How to remove Dropbox


How to remove Dropbox

Despite all the simplicity and ease of use, many useful features and a number of other advantages that the Dropbox cloud storage has, sooner or later, you can face the need to delete it. About how to do it, it will be discussed below.

Method 2: "Programs and Components"

In each version of Windows, Windows has a standard means of removing programs, and you can get rid of dropbox with it without any problems.

  1. Click the "Windows + R" keys to call the "Run" window, enter the command below in it, and then click "OK" or press "ENTER".


  2. Enter a command to start programms program and components in Windows

  3. In the opening snap-in "Programs and Components", find Dropbox, highlight it with LKM, and then click on the Delete button on the top panel.
  4. Start deleting Dropbox standard tools for Windows operating system

  5. Confirm your intentions for uninstalling the program in the running wizard window and wait for this procedure.

Method 3: "Parameters" Windows 10

In the tenth version of Windows, the removal of programs can be performed through the "parameters" of the operating system. It is likely that in the foreseeable future this option will remain the only one affordable from the standard one.

  1. By pressing the "Windows + i" keys, call the "Parameters" window and go to the "Application" section.
  2. Go to the settings of installed applications in Windows 10

  3. Being in the "Applications and Features" tab, which opens by default, scroll the list of programs presented in it and find Dropbox there. Press LKM by its name, and then by the "Delete" button that appears, after which you confirm your solution by clicking again on a similar inscription.
  4. Delete Dropbox program through Windows 10 parameters

  5. In the uninstall window that opens, click on the "Uninstall" button and wait for the procedure to complete.
  6. Whatever of the methods discussed above, you did not use to uninstall the dropbox, do not forget to delete the program folder and its contents on the disk where it was installed - this will help free the place. At the same time, the data placed in the cloud storage will not disappear - you can always get access to them, logged in in the web version or by installing the client application to the computer and configuring it.

    Read also: Install and delete programs in Windows 10

Delete Dropbox Account

If your goal is not in the banal uninstallation of the application of the cloud storage, and it is necessary to get rid of the account in it, it is obvious that you need to act in a completely different algorithm. What exactly, let's tell me further.

Important: After removing the dropbox account, you will have 30 days to restore it if such a need appears. After this time, all the data placed in it will be removed from the cloud storage, and they will never restore them to restore them.

The official page of Dropbox

  1. Follow the link above and log in to your account.

    Dropbox entry page in browser

    To do this, click "Log in", and then specify the username and password, then use the "Login" button located under the data entry field.

    Enter login and password to enter the Dropbox account in the browser

    Further, most likely, it will be necessary to prove the web service that you are a real person. In the pop-up window, click "Confirm",

    Confirmation of authorization in the Dropbox account in the browser

    And then, using the arrow for rotation, set the correct position of the picture. After that you will be automatically authorized on the site.

  2. Actions to confirm the entry into the Dropbox account in the browser

  3. Click on the user profile icon (your photo or standard picture) and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Open the Dropbox account settings in the browser

  5. Scroll through the open page to the bottom and click on the "Removal Account" link, after reading the prevention presented to the left.
  6. Transition to the removal of the Dropbox account in the browser

  7. Enter the password from your account, select the most appropriate reason for deleting (or any) from the drop-down list, you can also add detailed information.
  8. Description Reasons for removing the Dropbox account in the browser

  9. Once again, familiarize yourself with the consequences of the actions you run (more detail about them on a separate page), then click on the "Delete Finally" button.

    Confirmation of the Dropbox account removal procedure in the browser

    After updating the page, your account dropbox will be deleted,

    Successful removal of the Dropbox account in the browser

    And an email confirmation will come to the e-mail attached to it.

  10. The letter confirming the deletion of the Dropbox account in the browser

    If there is still a cloud storage folder on your computer, the data contained in it will not go anywhere until you delete them yourself or move them to another place.


If you decide to finally refuse to use Dropbox, you can easily delete both its client application and the account itself.

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