Unity Web Player support browsers


Unity Web Player support browsers

Some users love to play browser applications, but certain of them were developed on the Unity engine and, accordingly, require the availability of the installed Unity Web Player on the computer. Only after installing this component, such a ported game will be able to start without any problems. However, sometimes the user faces the fact that his browser does not support this technology. The only way out in this case will be the selection of a suitable web browser, which we would like to talk within this article.

Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer - familiar to all users of Windows browser, but little used. It is usually started once - to download another web browser. This does not mean that it is forever forget about such software. One of the latest versions - IE 11 - copes well with the launch of applications on Unity Web Player, and you can spend time in your favorite game without any problems.

Exterior view Browser Internet Explorer

The only thing to take into account that the Unity Web Player implementation is not possible in the old Internet Explorer builds, as well as before the game starter, it is recommended to make sure that the computer installed the current version of the required component. The mentioned browser does not need to download, it is installed by default in all windows operating systems.

Microsoft Edge.

A new embedded web browser has appeared in Windows 10, which provides a lot of useful functions, and it is able to compete with the already loved many guides on the Internet. As for its compatibility with the technology under consideration today, the developer company during the work on EDGE tried to do everything in order to quickly join the rows of software with the support of WebGL, but it did not work immediately. However, now Microsoft Edge is specified as a UNITY Browser compatible and can be used to start games.

Appearance Browser Microsoft Edge

In addition, EDGE is quite convenient, automatically updated with the release of new additions for Windows and is a worthy candidate for the default browser. However, nothing bothers you to use it only for games, and other work continue in the usual program.

Mozilla Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular open source browsers, which makes it freely distributed on different platforms, including Windows. Stable work with Unity Web Player is supported only to version 42, in all subsequent modular technology has been removed and no longer functions. The only way to interact with such applications is to use the ESR assembly, which is intended for system administrators. There is still no support for NPAPI in it and most likely will not disappear anywhere.

Appearance of the Mozilla Firefox web browser

As for the overall functionality of this browser, it performs all the same tasks as most of the other analogues. Some users are dissatisfied with the great consumption of system resources, which significantly reduces the overall performance of the computer, however, Mozilla Firefox in this plan shows a far from the worst option compared to the closest competitors.


Now the Safari browser is mainly used only by computers on the MacOS platform, since the release of new versions for Windows has been discontinued in 2012. It still supports NPAPI technology and interacts correctly with all connected modules, including with Unity Web Player.

Appearance of the Safari web browser

The disadvantage is that users on Windows will have to use obsolete software, which can cause difficulties when performing any other tasks. Safari is distributed free of charge, easy to install and the concept of the interface, is available for download on the official website of the developers.

Netscape Navigator

Initially, NPAPI technology, which is needed and for Supplement Unity, was created specifically for the Netscape Navigator browser. After some time, the update output stopped, and in speed, the developer refused to support this web browser. However, if you download the latest version of this program, the Unity games will work there without any problems.

Appearance Netscape Navigator web browser

The cons of the use of Netscape Navigator is exactly the same as the previous representative - irrelevance, creating difficulties in everyday use. If you need a browser only to launch applications, the program mentioned can be used.

Google Chrome.

Of course, Google Chrome is considered one of the most popular browsers in the world, but its developers refused to support NPAPI back in 2015. Because of this, the start of Java, Unity and Flash Player here becomes impossible. The only way out for users remains the search for the old version of the web browser, where this technology is still present, but no one recommends obsolete assemblies to use.

Appearance of the Google Chrome web browser

On this, our article comes up to its logical conclusion. As you can see, there are not so many solutions to run applications on Unity Web Player and have to try to find the appropriate browser. We tried to facilitate this task, showing the available options.

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