How to reinstall Steam


How to reinstall steam

Like any other complex system, Steam can produce errors when used. Some of them can be ignored and continue to use the program. More critical errors lead to the fact that you will not be able to enjoy the game client. It is difficult to understand the cause of the problem, and in this case one of the effective steps to solve the problem with the work of the program will be the complete reinstallation.

Reinstalling the client steam

Reinstalling the style must be done completely in manual mode. That is, you will have to delete the program client, then download and install it yourself. At the same time there are a couple of nuances that are important to observe when reinstalling.

Step 1: Removal Steam

To begin with, you should delete the program client from your computer. It is important to keep in mind that with the usual removal of the program will also erase the installed games. In this regard, a number of measures should be taken to preserve all the games that were downloaded and installed. In more detail, the process of correct uninstallation we looked at our other article further. We recommend that you fully delete through a special software that additionally erases the registry keys - this will help to reduce the possible appearance of errors with a further setting to a minimum.

Read more: Delete Steam without removing games

SteamApps folder in Steam

If you plan to reinstall the operating system, pre-transfer those folders that were listed in the instructions on the link above, to a safe place. This can be a section D (or the letter you selected yourself for a partition with user files) on the hard disk, USB flash drive or external HDD. When it is planned to simply reinstall the program, the folders are enough to transfer to the desktop or another convenient place.

Read also: Way to break the hard disk to the sections in Windows

Step 2: Pure Steam Installation

Now that Steam is deleted in all the rules, it is necessary to install it again. The client installation is not much different from such a procedure associated with other programs. Nevertheless, it does not always go smoothly. On the contrary, repeated installation errors occur periodically, each of which requires its solution. About the standard installation procedure and the options for solving all accompanying problems, we told in another material.

Read more: Setting Steam to computer

Start installation of the client Steam

In the same article, you will find information on how to use versus. Despite the fact that it is directed primarily on newcomers, more experienced users will also be able to find useful information for themselves.

After the installation is completed, it will remain replaced with the new names with the same names saved in advance. Such manipulation will save from the need to download all the games again.

Now you know how to reinstall Steam on your computer. Due to certain circumstances, the process will not be intuitive for some users, which is why it is important to follow the instructions in order to eliminate the client errors to play with the other.

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