Risk of Google Chrome extensions - Viruses, Malware and Adware Spies


The danger of Chrome extensions
Google Chrome browser expansion is a convenient tool for a variety of tasks: With the help of them, you can conveniently listen to music in contact, download the video from the site, save a note, check the page for viruses and much more.

However, like any other program, the Chrome extensions (and they represent the code or program running in the browser), are not always useful - they may well intercept your passwords and personal data, show unwanted advertising and modify the site pages that you are viewing and not only this.

In this article, we will discuss exactly what a threat can be extensions for Google Chrome, as well as how to minimize your risks when using them.

Note: The Mozilla Firefox extensions and Internet Explorer add-in can also be dangerous and everything described below applies to them to the same extent.

Permissions that you provide Google Chrome extensions

When installing Google Chrome extensions, the browser warns what permissions are required for its work before installing it.

Permissions for Chrome Expansion

For example, to extend the Adblock for Chrome, it requires "access to your data on all websites" - this permission allows you to make changes to all the pages you watch and in this case - to remove unwanted advertising from them. However, other extensions can use the same opportunity to implement their code for Internet-viewed sites or initiate the emergence of pop-up advertising.

At the same time, it should be noted that the specified access to data on sites is needed by most Chrome additions - without it, many simply will not be able to work and, as already mentioned, it can be used both to ensure operation and in harmful purposes.

Absolutely faithful way to avoid hazards associated with permits, no. One can only advise to establish extensions from the Google Chrome official store, pay attention to the number of it before you and their feedback (but it is not always reliable), while give preference to additions from official developers.

Adblock Extensions Options

Although the last paragraph may be complicated for a novice user, for example, to find out which of the Adblock extensions is not so simple (pay attention to the "Author" field in information about it): there is Adblock Plus, Adblock Pro, Adblock Super and others, And on the main page of the store can be advertised unofficial.

Where to download the desired chrome extensions

Chrome extension store

Load extensions best in the official Chrome online store at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions. Even in this case, the risk is preserved, although when placed in the store, they are tested.

But if you do not follow the advice and you will search for third-party sites where you can download Chrome extensions for bookmarks, Adblock, VK and others, after which you download them from third-party resources - with a very high probability of getting something unwanted, able to steal passwords or show Advertising, and perhaps to apply and more serious harm.

By the way, I remembered one of my observation about the popular extension of SaveFrom.net to download video from sites (perhaps the described no longer relevant, but it was six months ago) - if you download from the official store of Google Chrome extensions, then when downloading a large video video displayed Message that you want to establish another version of the expansion, but not from the store, but from the SaveFrom.net site. Plus, the instruction was given to how to install it (default, the Google Chrome browser refused to establish it for security purposes). In this case, I would not advise the risk.

Programs that establish their own browser expansion

Many programs for installing on a computer also establish and expands for browsers, including popular Google Chrome: Do almost all antiviruses, programs for downloading video from the Internet and many others.

However, unwanted additions can be distributed in a similar way - Pirrit Suggestor Adware, Conduit Search, Webalta and others.

As a rule, after installing the expansion of any program, the Chrome browser reports this and you decide whether to turn it on or not. If you do not know what it offers to turn on - do not turn on.

Secure extensions can be dangerous

Many of the extensions are made by individual people, and not large teams of developers: This is due to the fact that their creation is relatively simple and, in addition, it is very easy to use other people's developments, not starting everything from scratch.

As a result, some kind of chrome extension for VKontakte, bookmarks or something else, made by a programmer, can become very popular. The consequence of this may be the following things:

  • The programmer will decide to implement some unwanted for you, but profitable functions in its expansion. At the same time, the update will automatically happen, and you will not receive any notifications about it (if permissions do not change).
  • There are companies that are specifically associated with the authors of such popular additions to browsers and buy them out, in order to introduce their advertising there and anything else.

As you can see, installing secure additions in the browser does not guarantee that it will remain the same in the future.

How to reduce potential risks

Google Chrome Extensions Settings

Fully avoiding the risks associated with extensions will not work, but I would give the following recommendations that could reduce them:

  1. Go to the Chrome Extensions List and remove those that do not use. It is sometimes possible to meet a list of 20-30, while the user does not even know what it is and why they are needed. To do this, click on the settings button in the browser - the tools - extensions. Their large amounts not only increases the risk of malicious activity, but also leads to the fact that the browser slows down or inadequately works.
  2. Try to limit ourselves to those add-ons whose developers are large official companies. Use the official Chrome store.
  3. If the second point, in terms of large companies, is not applicable, then carefully read the reviews. At the same time, if you see 20 enthusiastic reviews, and 2 - reporting that the extension contains a virus or malware, then most likely it really is there. Just not all users can see it and notice.

In my opinion, I did not forget anything. If the information was useful, do not be lazy to share it on social networks, maybe it will come in handy and someone else.

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