How to connect bluetooth headphones to the phone on android


How to connect bluetooth headphones to the phone on android

To date, the wireless connection of various devices to the phone on the Android platform is the norm for most users. In pure gadgets that provide such opportunities include both headphones requiring a Bluetooth email. Further we describe the procedure for connecting such peripherals, taking into account different models.

Connect Bluetooth Headphones on Android

Most of the headphone models manufactured in the low and medium price range can be connected to an Android device for a single instruction in several steps. Additional actions are required only in some cases and often not worth mention.

This instruction, although designed for ordinary Bluetooth headphones produced by little-known companies, and not large brands, is still suitable for more expensive periphery. One of these examples is the proprietary headset from Apple.


Some models of wireless headphones, such as Airpods, are fully compatible with Android devices, but in the compound process have several differences from the instructions provided. For example, in the case of Apple's already claimed periphery, it will be necessary to place the headset in advance in the charging case, make sure that there is enough charge and only after that switch to the connection.

Example of Airpods Wireless Headphones for Phone

Read more: How to connect AIRPODS headphones on Android

Headphones with NFC chip

This type of Bluetooth headset differs from previously given examples, as it allows you to connect much faster using the built-in NFC chip. The only condition for the work of such headphones is the presence of an appropriate chip not only in the headset, but also on the Android device.

  1. First, turn on the headphones using the corresponding button located on the housing. Typically, the NFC function procedure is specified in the standard manual of the manufacturer.
  2. Example Bluetooth headphones with NFC chip

  3. On the phone, open the System Application "Settings" and in the "Wireless Network" section, enable the NFC function. Its location, as well as in the case of Bluetooth, may differ in different smartphones.

    Read more: How to enable NFC on Android

  4. Enabling the NFC function in Android settings

  5. The next and last step, bring the phone to headphones and confirm the connection on the screen. A kind of request directly depends on the manufacturer of the headset and the Android device.

Such a headset has a high price and is extremely rare, so focusing on the instructions only in the presence of similar headphones.


At the end of this article, it is worth mentioning the incompatibility of some models of headphones and Android devices due to the low Bluetooth version of the phone. The problem is not as often and usually does not apply to the headset. However, in order to avoid incompatibility, it is still recommended to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the periphery in advance before buying with the characteristics of the smartphone.

Read more: How to find out the version of Bluetooth on Android

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