How to remove chat in Viber


How to remove chat in Viber

With the active use of the Viber messenger in it, the mass of unnecessary, and sometimes unwanted dialogs accumulates quite quickly. Of course, in the service-customer service applications for Android, iOS and Windows, a function is provided that allows you to remove any chat. About how it works, will be discussed in the article.

The instructions proposed in the present material suggest removing the entire one or more chat chats generated in VIBER. If the user needs to erase only some elements of the conversation (one or more messages), you should take advice from another article posted on our website.

Read more: How to delete one or more messages from Viber for Android, iOS and Windows

Deleting chats and their contents in Viber for Android, iPhone and Windows

Before moving to the demonstration of methods for conducting manipulations leading to the destruction of information, it will be useful to remind the possibility of its backup, because remote chats can be restored only if there is a backup created in advance.

Read more: Backup correspondence from Viber in Android, iOS and Windows environment

How to remove chat in Viber for Android

The first version of the messenger client, which we will consider in the aspect of the possibility of deleting dialogues - this is a Viber for Android. In fact, to solve the problem from the title of the article, you will need only a few touch on the Android-device screen.

How to remove one or all chats in Viber for Android

Option 1: The only chat

  1. Run the Viber or go to the "Chats" tab if the messenger is already open.
  2. Viber for Android - launch of the messenger, transition to the chat tab to remove dialogs

  3. Find the chat header in the list, that is, the username, the dialogue with which you need to destroy, and long click on it, call the action menu.
  4. Viber for Android - long press on the chat header to call the menu of possible actions

  5. Touch "Delete Chat" - the contents of the conversation will be moored, and its header will disappear from the list of the above-mentioned messenger.
  6. Viber for Android Removing Chat from Messenger

If the dialogue removed described above again appears as a result of the fact that the interlocutor sends new messages and this is unacceptable for you, the contact of an undesirable participant can be placed in the "black list".

Read more: How to block contact in Viber for Android

Option 2: All chat rooms

  1. In the launched messenger, open the main menu, tapping "still" at the bottom of the screen on the right. Side the list of options and log in to "Settings".
  2. Viber for Android Deleting all Messenger Chats - Go to Settings

  3. Open the "Call and Messages" section and click "Clear Message Stories". Confirm the readiness for full cleaning of the messenger from all transmitted and received information tape to "Clear".
  4. Viber for Android How to remove all chats from the messenger

  5. As a result, the list of chats in Vaiber will be completely empty, as if dialogues through the messenger never conducted.
  6. Viber for Android All chat rooms are removed from the messenger

How to remove chat in viber for iOS

Viber users for the iPhone as well as preferring the above described android are completely not limited to solving the task of removing those who have become unnecessary chats. Clear List of Vaiber dialogs in IOS medium from "extra" very simple.

How to remove one or all chats in Viber for iPhone

Option 1: The only chat

  1. Open the Viber on the iPhone and go to the "Chats" section.
  2. Viber for iPhone- launch of the messenger, go to the chat tab

  3. Find the title of the dialog to be removed and slide the area in which it is located, to the left - this will display the three-button options.
  4. Viber for iPhone- Calling a Menu of Action applicable to the chat shift to its header

  5. Tap "Delete" - Chat along with the contents will be a stuff and will no longer know about yourself before the moment the other Messenger member will write you a message.
  6. Viber for iPhone - Deleting a dialogue from the list on the Chats tab

In order not to remove a conversation with a separate member of the messenger, but also to prevent messages from it subsequently, the contact lock should be applied.

Read more: How to block contact in Viber for iPhone

Option 2: All chat rooms

  1. By running the Viber for the iPhone, call the Masterger's main menu (the "More" button at the bottom of the screen) and go from it to "Settings".
  2. Viber for iPhone Transition to settings to remove all chats from the messenger

  3. Open "Calls and Messages". Tap "Clear Message Stories" and then confirm the request received by touching "Clear".
  4. Viber for iPhone How to remove all chats from the messenger at the same time

  5. The result will not wait long to wait - the section "Chats" in Vaibero turns out to be fully refined from the headlines contained in it, and all the messages received and transmitted through the messenger of the iPhone memory.
  6. Viber for iPhone - All Dialogs from Messenger Removed

How to remove chat in viber for windows

Viber for PC is only a concomitant mobile version of the messenger application and cannot function autonomously, which leads to some restrictions of the functionality of the desktop client. At the same time quickly delete any conversation here.

Deleting chats in Viber Messenger for Windows

  1. Open Viber on your computer.
  2. Viber for Windows - Running the Messenger Application

  3. In the list of available conversations located on the left of the application window, find the title of the chat and click on it right-click.
  4. Viber For Windows Search for a dialogue deleted in the left application window

  5. In the menu that opens, select Delete.
  6. Viber for Windows menu options applicable to each chat

  7. Confirm the need to destroy the selected dialogue and its contents, touching "Delete" in the request window.
  8. Viber For Windows Deleting chat from the messenger - Request confirmation

  9. On this, the procedure for removing the chat in the Viber from the PC is completed - its header will disappear from the list available.

As you can see, the removal of chats from Viber should not cause any difficulties from the user of any operating system, in which the messenger application functions is functioning.

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