Java support browsers


Java support browsers

Almost every user when working at a computer faces the need to install Java components. This plugin is actively involved in browsers to play media system and launch web applications of various kinds. This technology is used only in certain browsers, where the NPAPI plug-in development architecture is implemented (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface). As part of today's article, we would like to tell about popular browsers that are compatible with Java and support it at the current time.


Safari browser is produced since 2003 and was originally intended for the MacOS platform. A few years later, a full-fledged version for Windows appeared, however, in 2012, the updates were stopped and the safari is no longer updated on these OS. Users can only work in old versions or go to alternative options. The advantage of even the old assembly of this browser is to support Java and other popular plugins.

Appearance of the Safari web browser

Thanks to the application of the Safari component under consideration, the Safari component perfectly copes with playing video, opening images and start applications. Immediately it is worth noting that, like all other browsers, safaris requires Java installed on the computer. Only then the interaction with this tool will be carried out normally and there should be no problems with surfing on the network.

UC Browser.

Initially, the UC Browser mobile application later began to go out for computers with Windows operating systems. Many features of this browser are known to users, including the built-in advertising blocker and data compression. Among all the functions there are also support for the Java environment, which ensures normal reproduction of the media system.

Appearance of the UC Browser web browser

In addition, the quality functioning of the content provides the presence of two engines - Chromium and Trident, so you will forever forget about any problems with the compatibility of the material presented on the sites. UC Browser, like most web browsers, is distributed free of charge and accessible to download on the official website.

Google Chrome.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers in the world today. The developer is actively engaged in not only the support of its product, but also tries to always develop it. A few years ago, when you exit stable version 45 Google Chrome, I refused the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface modules, which means stopping Java support. If you wish to use chrome with this component, you will have to download it to the older version, since in new work with the media content is carried out using other technologies.

Appearance of the Google Chrome web browser

As for interaction with this web browser, the opinions of users are divided into that account. Some it is quite suitable, and for others is considered not functional enough and affects computer performance due to the strong consumption of system resources. Especially the load is felt with the active involvement of additional extensions and many diverse tabs.

Mozilla Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox is another fairly well-known browser that is actively used on different platforms, for example, it is standard in many Linux distributions. Prior to version 52, which was published in March 2017, Mozilla supported NPAPI, but after it was carved, as a result of which the Java module was removed. All those wishing to use this technology in its former form it is recommended to download older stable versions.

Appearance of the Mozilla Firefox web browser

However, there is a special ESR assembly, created specifically for organizations requiring support for mass deployment. In this version of the browser, the possibility of using NPAPI is maintained, so Java will also be available there too. Determine whether the ESR assembly is active now, will help a special item in the settings menu, where the corresponding identifier is displayed.

Pale Moon.

Many owners of weak computers have come across recommendations about using Pale Moon as a permanent browser. It is perfectly optimized for old iron, but the developers did not have to sacrifice the overall functionality to achieve such a result. Among the list of opportunities there are also compatibility with the Java you are interested in. It concerns all versions, and while the manufacturer does not think to refuse the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface modules, actively supporting this technology for assemblies on any platforms.

Exterior view of the Pale Moon web browser

In Windows, Java's work in Pale Moon turns on immediately after installing the last assembly of the component to the computer, but the owners of distributions based on the Linux kernel will have to additionally add libraries through the standard console to ensure normal tool interaction. Details of the implementation of this procedure is written in the official documentation for each platform.

Tor Browser.

Tor Browser is known to many users as an anonymous browser that allows you to make a secure connection passing through several network addresses to the end point. Such a goal is based on the active sessions of the browser and passes not only in different cities, but also countries. Of course, because of this, the connection speed drops significantly, but the reliability of such a connection is higher than the average. In addition, the TOR without problems opens the links of the pseudo domains of the top level .ONion, which are not indexed by standard search engines.

Exterior Tor Browser web browser interface view

Java is supported here, but many active users disable this component or go to the maximum security mode, where the tool is disconnected independently. The fact is that it creates vulnerabilities that violate the overall security of the connection. However, it does not prevent the java enabled and proceed to perform the necessary tasks.

Netscape Navigator

Within the framework of today's article, Netscape Navigator cannot be affected, because it was for this web browser that the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface was originally developed and connected plugins were created for the first time. As for the functionality of this program, it is practically the same as in the early Mozilla Firefox, since they were based on this open source browser.

Appearance Netscape Navigator web browser

Java support was included in all known four versions of Netscape Navigator and functed there without any failures. Unfortunately, the development of software was discontinued in 2007, which could arise problems with compatibility on new assemblies of operating systems. We recommend to pay attention to the old computers to pay attention to this representative in order to at least familiarize themselves with its interface and interaction principle.

EpiPhany (Web)

Previous browsers are compatible with Linux and Windows platforms, but Web is compatible with distributions based on Linux. It is built by default in the GNOME graphic shell and fully integrated with the desktop environment, which is its advantage. Of course, for such a tool, you certainly need Java support available from Linux. The user does not need to install additional components and perform the settings, because everything works immediately after installation.

Exterior Web Web Browser

In addition, EpiPhany has a huge number of additional extensions that make it even more flexible and convenient. To install this browser, in case of its absence, you do not even have to download anything from the site, enough in the console to write Sudo Apt Install Epiphany-Browser for Linux Mint, Debian or Ubuntu. For other distributions there are tar.gz or RPM packages in user storage facilities.


The latter in our current list will perform another web browser for Linux, built into the KDE graphic shell. Konqueror is different from competitors with its modulosis. The technology used in it allows you to embed components from other software, which provides free reproduction of a different media system or, for example, working with text.

Appearance of the Konqueror web browser

With such a set of functions, Java support is mandatory. This tool is activated immediately after installing the browser, however, when you download distributions, pay attention to the assembly, since now the developers have begun to refuse Konqueror, embedding other web browsers instead.

Java support browsers There is a sufficiently large amount, since this is a popular tool needed by many users. However, sometimes there are situations when, in new assemblies of observers, developers refuse to support modules and java is no longer available. We recommend always reading the innovations documentation to be aware of all changes. In addition, nothing prevents you from using the old version of the browser with the reluctance to go to the new one.

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