An error on Android has occurred in the "Settings" application


An error on Android has occurred in the setup application.

On mobile devices with Android, especially if there is no actual or custom version of the operating system on them, from time to time you can encounter various failures and errors, most of which are easily eliminated. Unfortunately, the problem in the work of the standard "Settings" application does not apply to their number, and it will have to make a lot of effort to decide. What exactly, let's tell later.

Troubleshooting an error in the application "Settings"

The most frequently reviewed problem today arises on smartphones and tablets working under the moral versions of OS android (4.1 - 5.0), as well as those on which custom and / or Chinese firmware are installed. The reasons for its appearance are quite a lot, ranging from the failure in the work of individual applications and ending with the bug or damage to the entire operating system.

Error message in the Android setting application

Important: The most difficult to eliminate the error "Settings" It is that the pop-up window with a message about this problem occurs quite often, thereby hampering the process of transition to the desired sections of the system and the fulfillment of the required actions. Therefore, in some cases, we will have to go across, ignoring a pop-up notification, or rather, simply closing it by pressing "OK".

Method 1: Activation of disabled applications

"Settings" is not just an important component of the operating system, but also one of those elements that is closely integrated almost with each mobile application, especially if it is standard (pre-installed). The error under consideration could be caused by the disconnection of one or more programs, and therefore the solution in this case is obvious - it must be re-enabled. For this:

  1. Open the "Settings" of your mobile device any convenient way (label on the main screen, it is in the menu or icon in the notifications panel) and go to the "Application and Notifications" section, and from it to the list of all installed programs.
  2. Go to the section of all installed applications on your mobile device with Android

  3. Scroll through the opening list and find the application or applications that have been disabled - to the right of their name will be the corresponding designation. Tap for this element, and then the "Enable" button.

    Find and enable the previously installed application on your mobile device with Android

    Return to the list of all installed applications and repeat the above actions with each disconnected component, if there are still available.

  4. Enable another previously stopped application on mobile device with Android

  5. Wait for some time that all activated components are updated to the current version, restart the device and after starting checking the error.
  6. Reboot Mobile Device based on Android

    In the event that it arises again, go to the next method of elimination.

    Method 2: Clearing system applications data

    It is possible that the problem under consideration arises because of the failure of the application "Settings" directly and associated components of the operating system. The reason may be in accumulated during their use of the file trash - cache and data that can be erased.

    1. Repeat actions from the first point of the previous method. In the list of all installed applications, find the "Settings" and go to the page with information about them.
    2. Search app settings in the list installed on the smartphone with Android

    3. Tap the "Storage" section, and then by the "Clear Kesh" button and "Clear Storage" (the latter will need to confirm by pressing "OK" in the pop-up window).
    4. Clearing System Application Data Settings on the Smartphone with Android

    5. Return a step back, click on the "Stop" button and confirm your actions in the pop-up window with a question.
    6. Forced Stop System Application Settings on a smartphone with Android

    7. Most likely, the execution of the actions described above will throw out you from "settings", and therefore re-run them and open the list of all applications. Call the menu (three points in the upper right corner or the menu item or the individual tab depends on the Android version and the shell type) and select "Show system processes" in it. Lay "Setup Wizard" and take on its name.
    8. Application Wizard Settings Wizard on smartphone with Android

    9. Perform actions from paragraphs 2 and 3 above, that is, first "Clean the cache" in the "Storage" section (Option "Clear Storage" for this application is not available and in the context of our problem it is not needed), and then "Stop" application operation with The corresponding button on the page with its description.
    10. Cleaning Data and Forced Stop Application Wizard Settings on Smartphone with Android

    11. Additionally: Look in all applications in the list, after activating the display of system processes, an element titled And follow the same actions as with the "settings" and "setup wizard". If there is no such process, skip this step.
    12. Search for a system process in the list of installed applications on a smartphone with Android

    13. Restart your mobile device - most likely, the error in question will no longer disturb you.
    14. Re-reboot mobile device based on Android

    Method 3: Resetting and cleaning these problem applications

    Most often, the error in the "settings" extends to the entire system, but sometimes it occurs only when trying to start and / or using a specific application. Consequently, it is the source of the problem, and therefore we must reset it.

    1. As in the cases above, in the "Settings" of the mobile device, go to the list of all installed applications and find in it that, presumably, is the culprit of the error. Click on it to go to the "Application" page.
    2. Search for a problem application in the list of installed on a smartphone with Android

    3. Open the "Storage" section and alternately click on the "Clear Cash" buttons and "Erase Data" (or "Clear Storage" on the latest version of android). In the pop-up window, tap "OK" to confirm.
    4. Cleaning Cache and Data Problem Application on Smartphone with Android

    5. Return to the previous page and click "Stop" and confirm your intentions in the pop-up window.
    6. Forced stopping problem application on smartphone with Android

    7. Now try running this application and perform those actions that previously called the "Settings" error. If it is repeated, delete this program, restart the mobile device, and then again install it from Google Play Market.

      Check and reinstall the problem application on a smartphone with Android

      Read more: Delete and install applications on Android

    8. If the error occurs again, it will only happen in a specific application, most likely it is simply a temporary failure that will be eliminated by developers already in the near update.
    9. Method 4: Entrance to "Safe Mode"

      If you have difficulty with the above recommendations (for example, it cannot be implemented in view of the error notification too much), you will need to repeat it, after loading the Android OS in "Safe Mode". About how to do this, we have previously written in a separate material.

      Switch to safe mode

      Read more: How to translate Android-devices to "Safe Mode"

      After you alternately follow the steps from the three previous ways, exit the "secure mode" by using the instructions from the link below below. Error in the application of the "Settings" application will no longer disturb you.

      Exit a secure mode on mobile device with Android

      Read more: How to get out of the "safe regime" android

      Method 5: Reset to factory settings

      It is extremely rare, but still it happens that it does not get rid of the error in the work of the "settings", no existing and we have considered the methods. In this case, only one solution remains - reset the mobile device to the factory settings. An essential disadvantage of this procedure is that after its execution, all installed applications, user data and files, as well as specified system settings be erased. Therefore, before proceeding with Hard Reset, do not be lazy to create a backup, from which you can then recover. As the reset itself and the reservation procedure, we have also been considered earlier in individual articles.

      Reset to factory settings of mobile device with Android OS

      Read more:

      How to create a backup of data on Android

      Reset Mobile Device with Android to Factory Settings


      Despite the seriousness of the error in the work of the standard "Settings" application, most often from it you can still get rid of it, thereby restoring the normal functioning of the mobile OS android.

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