Google Documents application came out for Android


Google Documents for Android
Yesterday, the Google Play store appears the official application of Google Documents (Google Docs). In general, there are two more applications that have appeared earlier and also allowing you to edit your documents in Google Account - Google Disc and Quick Office. (It may also be interesting: free Microsoft Office online).

At the same time, Google Drive is, as clearly from the name, the application is primarily for working with its cloud storage and, among other things, it needs to be Internet access, and Quick Office is designed to open, create and edit Microsoft documents Office - text, spreadsheets and presentations. What is the difference between the new application?

Collaboration on documents in the Mobile Application Google Docs

With the help of the new application, you will not open Microsoft .docx or .doc documents, it is not for this. As follows from the description, it is intended to create and edit documents (meaning Guglovsky documents) and collaboration on them, and this is a special emphasis on the last aspect and this is the main difference from two other applications.

Apps Documents on Google Play

In Google Documents for Android, you have the ability to work on real-time documents on your mobile device (as well as in a web application), that is, you see the changes made by other users in a presentation, a table or document. In addition, you can comment on actions, or respond to comments, edit a list of users who are allowed access to editing.

List of recent documents

In addition to the collaboration features, in the Google Docs application you can work on documents and without Internet access: Offline editing and creating (which was not in the Google disk, it was necessary to connect).

Formatting in Google Docs

As for directly editing documents, basic basic functions are available: fonts, alignment, simple features for working with tables and some others. With tables, formulas and creation of presentations, I did not experiment, but I think the basic things that you may find there, and you can just view the presentation.

Frankly, I do not fully understand why make several applications with intersecting functions, instead of, for example, to implement everything and immediately in one, the most appropriate candidate seems to google. Maybe this is due to different teams of developers with their own ideas, maybe something else.

One way or another, a new application is exactly useful to those who have worked together in Google Docs, and I don't know exactly the rest of users.

Download Google Documents You can free from the official app store here:

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