How to download a book on ipad


How to download a book on ipad

In the era of technology development, mobile devices and tablets are increasingly replaced by the most common things, including paper books. Aipad did not exception and offers its owners several ways to download and view e-books.

Load books on the iPad

The user can download books on the ipad in different ways: through iBooks or third-party applications from the App Store store. However, first need to understand which e-book formats support iPad.

Supported formats

Formats that support devices from Apple can be divided into 2 groups. 1 Group - Standard formats for iBooks: EPUB and PDF. 2 Group - the remaining e-book formats of third-party applications: FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF and others.

Option 2: third-party applications

Currently, a large number of free apps for reading e-books are available in the App Store. You can also purchase your favorite book, issue a subscription and take advantage of additional useful features. In our article we will use the Litres app.

Download Litres from App Store

  1. Open Litres on the iPad and log in with a login and password or register a new account.
  2. Use "Search" or "Store" to buy the desired work.
  3. Store and search in the Litres app on iPad

  4. Click "Buy and read" on the e-book page.
  5. Purchase and reading in the Litres application on iPad

  6. Tap "Read".

Please note that iBooks and other applications can copy books from cloud storage. For example, from Google Drive or Dropbox. To do this, in the file settings you need to simply select "Export" - "Copy in ...".

Ability to copy a book to iPad applications

Method 2: PC and iTunes

Search and download files more conveniently on the big computer screen, so there is an option to use it and to download books on Ipad. To do this, install the iTunes program.

Option 1: iBooks

Using a PC, transfer the file to iBooks through Aytyuns and a special section "Books".

  1. Connect the iPad to the computer and open iTunes. Click on the device icon in the top menu.
  2. Go to the "Books" section.
  3. Go to the Books section in the iTunes program

  4. Transfer the desired file with the EPUB or PDF extension into a special window. Wait for the end of copying. Click "Apply".
  5. Transfer file with electronic book on iPad

  6. Open the "Books" application on Ipad and check the success of the download.

Option 2: third-party applications

Not every third-party application allows you to add books through iTunes downloaded from the Internet. This is due to the copyright law, but the readers with the function of loading their books from the computer still exist. For example, EBOOX.

Download EBOOX from App Store

  1. Connect the device to the PC, open the aytyuns and click on the tablet icon.
  2. Go to the "General Files" section and find the EBOOX application. Click on it.
  3. Opening Section General Files in iTunes

  4. In the field called "EBOOX Documents" copy the desired file and wait for the end of the copy.
  5. Transfer of a file with a book to the EBOOX app

  6. Open the EBOOX application on the tablet and in the "My Books" section find the workload just downloaded.
  7. Uploaded book in EBOOX application on iPad

Loading a book on the iPad does not represent much difficulty. It is only important to choose a convenient download and viewing option for yourself, whether iBooks or third-party applications.

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