Android System WebView What is this


Android System WebView What is this

On Android devices there are many components, usually invisible to the user, but perform an important role and allow the smartphone to function correctly. Among such applications is also present by System WebView, intended for viewing web content. About the more accurate purpose of the component and on some other aspects, we will be described further as part of the article.

Android System WebView.

The System WebView application is pre-installed on any Android device and is intended to mainly queue web content from the Internet, whether sites or media content. With it, it provides a stable loading of content within other applications installed on the device.

Using Android System WebView App

If there is no component in the device, some applications displaying content from the Internet without using a web browser will work incorrectly. Moreover, with independent removal of danger, not only the stable software work, but also the operating system as a whole will be exposed.

View information about the application Android System WebView

To date, the overwhelming majority of applications, especially on the Android version 7 and higher platform, work without using this component, thereby excluding possible problems. At the same time, on some devices, malfunctions are still possible.

Elimination of problems

You can get rid of problems associated with System WebView by downloading the application from the official page in the play markete. This application is available for all Android versions, starting with 4 and ending only the upcoming tenth version.

Download Android System WebView from Google Play Market

Official page Android System WebView

To activate the application, you will also need to start any software that requires this component to work. With a stable detection of System WebView will be powered and the program will start working as it was conceived by the developer.

In addition to downloading from the page in the play mark, you can try to enable the component through the "Settings". To do this, open the system parameters and on the WebView service page in the "For Developers" section, change the value to Android System WebView.

Select System WebView service on Android

See also: Installing the default browser on Android

When various errors appear in connection with the recent updates of the component, go to its page in the "Applications" section through the system "settings". Here you need to use the "Stop" buttons, "Delete Updates" and "Clear Data" in the specified order. On some devices, items may be called otherwise.

Clearing data on the Android System WebView application

If the software under consideration does not work, but still present on the smartphone, and the actions described above were executed, activate the root rights and make a complete deletion. After that, visit the official page on Google Play Market and re-download the application. As a result, any problems will have to disappear.

Getting root rights on the Android device

Read more: Getting Root Rights on Android

In addition to all this, do not forget to periodically update the software to avoid future troubleshooting. Exactly the same applies to other applications, especially those installed on Android below the seventh version and directly relating to social networks.

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