Installing NetworkManager in Ubuntu


Installing NetworkManager in Ubuntu

Network connections in the Ubuntu operating system are controlled via the Tool called NetworkManager. Through the console, it allows not only to view the list of networks, but also to activate connections with certain networks, as well as to configure them in every way using the additional utility. By default, NetworkManager is already present in Ubuntu, however, if removal or failures in the work may require re-installation. Today we will show how to implement it with two different methods.

Install NetworkManager in Ubuntu

Installing NetworkManager, as well as most other utilities, is made through the built-in "terminal" using the relevant commands. We want to demonstrate two methods of installation from the official repository, but different teams, and you will just get acquainted with each of them and choose the most suitable.

Method 1: APT-GET Team

The last stable version of the "network manager" is loaded using the standard APT-GET command, which is used to add packages from official storage. You only need to carry out such actions:

  1. Open the console by any convenient method - for example, through a menu by selecting the appropriate icon.
  2. Opening the terminal through the menu in Ubuntu

  3. Write a Sudo APT-Get Install Network-Manager in the input field and press the ENTER key.
  4. Enter a command to install network manager in Ubuntu

  5. Specify the password from your superuser account to confirm the installation. The characters entered in the field are not displayed for security purposes.
  6. Password entry to install network manager in Ubuntu

  7. New packages will be added to the system if necessary. In the case of the presence of the desired component, you will be notified of this.
  8. Completion of installing network manager in Ubuntu

  9. It will only be left to run the Network Manager using the Sudo Service NetworkManager Start command.
  10. Run the network manager in Ubuntu

  11. To test the tool performance, use the NMCLI utility. View status through NmCli General Status.
  12. Display the basic information about connections in Ubuntu Network Manager

  13. In the new line you will see information about connecting and active wireless network.
  14. View information about networks in Ubuntu

  15. You can find out the name of your host by writing NmCli General Hostname.
  16. Display host information in Ubuntu

  17. Available network connections are defined via the NMCLI Connection Show.
  18. Show accessible connections in Ubuntu

As for additional arguments of the NMCLI command, there are several of them. Each of them performs certain actions:

  • Device - interaction with network interfaces;
  • Connection - control of connections;
  • General - Displays information on network protocols;
  • Radio - Wi-Fi, Ethernet;
  • Networking - network setup.

Now you know how NetworkManager is restored and controlled through an additional utility. However, some users may need another installation method, we will tell about further.

Method 2: Ubuntu Store

Many applications, services and utilities are available for download from the official store Ubuntu. There is also a "Network Manager". To install it there is a separate team.

  1. Run the "Terminal" and insert the SNAP Install Network-Manager command in the field, and then click on ENTER.
  2. Install Network Manager from Ubuntu Store

  3. A new window will appear with a request to confirm the authenticity of the user. Enter the password and click on "Confirm".
  4. Enter the password to install network manager from the Ubuntu store

  5. Expect the download to download all components.
  6. Network Manager Installation Procedure from the Ubuntu Official Store

  7. Check the operation of the tool through the SNAP Interfaces Network-Manager.
  8. Check the performance of the network dispatcher in Ubuntu

  9. If the network still does not work, it will need to be raised by entering the sudo ifconfig eth0 Up, where Eth0 is the necessary network.
  10. Raise connection via Terminal in Ubuntu

  11. The connection rise will occur immediately after entering the root-access password.
  12. Enter the password to raise the connection in Ubuntu

The above methods will allow you without any difficulties to add NetworkManager application packages to the operating system. We offer exactly two options, since one of them can be inoperable with certain failures in the OS.

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