How to get out of the group in Vaiber


How to get out of the group in Vaiber

Group chats in the Viber Messenger are arranged in such a way that each user registered in the service can be a member of one of them, regardless of its desire. In addition, the combination of the benefit sometime at any time can stop being such or lose its relevance in terms of the need to obtain information from it. Thus, a way out of the group in Vaiber is a task, to solve which sooner or later requires any owner of the account in the messenger. The article describes how to leave the group chat using the device running Android, iOS and Windows.

Before you begin to demonstrate a messenger functionality that allows you to exit any group created within the service, it should be noted that the following methods should be applied only to "foreign" chats. If you need to get out of the personally created group, as well as delete it, refer to another material available on our website.

Read more: Delete a group in Viber for Android, iOS and Windows

How to get out of the group in Viber for Android

Weber users for Android can leave any chat literally taping on the screen of their smartphone or tablet, and there are two options for specific actions that suggest a group or its temporary "shutdown".

How to get out of group chat in Viber for Android

Method 1: Section "Chats"

  1. Open the Viber client application for Android. Click the "Chats" tab and find the name of the group you decide to leave.
  2. Viber for Android - How to Exit Group - Chat Tab

  3. Long pressing the group chat header, call the action menu and then tap "Delete Chat".
  4. Viber for Android - Exit Group - Call Chat Menu - Delete Chat

  5. The request that appeared reinsure you from rampant or hasty actions. Here is the opportunity, without leaving the group, disable sound notifications that come from it - tap "no sound".

    Viber for Android - Disable audio notifications from the group instead of exiting it

    In the future, enable audio alerts perhaps entering the "information" about the chat from the menu caused by the touch on three points in the upper right corner of the screen with the correspondence.

    Viber for Android - Activation of Sound Notifications of Group Chat

    If you have already deactivated the sounds that accompany the activity of the participants of the conversation, the item "Disable for 30 days" will be inquiry, which makes it possible to "forget" about the group temporarily, but at the same time not to leave it.

    Viber for Android - temporary tripping group in messenger, deactivation of all alerts

    Subsequently, a long-term tap of a group chat header with deactivated alerts is called a menu consisting of two items: "Enable" and "Delete Chat". Accordingly, you can return the group to the usual state or finally delete it from it available in your messenger.

  6. Viber for Android - inclusion of deactivated temporary groups in messenger

  7. If the decision to leave the group is finally done, after executing paragraph 2 above in the instructions, click "Exit and Delete" - the chat header will disappear from the list available in your messenger.
  8. Viber for Android - exit from the group and delete it from the chat papers in the messenger

Method 2: Screen Correspondence

  1. Discover the correspondence in which you need to stop.
  2. Viber for Android - exit from group chat in messenger, opening of the left conversation

  3. Call the menu available for a conversation of actions, touching three points at the top of the screen on the right, and select "Information" in it.
  4. Viber for Android Calling a group chat menu, go to the Information section

  5. Sign out the list of options at the bottom where the "Exit and Delete" item is detected - tap it. Touch "Exit and Delete" Under the query that appears, or use the proposed disabling capabilities system described in paragraph 3 of the previous instruction from this article.
  6. Viber for Android Exit Group Chat in Messenger through the Information section

How to get out of the group in Viber for iOS

The algorithm, following which you can exit any group in Viber for the iPhone includes, as in the case of the above-described client for Android, just a few clicks on the smartphone screen, where the messenger is launched. Specific steps that need to be performed to leave the group chat in Vaiber when using an iOS application, two-time.

How to get out of group chat in viber on the iPhone

Method 1: Section "Chats"

  1. Run the Viber on the iPhone and go to the "Chats" section if the other tab in the messenger turns out to be open. Find the name of the conversation from which we decided to go out.
  2. Viber for iOS Exit Group - Go to the Chats tab

  3. To access the exit function, slide its header to the left. Tap "Delete" among the three buttons have become available.
  4. Viber for iOS access to the group menu - Delete button

  5. Next, you need to select one of the two items in the menu displayed at the bottom of the screen:
    • "Without sound" - you stay a member of the group chat, but at the same time freaking out the receipt of sound notifications that come out of it.

      Viber for iOS Turning off the group chat audio notifications

      After deactivating audio notifications, the group can be transferred to the "sleep mode" to the "sleep" (will be placed on the bottom of the list available, all the alerts about the activity of other participants are deactivated). Slide the title of the conversation on the "Chats" tab of the Messenger to the left, tap "Delete", and then "Disable for 30 days".

      Viber for iOS temporary shutdown all alerts from group chat

      Upon completion of the fulfillment of the two of the above actions, the messenger will cease to demonstrate any activity in the conversation, but at the same time return to the exchange of information you can at any time. To do this, select "Enable" in options applicable to a disabled group.

      Viber for iOS Enabling deactivated group in messenger

    • Activate the sound, taping by the name of the chat on the correspondence screen and touching the corresponding function switch.

      Viber for iOS Enabling audio notifications of the group in Messenger

    • If the decision to leave the group chat is made finally and irrevocably, click "Exit and Delete" in the query area. On this, everything - you left the group of participants of the Viber messenger, and its heading is no longer displayed on the Chat Chats tab of the service client.

      Viber for iOS Exit the group in the messenger and its deletion from the chat tab

Method 2: Screen Correspondence

  1. Enter the group chat, tapping on its heading in the list of available dialogs / public vibers for the iPhone.
  2. Viber for iPhone Opening a group chat from which you need to exit

  3. Touch the name of the conversation at the top of the screen. Scroll through the displayed list of functions to the bottom and click "Exit and Delete".
  4. Viber for iPhone Exit Group Chat - Conversation Men - Open and Delete

  5. Next, select one of the items in the menu, displayed at the bottom of the iPhone screen. Depending on the situation, proceed in the same way as described in the previous instruction (paragraph 3).
  6. Viber for iPhone Finding a group chat - Menu item Exit and delete

How to get out of the group in Viber for PC

An application Viber for Windows, despite the fact that it cannot function autonomously without a mobile client, equipped with options that can quickly exit any group in the messenger or suspend receipt of all notifications from it.

How to exit group chat in Viber for Windows

Method 1: Chat menu

  1. Open the messenger on the PC and find the name of the group chat in the list on the left, from which you need to go out. Click on the rewriting header with the right mouse button.
  2. Viber for Windows Starting the Messenger, the transition to the group from which you need to go out

  3. In the menu that opens, select "Exit and Delete".
  4. Viber for Windows Group Chat Menu - Open and Delete

  5. The appeared window-request allows you to:
    • Instantly stop your participation in group chat - click "Exit and Delete".
    • Viber for Windows Confirmation Request from Group Chat

    • To remain a member of the conversation, but turn off the audio notifications entering during the activity of other members of the union - click "without sound."
    • Viber for Windows Disable audio notifications from group chat

  6. If you have already disabled audio notifications, but you will additionally want the messenger at all at all react to activity in the group (move the header down the list of available correspondence, deactivate all alerts) - again click on its header with the right mouse button, select "Get out and delete", And then "Do not disturb 30 days" in response to the system request.

    Viber for Windows Deactivation of all alerts from the group in Messenger for 30 days

    To return the group chat to the active state, open the menu twice by clicking the right mouse button on the name of correspondence:

    • After the first call to the action list, select "Enable Notifications";
    • Viber for Windows Enable alerts from the deactivated group in Messenger

    • For the second time you click on the "Enable Sound" menu.
    • Viber for Windows Activation of audio notifications of the group in Messenger

Method 2: Menu "Details"

  1. Going to the target group, click on the "I" button located near the title of the conversation.
  2. Viber for Windows Exit Group in Messenger from the Information menu

  3. Scroll through the list of options displayed on the left side of the Wires window for Windows, to the bottom.
  4. Viber for Windows List of functions applicable to group chat

  5. Click "Get out and delete."
  6. Viber for Windows Item Get out and delete in group options

  7. At the request that appeared, you answer the "Get out and delete" button to instantly leave the group chat. Or select less cardinal option, disabling only alerts, as described in the previous instruction from this article (paragraph 4).
  8. Viber for Windows Confirmation request for output from the group in Messenger

As we see, it is not necessary to come out of the group in Viber's special efforts to be applied - the problem of the problem is available with any platform supported by a messenger and is carried out with just a few taps on the mobile device screen or mouse clicks when used to access the PC / laptop service.

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