How to make printscreen on poppy


how to make printscreen on poppy

Making the screenshots, entirely or separate item, may be needed for different reasons. It is worth noting that in MacOS screenshots are made somewhat different than in Winds, and today we want to tell you about the analogues of the Print Screen function for the "apple" OS.

Making screenshots in Makos

The first thing for the grief of users who switched to this OS from Windows are: the usual pressing of PrintScreen is not possible, since on the standard keyboard of Apple devices, such a key is simply absent. However, the ability to make screenshots is, just for them should use other key combinations.

Method 1: Standard MacOS Mojave

In the modern version of the "apple" operating system, you can call an advanced tool for removing the screen shots.

  1. Refer to the device keyboard - press the SHIFT + COMMAND + 5 keyboard key, and the dedicated area with Tulbar appears below.
  2. Call a tool for removing screenshots on MacOS Mojave

  3. For a snapshot of the entire screen, use the left left button on the utility panel, then the extreme right, "snapshot".
  4. Remove the entire screen in the screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

  5. The next button allows you to take a picture of a separate window.

    Screenshot of a separate window in the screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

    Pressing it will lead to the cursor icon to change to the stylized image of the camera. To remove the snapshot, the cursor should be brought to the desired window and click on the mouse.

  6. An example of a separate window screenshot in the screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

  7. An option "Photo of the selected area" functions similarly to the scissors tool from Windows: highlight the screen fragment and click on the mouse in order to save it.
  8. Screen fragment snapshot in screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

  9. The two last buttons allow you to make a video of all desktop or its separate fragment, respectively.
  10. Make a record of what is happening on the screen in the screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

  11. By default, the screenshots are saved in PNG format on the MACOS desktop, where the shooting time is specified as the name.

    Desktop with a snapshot made in the screenshoter tool on Macos Mojave

    You can work with them in the same way as with any other images.

Also, if required, this tool can be opened through "Launchpad": click on the corresponding icon in the dock.

Open Lauchpad to call a screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

Find the folder called "Other" (also may be called "Utilites" or "Utilities") and go to it.

Open the directory utilities to call the screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

The application is called "Screen Snapshot", click on it to call.

Cause a snapshot of the screen to open the screenshoter tool on MacOS Mojave

Method 2: Universal Keyboard Combination

In addition to removal of screenshots, a snapshot of key combinations is available in MacOS Mojave and older versions.

  1. The combination of SHIFT + COMMAND + 3 makes the screenshot of the entire screen.
  2. Take a snapshot of the entire screen with a versatile keyboard key on MacOS Mojave

  3. The SHIFT + Command + 4 option allows you to take a picture of the area: when the cursor is changed to the cross, clamp the left mouse button and select the desired area, the screenshot will be made automatically.

    Picture of the area of ​​the universal keyboard key on MacOS Mojave

    If after pressing the mentioned combination, use the space, you can take a picture of a separate window. Pressing the OPTION + combination space will remove the shadow from the image.

Screenshot of a separate window Universal keyboard shortcut on MacOS Mojave

As you can see, screenshots in MacOS is easy, and sometimes more convenient than in Windows or other OS.

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