronization

Making sure that on your mobile device there are no problems with Internet, applications, system and account, it is worth trying to enable data synchronization (even if it has been turned on) in the appropriate section of the settings. The reference below the manual will help you activate this feature.

Google account synchronization check on smartphone with Android

Read more: Enable synchronization on mobile device with Android

Step 5: Troubleshooting

In the event that an attempt to enter one or more Google services via a browser on a computer that is not successful, it is necessary to pass Access recovery procedure. After its successful completion, with high probability, it will also be eliminated, and we are considering today the synchronization error. To solve the problem with authorization, go to the link below and try to accurately answer all questions as much as possible out of the mold.

Troubleshooting problems signing in to your Google Account on the support page

Troubleshooting problems signing in to Google-account

In addition, if the inability to login to your account due to such obvious causes as a forgotten username or password, we strongly encourage you to read the individual articles on our site devoted to these problems and their solutions.

Trying to recover a password from the Google Account in a browser on a PC

Read more:

Password reset from the Google-account

Restoring a Google Account

If you follow all of the recommendations offered above account synchronization error persists, it is unlikely to go more action, as described below.

Restoring Google-account synchronization

It so happens that the data synchronization error is under a far more serious reasons than the ones that we looked at above. Among the possible factors causing the problem under study, the most common are malfunctions in the operating system or its individual components (applications and services). Here are a few options for solutions.

Note: After doing all the actions within each of the methods discussed below to eliminate timing errors restart your mobile device and check the operation of the function.

Method 1: Purification and data cache

All mobile applications in the course of their use grows so-called junk file - cache and temporary data. Sometimes it becomes a cause of various errors in the Android OS, including us today and discussed synchronization problem. The solution in this case is quite simple - we'll have to clean this "trash".

  1. Open the "Settings" of your mobile devices and navigate to the "Applications and notifications", and from it - to all the installed components list.
  2. Access the list of all installed applications on a device with Android

  3. Look for the Google list, tapnite for him to go to a page "About the application", and then open the section "Storage."
  4. View Forum About Google app on your Android device

  5. Click on the button "Clear cache" and "Clear data" (or "Clear Storage" and then "Delete All Data", depending on the version of Android) and confirm their intentions, if required.
  6. Clear Data and Google applications on the cache ustroytsvo with Android

  7. Similar actions follow from the application "Contacts", Google Play services and the Google Play store.
  8. Clearing data from other applications to restore synchronization to Android

  9. Restart the device and check for problems. Most likely, it will not disturb you more, but if it is not, move on.

Method 2: Force sync account

For Android OS works in general and in particular for synchronization, it is extremely important to the device are correctly set the time and date, that is, to the time zone and the related parameters were determined automatically. If the point is certainly incorrect values, and then return the right, you can forcibly enable data sharing.

  1. Start the "Settings" and go to the very last section - "System". It tapnite under the item "date and time" (on some versions of Android this item displayed in a separate section of the main settings list).
  2. Transition to date and time settings on the mobile device with Android

  3. Turn off automatic definition of "Dates and Network Time" and "Time Zone", translating to an inactive position located in front of the switch points. Specify obviously incorrect date and time (past, not the future).
  4. Change date and time settings on a mobile device with Android

  5. Restart your mobile device and repeat the steps from the previous two points, but this time, manually set the correct date and time, and then turn them on automatic detection, again, move the switch to the active position.
  6. Restoring default settings for the date and time on your device with Android

    This seemingly simple and not very logical deceit system is able to recover the Google-account sync, but if that does not work, go to the next method.

Method 3: Re-entry into account

The last thing that can be done to restore the synchronization of data - is to make a "fair shake» Google account, because, in fact, it was with him, and there are problems.

Note: Make sure you know your username (email address or phone number) and password from your Google account, which is used on your Android-device in a primary.

  1. Open the "Settings" and go to the "Accounts".
  2. Navigate to the Google account you delete smartphone with Android

  3. Find the list submitted to the Google-account from which there is a timing error, and tapnite on it.
  4. Deleting a Google Account to your Android smartphone settings

  5. Click on the button "Delete account" and, if required, confirm your decision entering the PIN-code, password, pattern, or fingerprint scanner, depending on what is used to protect the device.
  6. Re-entry into the Google account on your smartphone with Android

  7. Log on to a remote Google-account, using the recommendations provided from the link below the article.
  8. Read more: How do I log in to your account on the Google Android

    Carefully following the above recommendations, and performing actions proposed by us, you are sure to get rid of the problems with data synchronization.


Google-account synchronization error - one of the most vexing problems in the work of the Android OS. Fortunately, it is almost always the solution does not cause any difficulties.

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