Checking headphones online


Checking headphones through web services

Headphone check allows you to reveal how high-quality sound level they can provide. You can perform such testing not only with the help of installed programs, but also using online services, which we will talk about.

Headphone Sound Source Testing on Headphonesbest website in Opera browser

Method 2: Counter Strike

At one of the sites dedicated to the Counter Strike game, there is also a tool for checking headphones. True, in contrast to the previous web resource, it allows you to test only the volume of sound (3D test). Next, we will consider in detail the actions algorithm for performing this task.

Online service Counter Strike

  1. After switching to the Test Test page, a window with a video player opens on the link above. Click it on the Start button to start testing.

    Run 3D test on the site Counter Strike in Opera browser

    Attention! This player works using Adobe Flash technology. Many modern browsers consider this technology source of additional vulnerability, and therefore you may have to enable permission from this script in the web browser settings.

  2. Enabling Adobe Flash Player Player on Counter Strike website in Opera browser

  3. A 3D test starts, during which the sounds of walk and shaking box will be played. If they are eaten alternately from different sides, it means that the headphones are suitable for playing surround sound. In the opposite case, this audio device does not support the specified possibility.

3D Test on the Counter Strike website in Opera browser

We reviewed two popular web resources to test headphones. If you want to check only the support of the volume of sound, you will be suitable for the service that offers the Counter Strike website. If you need to make comprehensive testing, then use the tools from the Headphonesbest portal.

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