How to get cards in steam


How to get collectible cards in steam

Collecting cards is one of the favorite activities of many stima users. Maps are collectible items associated with a specific game of this service. Most often, they are needed to create icons that increase the account level. They can be sold on the trading platform and receive money for it, which can later be spent on the purchase of games and cosmetic items for them and their profile.

Get Cards in Steam

You can get these items in several ways that differ in the formal way. In some situations, they will have to spend their own money, and in others it will be enough to just play your favorite game. All of the following methods are recommended to use comprehensively if you want to get the highest possible number of cards.

Method 1: Game Activity

The easiest and easy way to get a few cards is to play games that are built into their drops (loss). At first, you need to see which of the games attached to the account at all support cards, and how many more things fall in each of them.

  1. Open your steam profile and go to the "Icons" section.
  2. Switch to section icons in Steam

  3. Scroll through the entire list - only those games will be displayed in it where collectible cards have been added to the developer.
  4. In each block signed how many pieces of cards are collected, as well as how much will fall out.
  5. The number of drop-down cards from the game in Steam

    The principle of drill steam is always the same: only 50% of the card icon available for the craft will fall. If it requires an odd amount for its creation, for example, 7, you will get less than half - 3 of 7.

  6. Now, in accordance with the knowledge gained, you can start the game where cards will fall out for a certain period of time.

This option does not require any additional actions from the user, since the Drop occurs automatically during the game. However, as it was already said earlier, it will not be possible to create an icon without applying additional ways due to limiting the number of drop-down cards. Further we will analyze the methods of how else to knock them out for an icon or sale.

Method 2: Weekly entrance to the account

When viewing a list with dropped and waiting trendies, you probably noticed the inscription "How to get more?". By clicking on this link the window will open in which you can read the additional condition.

Link How to get more cards in Steam

In short, each active user of this playing area has a chance to get an additional set of three cards. To do this, you need to go to your profile from 1 time per week. Nevertheless, in practice, the chance of receiving a gift is rather low, and the owners of a low level in Steam, most likely, will have to wait a long time while the system randomly chooses their profile to accrual the bonus.

Information on obtaining more cards in Steam

In the drop-down mini-pack, there is a small chance to find a rare card, which is more expensive than usual, if you sell it on the inner trading platform, and also allows you to create an improved icon.

In addition, the level of your profile directly depends on the chance of Drop:

  • 10 level: + 20% to the chance of falling out;
  • 20 level: + 40% to the chance of falling out;
  • 30 level: + 60% to the chance of falling out;
  • 40 level: + 80% to the chance of falling out;
  • 50 level: + 100% to the chance of falling out (that is, the chance doubles).

Method 5: Sharing Forum

When a method with friendly exchange is not suitable, as an alternative, it is proposed to contact the exchange forum dedicated to a specific game. To do this, simply click the appropriate button while in the "icons" of this game itself (how to get there, it was said in the method 3).

Transition button to the exchange forum in Steam

A forum page will open, where participants will offer their subjects for exchange. Conditions here are simple: minimal knowledge of English and patience when moving from the topic in search of a suitable offer. Reduction: H - Have (Yes), W - Want (I want). Do not forget to use the search box for discussions to speed up the process. However, in any case, it is important for you to know the names of the cards that you are looking for and which you can offer in return (sometimes users are needed to exchange cards and objects from other games). The easiest way to use this option from the browser, allowing you to open several tabs.

Search cards on the Sharing Forum in Steam

If there is no desire to seek or failed to meet a suitable offer, create your own topic with a proposal, pushing out from already existing from the sample. In this case, it is best to use English - so chances for quick exchange will rise many times than if you created a topic in your own language.

Creating a new topic on the Sharing Forum in Steam

Trade itself is carried out almost the same as in the method 3.

Method 6: Marketplace

A quick and convenient way for all those who have free money or who is ready to translate them to Steam's wallet to buy objects.

  1. Being in the "Icons" section, click on the "Search on the trading platform" button opposite the card that needs.
  2. Switching to a shopping area for buying a card in Steam

  3. Here will immediately be displayed the balance of your wallet.
  4. Balance Wallet in Steam

  5. Look at the price with which the sale begins, and click on "Buy".
  6. Transition to buying a card on a shopping area in Steam

  7. Enter the number of cards and the cost of one thing for which you are willing to purchase it. If you specify below that it is proposed by sellers at the moment, a purchase request will be created - how someone will set the price specified by you, an automatic purchase will occur. However, firstly, it is expensive in time, secondly, you will be in the "queue" of the same wishes. Sometimes waiting at all will not succeed, especially in a situation with not popular games. In this regard, it is better to repel from the minimum purchase price. At the end, click "order", and if there is no money on the wallet, it will be proposed to "replenish the balance". In the first case, the card will be purchased and immediately will appear in your inventory, this will happen after replenishing the account.
  8. Card purchase process on the shopping area in Steam

Buy cards for a while before the start of seasonal sales in Steam. As a rule, some users are trying to quickly earn their selling to buy games on discounts, so product prices will be more loyal for the buyer.

Method 7: Purchase of inexpensive / Receiving Games

Usually, receiving collection cards of gamers is interested in the further crafting of the icon or sale. Those who relate to the first group can resort to the purchase of inexpensive games that support the drops of cards. If you are ready to invest in their acquisition, follow the following instructions, and method 7 will help speed up the process of obtaining them - after all, not all cheap (and expensive) games will be interesting, besides, the receipt of cards will be quite expensive in time.

  1. Open the Steam page and go to "Store" ("Store").
  2. Switch to store in Steam

  3. Find the "Discounts" section, usually this tab is about in the middle of the page.
  4. Switching to discounts in the store in Steam

  5. Scroll through the list of promotional positions, find the "More: Discounts" button and click on it.
  6. View all discounts on Steam games

  7. A list of all games that are for sale will appear. Every day it changes - some options from here will disappear, others - appear.
  8. List of low-cost discount games in Steam

  9. On the right you will see a list of filters. First, activate the characteristic "Collectible Cards" so that only those games are displayed on the left, where their loss is supported.
  10. Turning on Collectible Card Support Filter in Steam

  11. A slightly above you can choose the category "Games" to remove from the DLC list (Supplements) and other programs.
  12. Enabling game filter in Steam

  13. Now set out the "increasing price" sort.
  14. Sorting Games Ascending Prices in Steam

From the changed list, choose inexpensive games, buy them, install and spend time in them. And if you have no desire, go to the next way.

You can also get games as a gift, regularly watching distributions in various Telegram channels, vkontakte publics, such as Free Steam, and Humblebundle sites.

Method 8: Farm Cards

In the presence of many games and the desire to get cards from them quickly need to take advantage of special software. We will consider the most popular program - Steam IDle Master. This is a free and secure open source utility on GitHub (and therefore is available for validation checks).

The meaning of Steam IDle Master is that it emulates the launch of games in the background, formally not launching them and not loading PC. Thanks to this, the system thinks that the user plays and at the incident of some "talked" time gives him cards. In essence, it is a quick replacement of method 1, having exactly the same limitations on the number of drop-down cards from one game.

The program has only one requirement: during her work, it is ultimately not recommended to run games in parallel, especially working through anti-Vac anti-cells (such as CS: GO). Otherwise, you can get an error "Vac Authentication Error".

Download Steam IDle Master from the official site

  1. Download the program and unpack the archive. Run the "idlemaster.exe" file - no installation is required, the utility will open immediately.
  2. Imprivitation through Steam.
  3. Authorization in Steam IDle Master

  4. After the successful entry of Steam IDle Master scans the entire profile library, will determine where the cards are not received from, and this process will begin on their own. In the main window, you will see a brief summary of how many more cards can be discarded from which number of games, as well as other information - just read all the information provided. Through the settings, it is possible to configure the library list sorting and other parameters.
  5. Pharmal Pharma Process in Steam IDle Master

All the fallen cards will be displayed in the inventory usually, as if they fell out during the real game.

Method 9: Trade Cards

On the Internet there are services that allow profitably exchange cards, bypassing the Steam shopping area. One of them is a proven year Steam Card Exchange. It represents a website that not only displays all useful information about the cost of cards, benefit from the icon crafting, but also allows the exchange of unnecessary cards through the internal bot.

Using Card Exchange Bota in Steam Card Exchange

We will not paint his work, since this is the topic of a separate article, and the use of the site depends solely on your needs (viewing relevant prices or exchange through the "Trading Bot"). If you want to exchange, be sure to first read the section "Guide" and "FAQ" so that in the process there is no extra difficulty. The minus of the site is only that it works only in English.

Go to Steam Card Exchange website

Method 10: Creating gems

In the style there is a function of creating gems, cracked from the inventory items. Subsequently, the user should determine what to do with them:

  • Create from the handstone of the gems of the "bag of gems" and sell it on the trading platform for about 15-20 rubles (the price may be different at the time of reading this article). The money left to go to the trading platform and buy the missing cards according to method 5;
  • Exchange gems for 3 cards for the selected game.

This guide will be relevant only for those users who have in stock inventory (it is the stima, not a specific game) unnecessary objects like backgrounds, emoticons.

  1. Open your profile and go to "Inventory".
  2. Switch to the "Steam" tab.
  3. STEAM Tab in Inventory

  4. Here we need to choose the subject that we will turn into gems. Immediately categorically we do not recommend using for this card, even if there are somewhat identical. They are not at all appreciated - on average, 8 gems are offered at the map, while 60 pcs are issued for smiley and background. For the same items obtained during the forging icon on the sale, the user will receive 100 gems.
  5. Select the item you do not need, look at how many stones for it will be obtained. If the result suits, click on the "Turn to Gems" button.
  6. Transition to transformation of an inventory subject to Gems in Steam

  7. A question appears confirming this step, answer the affirmative.
  8. Confirmation of the transformation of an inventory in Gems in Steam

  9. A message about the resulting quantity of gems will be displayed. This subject will appear on page 1 in the list of inventory items.
  10. Completion of transformation of an inventory in Gems in Steam

  11. And now we'll figure it out how many gems must be obtained:
    • For sale on the trading platform - 1000 pcs. (At the end, we highlight the gems and click on the button "Collect gems to the bag", and then exhibit lot for sale);
    • Creating a bag of gems for sale on a shopping area in Steam

    • To obtain 3 cards to the game - individually.
  12. Consider in more detail the second option. To go to the Stone Sharing menu, click on the "Learn more" link in the right-hand side.
  13. Transition to a card set generator in Steam

  14. From the drop-down list, select the game, the price of which the cards you want to know. If gems is enough, you can make an exchange. Otherwise, you first get the required quantity and return to the same page.
  15. Choice of Games for the exchange of gems for cards in Steam

  16. We for example, take one of the game below (displayed last launched) and exchange gems on 3 cards.
  17. The number of necessary gems to get cards to the game in Steam

  18. Click "Create a set."
  19. Creating a set of cards for gems in Steam

  20. Confirm your action by pressing the appropriate button.
  21. Confirmation of creating a set of cards for gems in Steam

  22. The resulting set you need to "unpack" if you want to use it.
  23. Unpacking a set of cards in Steam

  24. It will be prompted to see the "Progress of the icon" or "close" the window.
  25. Transition to the progress of the icon in Steam

There is also a chance of falling out a rare card, but at the same time they can also get caught. Therefore, this method is recommended to use with games where the price is 1 card higher than the average for general statistics so that the exchange will pay off. A day is allowed to create no more than one set for each game.

Watch the cost of the entire set of cards for a specific game is convenient on the site Steam.Tools, focusing on the "SET Price" column. Immediately it is necessary to take into account the total number of cards required for the icon craft (see the "Cards" column). A simple mathematical actions remains to calculate how many 3 cards from the entire set will cost. Immediately, keep in mind that all the cards for one game and one level of rarity have different costs, but the difference between prices is minimal - from several kopecks to a pair of rubles on average.

Price per set of game cards in Steam

To quickly find your game, use the search field on the right above.

Method 11: Seasonal Sale

4 times a year Valve arranges global sales in Steam. At each of them, users can not only buy games with good discounts, but also get a few cards for forging icon or sales. They are issued for viewing a selection with personal recommendations. 1 view - 1 card. A day is available to get up to 3 pieces. The action time depends on the Valve installed in Valve and the period is always written in the header on the "Store page" page.

View recommendations for sales cards in Steam

It is worth noting that these cards are burning a month after the completion of the sale, so until the moment it is worthwhile to scratch and improve the sales icon or sell them on the trading platform.

It is recommended to craft other icons (related to games) before starting a long sale: instead of coupons with a discount on the game you can get a card of the future event.

Depending on the event on the sale, you can get maps and in another way, you need to know more about this with the start of the start of the action.

We reviewed several options for receiving cards, but some of them can be deepened to become a real collector and receive more inventory items.

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