What to do if the phone does not see the SIM card


What to do if the phone does not see the SIM card

Despite the fact that in recent years the main functionality of the phones, or rather smartphones, is provided by connecting to the Internet (first of all, wireless), the usual communication through calls and text messages is still relevant. It, as well as access to the mobile Internet, provides the SIM card of the cellular operator, and if the phone does not see it, he immediately loses most of its capabilities. Next, we will tell why such a problem occurs and how it can be solved.

See also: How to distribute the Internet with iPhone and phone on Android

The phone does not see the SIM card

To date, the absolute majority of phones (smartphones) running one of two operating systems - Android and iOS. That is why our article will discuss why these mobile devices do not see the SIM card, and how can it be corrected. Looking a little forward, we note that there are many reasons for the problem, but all of them can be divided into three conventional groups:
  • software failure or error;
  • hardware malfunction;
  • Inattention user.


As mentioned above, the phone may not see the SIM card for completely different reasons that, besides, there is quite a lot. In the case of the Android, the situation is noticeably complicated, though relative, but still the openness of this mobile OS, as a result of which, for those working under its control device, third-party developers and enthusiasts create a lot of firmware (customs). Installing such a solution, "seasoned" by ineptive actions of the user, may well cause a problem with the display of SIM and / or visibility as such for system / devices. Of course, program errors and hardware faults, as well as banal inattention, too, can not be excluded. Determine the exact reason and find the optimal solution to solve it will help the reference below the article.

The phone on Android does not see a SIM card

Read more: What to do if Android does not see a SIM card


Apple iPhone, although they are much more stable than competitive Android devices, are still not perfect, and therefore they can also stop seeing SIM. The reasons for this can be different - perhaps the user incorrectly inserted the card, it is damaged or simply stopped working. Perhaps the problem on the side of the cellular operator, it does not affect this, but in the shortest possible time it will clearly be eliminated. It is also possible that this is the phone (as a device) or its operating system (as a software part) does not see the SIM card. The first is much more seriously, but it is solved by a banal campaign in a certified (this is important) a service center, and with the second, the program reason often can be coped independently. More about all this, as well as about a number of other, no less important nuances, which are directly related to our current theme, is described in a separate material on our website.

Apple phone iPhone does not see a SIM card

Read more: What to do if the iPhone does not see a SIM card


If the problem with the visibility of the SIM card with the phone (or rather, the absence of this apparent itself) has a program cause or connected exclusively with the user's carelessness, often it can be easily solved. If it lies in physical damage to the card or slot, solutions are only two - a visit to the cellular salon or service center, respectively.

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