Error "Unidentified Network" in Windows 10


Error Unidentified Network in Windows 10

Now almost every user has access to the Internet. Some use a wired connection, while others are sitting via Wi-Fi. The connection type is not at all important, each may encounter an "Unidentified Network" error on devices running Windows 10 operating system. In this case, the connection will be limited and will not open any site. The fact is that the problem arises at the stage of attempts to compound, so it immediately arises several obvious methods to solve it, which will be discussed in our article.

We solve the error "Unidentified Network in Windows 10"

Sometimes the problem under consideration appears in itself, which is associated with problems from the provider, therefore it makes sense to wait a bit in the hope of its independent correction. If no effect is observed after time, we advise you to start paying attention to the most banal tips, which are often effective enough:
  • When an error occurs after performing any actions, such as network settings or program installation, try to return everything to your place. When it does not work independently, restore the condition available to the standard method. Detailed guide to this topic is looking for separate materials on the following links.
  • Read more:

    We restore Windows 10 to source

    Rollback to the recovery point in Windows 10

  • When using a modem, the problem can be concluded in it. It often helps the standard reboot, because it leads to the release of the memory of a Wi-Fi router and resetting its condition. The same procedure also applies to a computer: select "Reboot" through "Start" and wait for.
  • Read more: Reloading the router

  • Try to turn off the installed antivirus if it is available. It usually helps when the inscription appears "there is no connection to the Internet, protected."
  • Read more: Disable antivirus

  • When using a direct cable connection from the provider to a computer or laptop, call the Internet service provider and check if there have been any failures on the line or are repair work now? After all, it is impossible to exclude the fact that faults are not only from the user, but also the provider.

If nothing of the above did not bring any result, we advise you to proceed to the implementation of more complex ways. We will try as in detail as much as possible and simply talk about each, starting with the most elementary.

Method 1: Reset network settings

One of the easiest and most effective methods - reset network settings. Sometimes the user randomly or deliberately changes the connection settings, which leads to the appearance of various problems. In addition, the configuration could be changed under the action of software or after installing updates. Reset them to the initial type is made literally in several clicks.

  1. Open the Start menu and go to "Parameters".
  2. Switch to the Options menu in the Windows 10 operating system

  3. Select the category "Network and Internet".
  4. Go to the connection settings in the Windows 10 operating system parameters

  5. Go to the "Status" section and click the "Relief" link.
  6. Network reset button in Windows 10 operating system parameters

  7. You will be familiar with the notification of the action of this procedure. After reading all the nuances, click on "reset now" and expect PC reboot.
  8. Running network reset via parameters in the Windows 10 operating system

Exactly the same actions are available for execution and through the "Command Line". For some users, this option will seem more convenient, because you only need to run the console through the menu.

Run a command line through the Start menu in the Windows 10 operating system

Next, in turn, enter in it such commands:

Commands to reset the network settings through the console in the Windows 10 operating system

Netsh int ip reset

Ipconfig / Release.

ipconfig / renew.

Upon completion, send a computer to a reboot and try to reinstance.

Method 2: troubleshooting tool

In the Windows operating system, there are a number of utilities that allow you to automatically correct frequently arising problems. Among them are also a tool for the diagnostics and commissioning of the network. It is in the "Update and Security" section in the "Parameters" menu.

Go to the category of updates and security through parameters in Windows 10

On the left there is a menu where you want to select "Troubleshooting", and then "Internet Connections". It will start scanning.

Running a network correction tool in the Windows 10 operating system

We will have to wait a certain amount of time until the troubleshooting means will complete the scanning and correction. It is possible that additional instructions that need to be accurate are displayed.

Network detection process in the Windows 10 operating system

Quite often, the standard utility allows you to solve the difficulty that has arisen, so you should not be neglected by this method, because it can save nerves and forces that would be spent on the search and correcting error "Unidentified Network".

Method 3: Changing Network Settings

If you encountered an error in question today, you should know that it means the impossibility of the computer to get the IP address from network equipment. This may be associated with the incorrect configuration of the IPv4 network protocol or problems with the work of the DHCP server, which is involved to receive network settings. It is recommended to independently check the current configuration and try changing it to normalize the connection.

  1. Through a familiar menu "Parameters" Go to "Network and Internet".
  2. Go to the Network and Internet menu through the parameters in the Windows 10 operating system

  3. Open the "Status" item and click the LCD on the "Change Connection Properties" link.
  4. Transition to Changing Windows 10 Configuration

  5. Run down and in the "IP Parameters" section, click the Edit button.
  6. Running an IP address editing tool in the Windows 10 operating system

  7. If manual values ​​are set, change the type on "automatically (DHCP)" and click on "Save".
  8. Select automatic receiving settings via DHCP server in Windows 10

  9. In case of detection already and so used automatic configuration, it is necessary to change it to static by selecting the Manual Mode and activating "IPv4".
  10. Enabling manual receipt for IP address in Windows 10

  11. Find out the IP address of your equipment (usually it is written on the router housing and has the form In the "IP address" line, enter the received value by changing only the last digit to any other, for example, 2. skip the following item, it will be filled automatically, and specify the address of the router as "gateway". In the "Preferred DNS server" and "Additional DNS server", enter and At the end of the configuration, check the specified data and save the changes.
  12. Set configuration for static connection via IPv4 protocol in Windows 10

Method 4: Setting the LAN Settings

Above, we disassembled the three most effective methods that help in most situations. Now we want to talk about additional options. They also turn out to be useful, but less often. I would like to start with changes in the parameters of the local network. To do this, go to the "Browser Properties" through the classic control panel application.

Go to browser properties via the control panel in Windows 10

In properties, open the "Connections" tab and select Network Setup.

Go to the LAN settings in the Windows 10 browser properties

Here it remains only to put or remove a tick near the "Automatic Definition of Parameters", which depends on the current setting.

Automatic receiving settings for the local network in Windows 10

After the changes, perform reconnect to the network to update the configuration, and check which result will be now.

Method 5: Reinstalling or updating the network driver

For compatibility with network equipment meets a special driver. If the software version is outdated or installed incorrectly, there may be problems with connectivity. Then the user will have to independently delete the driver and add it to the system again using a new version or old, but downloaded from the official website. Uninstalling components is available directly from the device manager or using a special software with which you can find in a separate article Next.

Read more: Programs for removing drivers

After successful deletion, the driver needs to be reused. This is done by different methods, each of which is suitable in a certain situation. Other our author painted as much as possible every way in the material you find below.

Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

Method 6: Changing the Power Plan

Not only device performance depends on the power plan, but also the operation of certain functions. Sometimes reducing energy consumption negatively affects the operation of the network connection. Therefore, we recommend ensuring that the system settings are set to "Maximum Performance". Only then will be able to exclude the factor of the guilt of this parameter.

Read more: Changing the Windows 10 Power Plan

On this, our article comes up to its logical conclusion. Above you have been familiar with the six methods of solving the problem considered. We tried to place them as far as efficientness, therefore, when performing each of them, in order, you get the most great chance to get to the appropriate way.

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