How to make a black VK on android


How to make a black VK on android

The interface of the social network VKontakte both on the website and in the official mobile application, has a light design style, often preventing comfortable reading and viewing pages. You can get rid of the problem by changing the topic with white to the darker or black. Within our instructions, we will tell you how to implement such a task on Android devices.

Dark VK design style on Android

By default, the mobile application VKontakte does not allow changing the background color and other interface elements. Because of this, all our ways or otherwise will be associated with third-party means, and for the most part, a separate software that fully replaces the official software.

Night mode

If you want to use Kate Mobile on an ongoing basis, it is important to configure "Night mode" to automatically change the topic in the day and night.

  1. To do this, open the "Settings" and go to the "Night Topic" section.
  2. Go to the settings of the night theme in Kate Mobile

  3. Install the checkbox next to the item of the same name to turn on the mode. Be sure to configure the time on and off the topic to your own discretion.
  4. Settings of the night theme in Kate Mobile

  5. By clicking on the "Topic" line, select the "black" option. At the same time, do not forget to change the basic style to light, since otherwise the change will not be noticeable.
  6. Changing colors for the night theme in Kate Mobile

The main advantages of the client within the framework of the topic under consideration are reduced to the possibility of not only the activation of the black background and light text, but also to the user settings of each color and the type of some icons on personal discretion. That is, in combination with other functions, makes Kate Mobile the best option from all.

Method 2: Night VK

A separate nightcare application provides at once two decoration style: light and dark. When used, the basic functions of the site will be available, including the viewing of the tape, messages, the page of other users and much more. Not available from here listening to audio recordings, but instead there are additional possibilities like the "invisible" mode, which will not focus on which we will not.

Download Night VC from Google Play Market

  1. To activate the dark style, it is enough to install and launch the application by following the subsequent authorization using data from the VKontakte account. The design itself is made although in dark, but still not in black tones.
  2. First use of the Night VC application

  3. Optionally, through the main menu, you can activate the Day-Night mode, allowing the client to automatically change the style depending on the time settings. If required, it is also possible to turn off the dark colors at all so that the design is fully consistent with the original software.
  4. Day-night mode in Night VK

  5. Additionally, in the night VC, there are parameters for some individual design elements. To go to them, open the main menu, select "Settings" and tap on the "Design" line.

    Go to design settings in the night VK application

    In the "Background Picture" section, you can add an image to the dialogs. This will increase readability and convenience in general.

  6. Setting up the message backgrounds in the night VK application

This end the functions, anything related to the dark style of VKontakte, through this application. If it does not suit you, the following option is more trimmed in comparison with the original client.

Method 3: Color Inversion

This method cannot be called a full-fledged style for Vkontakte, but it can still be useful if you use the device on the Android platform version 5 and above. The method is to use the inversion function of colors in the operating system, thereby changing the dark and light tones by places.

  1. Open the "Settings" system application and scroll to the System block. Here you need to choose the "Special Features" item.
  2. Go to Special Settings on Android

  3. The next page just needs to scroll down and find the section "Screen". Tap the line "Inversion of colors" to activate the function.
  4. Including inversion of colors on Android

  5. As a result, each color in the system will be distorted from light to a dark shade. The same applies to any applications, including VKontakte.

    Successful Inversion of Color Inversion on Android

    As you can see, if you do not count the images and emoticons, the black style looks quite correct.

  6. Inverted version of VKontakte application on Android

Due to the features of the work, this method is relevant only in a rare number of cases, for example, if you for some reason can not use one of the previously named applications.


Judging by the development of desktop VKontakte, you can certainly say that in the near future dark design will be added to the official software. We also, along the course of the article, the best options for activating black-style VKontakte today, including applications that have a fairly high rating in the play markete. The use of each method gives certain advantages, although inferior to the official analogue.

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