In what format download a book for android


In what format download a book for android

The active spread of electronic literature today allows you to read books anytime at any time, having only a smartphone on the Android platform with you. However, together with the growth of the popularity of this type of file, many formats have appeared, each of which has its own characteristics and is not suitable in all cases. In the course of this Instruction, we will look at several of the existing electronic extensions and tell me which of the options can be considered the best and most versatile.

Book Format Choice for Android

When attempting to independently familiarize yourself with each existing expansion, you can spend a lot of time, but not even to study the features of the extensions themselves, but on the search for a book released in the appropriate format. This can be avoided, initially devoting attention to only some options. The best for downloading electronic literature are:

  • Docx;
  • DJVU;
  • EPUB;
  • Mobi;
  • FB2;
  • PDF.

Each format for opening will require one of the readers discussed by us in a separate article. At the same time, many programs are simultaneously supported at once somewhat similar to each other options, for example, EPUDER and FB2 are easily open in AlReader and in EReader Prestigio.

Example Reading Books on Android

Read more: The best books for reading books for Android

Support graphics

Depending on the format, the e-book can contain various kinds of graphics, whether black and white or color images. The best in this case was: PDF, Doc and DOCX capable of containing pictures in high quality. Of course, this feature directly affects the overall file size and can play a key role.

Sample books in Doc and DocX format on Android

If previously named formats are considered better in terms of saving graphics, the remaining does not contain pictures in original quality, often providing black and white scans of original images. For the same reason, the final size of such files is significantly less, allowing you to upload a plurality of copies of multi-page literature on a device without being a busy space.

Example of a book in TXT format on Android

Additionally, you can pay attention to the TXT format, not supporting graphics and most of the other features mentioned below. But at the same time, from all extensions, its requirements for the characteristics of the smartphone and the volume are much less than in any other case.

Formatting book

An important detail of any book, not only electronic, but also paper, will be the design of the text, the font, the size of the characters and much more. Of the listed formats, the best in this regard is again doc, docx and pdf, but requiring a lot of free space.

Example of a book in EPUB format on Android

Other options, with the exception of DJVU, support user-friendly design, use of different fonts depending on the reader and even full-fledged content with a rapid transition to specific sections of the book. At the expense of such features, these formats can be considered the most acceptable for download and storage of works on Android.

Technical literature

Mentioned above DJVU, as actually more demanding options, is most suitable only for a certain type of literature, for example, scanned textbooks or simply documents. Books of this species are not intended for long-term study or storage of a large number of copies.

Example of a book in DJVU format on Android

Another factor in favor of using these formats for storing technical literature will be the support of editing right while reading. Other more recommended expansions are not supported, requiring special software for this.

Prevalence of formats

The latest important factor affecting the convenience is the prevalence of each expansion in stores with e-books. The most accessible are the extensions of FB2 and EPUs, occurring almost every resource offering the downloadable literature options.

Example of a book in FB2 format on Android

The remaining formats are also found, but much less often and usually contain not books, but documents and textbooks, as already mentioned earlier.

See also: downloading books on Android


This article comes up to completion, and therefore can be summarized: the best format for electronic literature on Android is FB2 and EPUB. Other options remain no more than reserve, for example, in case there is no book in the recommended extensions.

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