How to configure the printer over the network


How to configure the printer over the network

As you know, the Windows operating system functionality allows you to establish the operation of the network printer, where computers can send requests to the device using a local network. However, the device is connected - only the first step towards the completion of the entire configuration. Additionally, it will be necessary to set some more settings to ensure unmistakable interaction with the network apparatus.

Configure network printer

It is about configuring the connected printer that we want to talk within this article by dividing the entire procedure for steps. Just one of them is mandatory, but understanding of all existing settings will allow you to perform the most flexible settings at any time. Before starting familiarization with the manual presented, we strongly recommend that the connection was made in all the rules. All the necessary information on this topic can be found in our other article as follows the following link.

On this, the configuration procedure of the server part is successfully completed, you can proceed to working with clients.

Client computers

On all client devices, you will need to perform the same action, namely, activate network detection and provide sharing files and folders. It is done literally in several clicks.

  1. Open the "Parameters" menu and go to "Network and Internet".
  2. Go to Internet settings through parameters in Windows 10

  3. In the "Status" section, find the "Shared Access" button.
  4. Switch to setting up shared access in Windows 10

  5. Enable all items in the desired group and save the change.
  6. Setting up shared access for a network printer on a client PC in Windows 10

Step 2: Security

Now that detection and work on the local network are successfully established, you should worry about security. It is necessary to make that each group of users have their privileges, for example, to limit the ability to read permissions or changes in printer parameters. All this is done through a special menu.

  1. While in the printer's control window in the "Parameters" menu, click on the Printer Properties button.
  2. Transition to printer properties for security settings in Windows 10

  3. Here, move into the "Security" tab.
  4. Switch to Windows 10 Network Printer Security Settings

  5. Now you can choose a user or a group of users to configure the access level for each of them. It is enough to simply mark the necessary items and apply the changes.
  6. Select access settings for groups and printer users in Windows 10

  7. If you are interested in advanced security settings, click on the "Advanced" button.
  8. Transition to additional network printer security settings in Windows 10

  9. After opening a new window, select the desired string and go to the changes.
  10. Transition to a change in additional user security settings or printer group in Windows 10

  11. Click on the appropriate inscription to display the settings.
  12. Displaying Advanced Printer Security Settings in Windows 10

  13. Now you can mark permission or ban on reading, change permissions and changing the owner of the device.
  14. Activation of additional printer security settings in Windows 10

  15. If the user or group is missing in the list, it will be necessary to add them manually by filling out the appropriate form. Trust the execution of this procedure to the system administrator so that it grouped all accounts correctly.
  16. Adding a new user or printer group to configure Windows 10 security

When performing the above actions, it is required to take into account that the activation of one of the items will only act per group or profile, respectively, it will be necessary to allocate and configure all accounts separately.

Step 3: Print Settings

Upon completion of the two previous steps, you can move directly to print, but I would like to stop at the setting of this operation. The printer driver allows you to specify advanced options, for example, to set the device mode or set the task queue rules. All this is done in one tab.

  1. Open the Printer Properties menu and go to "Advanced". Here at the top you see the parameters of access to the printer. Noting the marker item and setting the necessary hours, you can adjust the mode of operation of the equipment for client computers.
  2. Enable access to the printer in Windows 10

  3. In the same tab, the queue parameters are below. By default, the queue is used, however, it can be done so that the documents sent immediately went to the printer. Take a look at other functions, their number and name changes in accordance with the device used.
  4. Setting up a network printer print queue in Windows 10

  5. Click the "Separator" button to set the parameters of the distinction sheet. Activation of such a function will help to figure out where one task ends and the other stamp begins.
  6. Selecting a network printer markup page in Windows 10

On this we will finish the analysis of the settings of the network printer. As you can see, everything is done simply enough, and a large number of different features will allow you to create a system administrator as a flexible configuration.

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