How to install windows 10 over the network


how to install windows 10 over the network

If Windows Windows is used in a small organization, to simplify it to install it into several computers, you can use the installation method on the network with which we want to introduce you today.

Windows 10 network installation procedure

To install "dozens" over the network, you will need to perform several actions: install the TFTP server by means of a third-party solution, prepare the distribution files and configure the network bootloader, configure sharing a directory with the distribution files, add an installer to the server and directly install the OS. Let's go in order.

Step 1: Installing and Configuring TFTP Server

To facilitate the network installation process of the tenth version of "Windows", you should install a special server implemented as a third-party solution, a free TFTP utility in the editorial board 32 and 64 bits.

TFTP download page

  1. Follow the link above. Find a block with the latest version of the utility. Please note that it is only available for X64 OS, so use previous audits if the server is installed under 32-bit windows. For the purpose of the target, we need the Service Edition version, click on the link "Direct Link for Service Edition".
  2. Download TFTP to set up the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  3. Load the TFTP installation file to the target computer and run it. In the first window, accept the license agreement by pressing the "I Agree" button.
  4. Start installing TFTP to set up the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  5. Next, select the desired components, as indicated in the screenshot below, and press "Next".
  6. Select TFTP installation components to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network.

  7. Since the utility adds a special service to the already existing, it should be installed only on the system disk or section. By default, it is chosen, so press "Install" to continue.

Install TFTP to set up the Windows 10 installation server over the network

After installation, go to the server settings.

  1. Run TFTP and in the main program window, click on the Settings button.
  2. Open TFTP parameters to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  3. On the "Global" settings tab, only the "TFTP Server" and DHCP Server "options are enabled.
  4. Global TFTP parameters to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  5. Go to the tab "TFTP". First of all, use the "Base Directory" setting - it will take it to select a directory in which the source of the installation files will be installed for installation over the network.
  6. Select a directory with files in the TFTP to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  7. Next, check the box "Bind TFTP to This Address" checkbox, and select the IP address of the source machine in the list.
  8. Paramedies Addresses in TFTP to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  9. Mark the option "Allow" \ "AS Virtual Root."
  10. Install the installation directory as a root in TFTP to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  11. Go to the "DHCP" tab. If this type of server is already present on your network, then you can refuse the built-in in the utility - in the existing suction value 66 and 67, which are the address of the TFTP server and the path to the Windows installer directory, respectively. If there are no servers, then refer to the "DHCP Pool Definition" block: in "IP Pool Start Address" enter the initial value of the range of issued addresses, and in the Size of Pool field, the number of available positions.
  12. Settings of DHCP addresses in TFTP to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  13. In the field "DEF. Router (OPT 3) »Enter the IP router, in the" Mask (OPT 1) "and" DNS (OPT 6) "- the gateway mask and DNS addresses, respectively.
  14. Router address and DHCP gateways in TFTP to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  15. To save the entered parameters, click on the "OK" button.

    Save TFTP settings to set up the Windows 10 installation server over the network

    A warning will appear that you will need to restart the program to save, press OK again.

  16. Confirm the restart of the TFTP program to configure the Windows 10 installation server over the network

  17. The utility will restart, already correctly configured. It will also be necessary to create an exception for it in Firewall.


    Lesson: adding an exception to Windows 10 firewall

Stage 2: Preparing distribution files

The preparation of Windows installation files is required due to differences in the installation method: the network mode uses a different environment.

  1. In the root folder of the TFTP server created at the previous stage, create a new directory with the name of the operating system - for example, Win10_SetupX64 for the "dozens" of the discharge X64. In this folder, place the SOURCES directory from the corresponding image section - in our example from the x64 folder. To copy from the image directly, you can use the 7-ZIP program in which the desired functionality is present.
  2. Move the installation files to the server root for installing Windows 10 over the network

  3. If you plan to use a 32-bit version distribution, create a separate directory with another name in the root directory of the TFTP server and place the corresponding Sources folder in it.

    X86 directory of installation files for installation Windows 10 over the network

    Attention! Do not attempt to use the same folder for setting files of different visits!

Now you should configure the bootloader image submitted by the boot.wim file at the Sources directory root.

The boot.wim image for installing Windows 10 over the network

To do this, we will need to add network drivers to it and a special script to work with it. Pack of network drivers is easiest to get using a third-party installer called Snappy Driver Installer.

  1. Since the portable program, it is not necessary to install it on the computer - simply unpack the resources at any convenient place, and launch the SDI_x32 or SDI_X64 executable file (depends on the current operating system).
  2. Running Snappy Driver Installer to download network drivers to set up the Windows 10 installation image over the network

  3. Click on the "Updates available" item - the driver load selection window will appear. Click on the "Network only" button and click OK.
  4. Select network drivers to set up the Windows 10 installation image over the network

  5. Wait until the end of downloading, after which go to the Drivers folder in the root directory of the Snappy Driver Installer. There must be several archives with the necessary drivers.

    Uploaded network drivers for setting up the installation of Windows 10 on the network

    It is recommended to sort the drivers by bit: install the X86 versions for 64-bit windows inexpedient, as the opposite. Therefore, we advise you to create individual directories for each of the options where it is separately moving 32- and 64-bit variations of system software.

Setup drivers to set up the installation of Windows 10 installation over the network sorted by bit

Now we will make preparation of boot images.

  1. Go to the TFTP server root directory and create a new folder with the name image. This folder should copy the boot.wim file from the distribution of the desired bit.

    Boot.wim file in the Image folder for installing Windows 10 over the network

    If the combined X32-X64 image is used, you need to copy each one in turn: 32-bit should be called boot_x86.wim, 64-bit - boot_x64.wim.

  2. To modify images, we use the tool PowerShell - Find it through "Search" and use item "Run on behalf of the administrator".

    Open PowerShell to set up boot.wim before installing Windows 10 over the network

    For example, we will show a modification of a 64-bit boot image. After opening, you check the following commands in it:

    Dism.exe / Get-ImageInfo / ImageFile: * Add Address Image * \ Boot.wim

    Boot.wim indexing before mounting for installing Windows 10 over the network

    Next, enter such an operator:

    Dism.exe / Mount-Wim / Wimfile: * Image * \ boot.wim / index folder Address: 2 / Mountdir: * directory address where the image is mounted *

    Mounting boot.wim to make changes before installing Windows 10 over the network

    With these commands, we mount the image for manipulations with it. Now go to the directory with the packs of network drivers, copy their addresses and use the following command:

    Dism.exe / Image: * Catalog address with mounted manner * / Add-Driver / Driver: * Address folder with driver's desired bit * / recurse

  3. Adding network drivers in boot.wim before installing Windows 10 over the network

  4. Without closing PowerShell, go to the folder to which the image is connected - you can do it through this computer. Then create a text file with the name WinPeshl. Open it and insert the following contents:



    Create a script run configurator in boot.wim before installing Windows 10 over the network

    Turn on the display of file extensions, if you have not done this earlier, and change the TXT extension on the INI from the WinPeshl file.

    Change the script run configurator extension in boot.wim before installing Windows 10 over the network

    Copy this file and go to the directory into which the boot.wim image was mounted. Expand the Windows / System32 directory from this directory, and paste the received document.

  5. Script start configurator file in boot.wim before installing Windows 10 over the network

  6. Create another text file, this time named init inserting the following text:


    :: init script ::


    @echo off

    Title Init Network Setup

    Color 37.



    set NetPath = \\ \ share \ setup_win10x86 :: There must be a network path to the folder containing installation files

    SET User = Guest

    SET PASSWORD = Guest

    :: Wpeinit Start.

    Echo Start Wpeinit.exe ...





    NET USE N:% NETPATH% / USER:% User% password%

    IF% Errorlevel% GEQ 1 Goto Net_error

    Echo Drive Mounted!


    :: RUN Windows Setup

    Color 27.

    Echo Starting Windows Setup ...

    PUSHD N: \ Sources


    Goto Success.

    : NET_ERROR.

    Color 47.


    Echo Error: CANT MOUNT NET DRIVE. Check Network Status!

    Echo Check Network Connections, Or Access to Network Share Folder ...



    : Success

    Create a script start initializer in boot.wim before installing Windows 10 over the network

    Save the changes, close the document, change it to the CMD extension and also move to the Windows / System 32 folder of the mounted image.

  7. Close all folders related to the mounted manner, then return to refund, where enter the command:

    Dism.exe / Unmount-Wim / Mountdir: * Catalog address with mounted manner * / COMMIT

  8. Unmounting boot.wim after making changes before installing Windows 10 over the network

  9. If multiple boot.wim is used, steps 3-6 will need to be repeated for them.

Stage 3: Installing the downloader to the server

At this stage, you will need to install and configure the network bootloader to install Windows 10. It is located inside the catalog named PXE in the boot.wim. You can get access to it using the mounted method, which is described in the previous stage, or using the same 7-zip, and use it.

  1. Open the boot.wim of the desired bit with 7-zip. Navigate the largest size folder.
  2. Go to the boot.wim directory to extract the Windows 10 installation environment over the network

  3. Go to the Windows / Boot / PXE directory.
  4. PXE directory image Boot.wim to extract the Windows 10 installation environment over the network

  5. First of all locate the pxeboot.n12 files and bootmgr.exe, copy them to the root directory of the TFTP server.
  6. Boot.wim bootloader to extract the Windows 10 installation environment over the network

  7. Next in the same directory, create a new folder named Boot.

    Create a boot folder for Windows 10 installation environment over the network

    Now return to an open 7-zip, in which go to the root of the image of boot.wim. Open the directories at Boot \ DVD \ PCAT - copy from there BCD files, boot.sdi, as well as the RU_RU folder, which insert into the BOOT folder created earlier.

    Copy Windows 10 Installation File Files over Network

    You will also need to copy the Fonts directory and the MemTest.exe file. The accurate location depends on the specific image image, but most often they are located at boot.wim \ 2 \ windows \ pcat.

Additional Windows 10 installation files over the network

Normal copying files, alas, everything does not end: you need to still configure BCD, which is a configuration file of Windows loader. You can do this through a special Bootice utility.

Download Bootice from the official site

  1. The utility is portable, so at the end of the download, simply start the executable file corresponding to the discharge of the working OS of the source machine.
  2. Run Bootice to set up Windows 10 installation boot over the network

  3. Go to the BCD tab and check the Other BCD File option.

    Start editing Windows 10 installation bootloader over the network

    The "Explorer" window opens, in which you want to specify the file located at the address * TFTP * / BOOT root directory.

  4. Select the Windows 10 installation boot file over the network for editing

  5. Click on the "Easy Mode" button.

    Use simple Bootice mode to edit Windows 10 installation bootloader over the network

    The simplified BCD configuration interface will start. First of all, refer to the "Global Settings" block. Disconnect the timeout - instead of 30 enter 0 to the appropriate field, and remove the checkbox from the item.

    Disable Windows 10 Installation Timeout Timeout over Network in Bootice

    Next, in the Boot Language list, install "RU_RU" and check the items "Display Boot Menu" and "No Integrity Checks".

  6. Configure Language and System Settings for Windows 10 installation options over the network in Bootice

  7. Next, go to the "Options" section. In the OS Title field, write "Windows 10 x64", "Windows 10 x32" or "Windows X32_X64" (for combined distributions).
  8. OS Name in the Windows 10 installation boot over the network in Bootice

  9. Move to the Boot Device unit. In the "File" field, you must register the location address of the WIM image:

    Image / boot.wim

    Basic Windows 10 installation boot files over the network in Bootice

    In the same way, specify the location of the SDI file.

  10. Click on the "Save Current System" and "Close" buttons.

    Save changes to the Windows 10 installation boot over the network in Bootice

    Upon returning to Main Window, use the "Professional Mode" button.

  11. Professional Bootice mode for editing the Windows 10 installation boot over the network

  12. Open the Application Objects list, in which you find the name of the system previously set in the OS TITLE field. Highlight this item click the left mouse button.

    Selecting a file to edit the Windows 10 installation bootloader over the network

    Next, move the cursor to the right side of the window and right-click. Select "New Element".

  13. Start adding an entry to the Windows 10 installation boot over the network in Bootice mode

  14. In the "Element Name" list, select "DisableintegrityChecks" and confirm by pressing "OK".

    Disable the integrity check in the Windows 10 bootloader over the network in Bootice mode

    A window will appear with the switch - set it to the "True / Yes" position and click OK.

  15. Confirm disabling integrity check in the Windows 10 installation boot over the network in Bootice mode

  16. You do not need to confirm the save changes - just close the utility.

This loader setting is over.

Stage 4: Providing general access to catalogs

Now you need to configure sharing the TFTP server folder on the target. We have already considered the details of this procedure for Windows 10, so we recommend using instructions from the article below.


Lesson: Sharing folders in Windows 10

Stage 5: Installing the operating system

Perhaps the easiest of the stages: directly installing Windows 10 over the network is practically no different from installation from a flash drive or CD.


Read more: How to install Windows 10


Installing the Windows operating system 10 over the network is not too complex lesson: the main difficulties are to properly prepare the distribution files and configuring the bootloader's configuration file.

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