How to change the cartridge in the canon printer


How to change the cartridge in the canon printer

Canon is one of the most famous companies for the production of printers. Among all the models there are several series and modifications, so any user will find an ideal option for their needs. Each owner of a similar device is faced with the need to replace the cartridge that is associated with the end of ink or breakdown. Today we would like to turn this procedure step by step, tolding about all the subtleties and nuances.

Change cartridges in Canon printers

Canon has two types of printers in the product list - inkjet and laser. As you know, they differ not only in their implementation of paint and printing procedure, but also by the type of cartridges used and ink. For example, laser equipment supports a printout of only black, and the ink is powder. At the same time, the inkjet devices are printed with different colors and inside contain several cartridges with liquid paint. However, the replacement procedure is almost identical, this will be discussed further.

Step 1: Removing the Old Cartridge

First of all, you need to get from the device used or broken cartridge. It is done quite simple - you just need to raise the top cover, pull out the ink container or pull the handle to extract the toner cartridge. Detailed manuals on this topic on the example of laser and inkjet devices can be found in a separate language of our material on the following link.

Read more: Removing the CANON Cartridge from the company

After extracting the old part, it is recommended to clean the printer to make the prevention of contaminants and the appearance of various hardware problems. To perform this action, follow the instructions from which you can find further.

Above you have been familiar with all important information on replacing the cartridge in Canon printers. You only need carefulness, accuracy and the right approach to the choice of new parts, because different cartridges, especially for laser models, are compatible with only certain printers.

See also: Check the printer for compatibility with Q2612A cartridge

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