How to call vaiberu


How to call vaiberu

The use of modern messengers not only to exchange text messaging and media content, but also as a tool providing voice communication has long been familiar to many Internet users. In our suggestive material, we will look at all aspects of the operation of Viber services to make calls to phone numbers of different categories from devices running android, iOS and Windows.

Calls between users Viber

The most commonly used in the organization of auditing through the Weber Approach suggests that communication will occur between two people (or in the person's group) registered in the service.

How to call Viber Users with Android Device, iPhone and Windows PC

Option 2: Call by phone number

If the number of the desired subscriber is simultaneously being an account in Vaiber, you know, but not entered into the address book, you can call it by following the following steps.

  1. Open Vaiber for Android and go to the "Calls" tab. Next, tap the round button with the image of the phone keyboard on the screen.
  2. Viber for Android Calling a dialer for a call by number not included in the contacts

  3. Enter the number with the code of the country and the operator from the virtual keyboard and then click the "Call" button. If the entered identifier is registered as a Vaiber service account, a menu will appear from two items - tap "free call", after which the call will begin.
  4. Viber for Android Set of Member Participant for a call to him manually


Apple's equipment owners using Vaiber for iPhone to make a call through the service under consideration will not have to perform complex instructions - the developers of the IOS client of the messenger organized the operation of the audio communication module in the application simply and logical. There are two main approaches to solving the problem under consideration.

How to call users Viber with iPhone

Option 1: Call Subscriber from Address Book

The easiest way to start voice communication via Viber for iPhone will be, if the data of the desired subscriber is made to the address book of the device, which is synchronized with the "contacts" in the messenger.

Viber for iPhone Making records to contacts to make calls further

Read more: How to Add Contact to Viber's Address Book for iPhone

When performing the above conditions, call through the Viber mounted on an iPhone, possibly in several ways.

  1. Section "Calls" application client.
    • Run the messenger and open the "Calls" section from the menu at the bottom of the screen. Above the list of address book entries there is an item that provides the ability to enable contact filter to display exclusively service participants - tap "Viber".
    • Viber for iPhone Starting Messenger, Go to Call Section, Contact Filter

    • Find the name of the desired user and click the button with the image of the handset to the right of it, which will start the call process.
    • Viber for iPhone search contact on the call tab, the beginning of the call through the messenger

  2. Screen correspondence:
    • From the "Chats" section in the Vaiber Client Application, open the chat screen, taping the header-named user. If the conversation with another participant is not yet conducted, you can create a new chat, and then open it.
    • Viber for iPhone transition to chat with a user who needs to call

    • At the top of the chat screen next to the title there is an image of the tube, to start a call, tap this icon.
    • Viber for iPhone voice call via messenger from the screen of correspondence

  3. Another user information screen.
    • Open the contact card, for example, from the menu called by tap by the chat header on the correspondence screen.
    • Viber for iPhone Transition to information about the messenger users from the chat screen with it

    • Touch the Free Call button, located under the user's photo.
    • Viber for iPhone voice call via messenger with contact card

  4. "Contacts" iOS.
    • Open the iPhone phonebook and find the contact in it to which you want to call vibe.
    • Viber for iPhone Search Member Messenger in IOS contacts

    • After touching the user name, the screen will open with information, press and hold the "Call" button until the menu appears. Touch "Viber", and then tap the phone.
    • Viber for iPhone call via messenger user from iOS contacts

    • As a result of the execution of the previous step, the messenger client will automatically be launched, which already performs audio calls.
    • Viber for iPhone voice call via messenger, initiated from IOS address book

Option 2: Call by phone number

To start voice communication with a person whose data is not included in the address book of your messenger on the iPhone, you should go through this way.

  1. Run the Waiber client for Ayos and open the "Calls" section in it. Click on the image of a telephone keyboard in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Viber for iPhone Opening a dialer for a call to a subscriber not saved in contacts

  3. With the help of the displayed dialer, enter the identifier of the called subscriber, without forgetting to specify the codes of the country and the operator. Tap the "Call" button and select the "Free Call" item in the opened menu.
  4. Viber for iPhone voice call with a manual set of another Member Member


Those users who prefer to use a stationary PC or laptop to access IP telephony services can easily call through the service in question by setting and activating the Vaiber client application for Windows.

How to call users viber from computer

Option 1: Call Subscriber from Address Book

As with operations in the Mobile OS operation, a more convenient and short action algorithm for solving the problem under consideration, we implement if the user data with which the voice communication is initiated into the address book of the messenger.

Viber for Windows How to add another member to contacts to call him

Read more: How to add contact to Viber's Address Book for Windows

For calls saved in "Contacts", Viber can go in two ways.

  1. List "Contacts":
    • Open the messenger on the computer, call the "Show Contacts" item from the View menu.

      Viber for PC item Show Contacts Menu View

    • Filter the displayed list of address book entries to display only those contacts that are registered in Messenger. To do this, click "Only Viber".

      Viber for PC Filter Contacts - Show only Messenger Participants

    • Find the name of the desired user and the right mouse button on it to call the Menu of Possible Action. In the menu, select "Call (free)".

      Viber for PC Start a call of the Member Participant from the Contact Options menu

    • On this all - the call is carried out,

      Viber for PCs is carried out by voice calling another user of the messenger

      It remains to wait for the response of the subscriber.

      Viber for PC process conversation through messenger

  2. Chat window. If with any user of Waiber, the exchange of information through the Windows client of the Messenger is already underway, you have the opportunity to communicate with a voice without closing the correspondence.
    • Go to an existing conversation by clicking on its header in the field area on the left window of the application.

      Viber for PC Transition to chat with another member of the messenger

      Or create a new chat with another service participant.

    • Click on the "Call" button stylized under the handset, located on the right of the correspondence header.

      Viber for PC Start the voice call of the Mesenerger, with which correspondence is being conducted

    • Click on the "Free Call to Viber" item in the drop-down menu.

      Viber for computer Free call through the messenger to another service participant

    • The result is the same as after performing the first action of actions from this instruction - the call through the service is initiated.

      Viber for PCs is challenged by another user of the messenger

Option 2: Call by phone number

If the data of the Messenger Participant with which you need to talk are not made to "Contacts", the number before the call will need to be administered manually.

  1. Call the dialer by performing one of the following manipulations:
    • Open the View menu and click on it on "show dialer".

      Viber for PC item show DIRATORS in the View menu

    • Go to the screen with a virtual telephone keyboard from the Call menu.

      Viber for PC Menu Call, item Show Piecer

    • Click three horizontally located points over the list of chats, which will open the "More" screen. Next click on the "Dial Number" item.

      Viber for PC How to dial the number of another member of the Messenger manually

  2. In the Virtual Detailer Buttons, enter the value of the desired identifier with the country code and the operator. Use a virtual telephone keyboard or a digital block on physical.

    Viber for PC dialer in messenger

    Click on the button with the image of the handset, -

    Viber for PC Start a call of another user of the messenger not from the list of contacts

    As a result, a challenge of the desired subscriber will begin.

    Viber for PCs Process Calling User Not From Contact List

Calls with Viber on any phone number

One of the features of the Viber service that distinguishes this messenger from other popular media to the Internet, is the ability to carry out calls to any, including unregistered IP telephony systems serviced in any country in the world. The service was named Viber Out. and is provided on a paid basis.

How to call any phones via Viber Out C Android, iPhone and Computer

Below is demonstrated how to become a participant in the system practically able to replace the mobile operator, replenish the Viber Out account and, finally, to call almost any phone number in the world using the Messenger clients applications for Android, IOS and Windows.


The whole process of making a call to any phone via Viber Out can be divided into two stages: making money into the system and directly "technical" part, - that is, the choice of contact from the address book is either a set of its number, and then the call initiation. In the Android environment, to implement the specified need to perform the following steps.

How to call any phone via Viber Out C Android

Step 1: Account Replenishment

  1. Run the messenger and open the "Esch" section. Next, from the function menu, go to the item "Viber Out".

    Viber for Android - transition to payment of the account Viber Out

    The second option - go to the "Call" tab and click the "Top" button in the "Viber Out" area at the top of the screen.

    Viber for Android - how to replenish the account in Viber Out

  2. Select the payment diagram of the connected service and then tap the green button indicating the payment amount:
    • Tariffs tab provides the ability to choose a monthly packet package for calls to separate directions. This approach allows you to save money if you call a lot and constantly, but you need to consider that as a result of choosing one of the options on the "Tariffs" tab, money from your payment card will be removed regularly and until you deactivate subscription.
    • Viber for Android - Viber Out Tariffs with Monthly Pay

    • From the Balance tab, you can replenish the Viber OUT account of one-time and on a fixed amount, which will be spent with each call performed by the service.
    • Viber for Android - Replenishment of the Viber Out account for a fixed amount

  3. After selecting one or another package, a window will appear where you need to specify the method of payment:

    Viber for Android - choice of payment method Viber Out

    • To transfer from a bank card after touching the Map item, enter information about the mail address, and then the payment data in the appropriate fields. After completing data entry, click "Buy".
    • Viber for Android - Replenishment of the Viber Out account with a bank or virtual payment card

    • When paying through Google Play (subject to the presence of a tied account), you do not need to enter any information - just confirm your intention to make payment, tapping "buy" at the bottom of the screen. Enter the password from your Google Account and tap "Confirm".
    • Viber for Android - Viber Out account replenishment via Google Play

  4. When the payment operation is completed, you can go to the "More" Viber Messenger for Android section and make sure that the funds entered the system - under the "Viber Out" item will be indicated.

    Viber for Android - how to check the score Viber Out

Step 2: Communication

After replenishing the account in Vaiber Out, for calls to any numbers through this system from the Android device there are no obstacles. You can call subscribers using the means of the messenger client, or from the "contacts" of the mobile OS.

  1. Open the Viber, on the "Calls" tab of applications, find the name of the desired person and tap it. Next, click "Call Viber Out", which initiates the call.

    Viber for Android - Call Call Viber Out C tab Calls Messenger

    In addition to the address book in the messenger, to specify the identifier system of the subscriber's identifier, you can use the dialer by opening it from the "Calls" tab. Entering the number, tap the button with the image of the handset.

    Viber for Android - a set of numbers for a call via Viber Out

  2. Go to "Contacts" Android and find a record that identifies the identity you want to call, tap it.

    Viber for Android - opening a contact card from the address book android to call via Viber Out

    Next, click "Viber" in the list of services through which you can call, and then tap "Call Viber Out".

    Viber for android call via Viber Out from application Contacts Mobile OS

    Please note if several phone numbers, items have been submitted to the contact card. "Call via Vaiber Out" There will also be several - not mistaken with the choice of subscriber ID!


The principle of functioning Viber Out in iOS does not differ from that in the environment described above android. To get the opportunity to call the phone number in any country of the world you need to go through two main stages - making funds to the score in the system and then directly carry out the call.

How to call any phone via Viber Out C iPhone

Step 1: Account Replenishment

Since the payment of the service under consideration with the iPhone is carried out through the App Store, before switching to the following instructions, you should bind a payment card to Apple ID. On how to make it different ways, is told in one of the articles on our site.

Viber for Ayos Binding payment card to Apple ID for payment of the account Viber Out

Read more: How to tie a payment card to Apple ID

  1. Open the iPhone Viber, go to the "More" tab, click on the name "Viber Out". Or open the "Calls" section and tap the name of the service at the top of the screen.
  2. Viber Out Viber Out

  3. Next, select the payment scheme by tapping one of the green buttons located below the description of each payment:
    • On the Tariffs tab, it is proposed to choose a package of minutes that can be spent for calls to certain directions.

      Viber for IOS Tariffs Viber Out with regular payment (subscription)

      With a permanent use of the service, this option saves, but it should be borne in mind that after selecting and paying a package, the tools will be written off from the following account regularly and until you cancel the subscription.

      Step 2: Communication

      After funds will appear in Viber Out, the means of calling for any numbers through this system will not cause any difficulties. The main thing is that the iPhone is connected to a stable Internet channel, and you can start the call from the Messenger application or "contacts" iOS.

      1. Run the messenger client and find the contact called via viber on the "Calls" tab. Tap by user name, and then click "Call Viber Out".

        Viber for iOS call to a subscriber from the list Contacts via Viber Out

        To make calls to numbers not entered in the Vaiber's address book, use the virtual keyboard open from the "Calls" tab in the messenger.


      2. Go to "Contacts" iOS (messenger may not be launched at the same time). Lay the name of the subscriber who is going to call via Viber Out, and touch it. Long pressing the "Call" button, call the menu.

        Viber for iOS call number via Viber Out from iPhone Address Book

        Next, click "Viber", then tap the area containing the desired phone number. In response to the query running the messenger application, tap Call.

        Viber for iOS call via Viber OUT from contacts on iPhone


      A PC or laptop with a Messenger installed Windows client and a paid Viber OUT service can be effectively used as a terminal for calls to telephones around the world. In the case of a computer to achieve such a goal, you will need three stages. By the way, the first two of the following steps can be skipped if you replenish the account in the Vaiber Out with the help of an iPhone "the main" application of the messenger installed on the Android smartphone, as described above in the article.

      How to call any phone number via Viber Out C Computer or Laptop

      Step 1: Check-in Viber Out account

      1. Go to the following link to the registration page in the Vaiber Out system.
      2. Viber for Windows Registration Webpage in the Viber Out system

        Create a Viber Out account

      3. On the Registration page, enter your phone number used as an account in the messenger, decide the captcha and then click then "continue."

        Viber for Windows Entering Data on the Registration page in the Viber Out system

      4. Enter the verification code from SMS to the appropriate field on the web page, which the system will arrive at the number of recommendations specified when executing the previous item. Click "Continue."

        Viber for Windows Entering Code from SMS for registration in Viber Out

      5. The following requirement for successful registration is to enter an email address and creating a password to access the system in the future.

        Viber for Windows Creating an account in the Viber Out service

        Fill in the fields and click "Finish".

        Viber for Windows Entering email and password to create an account Viber Out

      6. This registration in the system is completed - the page of your Viber Out profile opens.

        Viber for Windows user profile page Viber Out

      Step 2: Replenishment of the score Viber Out through the service site

      1. Go to the Vaiber Out system as follows the following link and click "Login".

        Weber for Windows Log in to the Viber Out system through the site of the messenger

        Log in Viber Out

      2. Log in by entering login (phone number) and password specified when registering in the system.

        Viber for Windows Authorization in the Viber Out Web system

      3. Select depending on your needs, how you will pay for the service, and go to the next point of the instruction by clicking on one of the green buttons under the descriptions of the payment schemes.

        Viber for Windows Selection of payment scheme Viber Out services on the system website

      4. Click the button on which the payment amount is specified or written "Connect" in the area describing the selected service package.

        Viber for Windows Selection Package Package Viber Out on the service site

      5. Choose a method for transferring funds by clicking on the icon of one of the available payment systems.

        Viber for Windows Selecting a payment method Viber Out services on the service site

      6. Make payroll information in the following page and click "Confirm".
      7. Viber for Windows payment details for payment services Viber Out

      8. Open the Vaiber application on the PC and make sure that the funds arrived at the system.

        Viber OUT account in the Viber Out system is replenished successfully

      Step 3: Communication

      As in the case of the clients of the messenger, which operates in the Mobile OS environment, you can use the "Contacts" list through the Viber OUT from the PC, and to dial the number of the desired subscriber manually.

      1. The call to the subscriber, whose number is entered in the address book:
        • Run the messenger application and click on the "Contacts" icon in its window. The second option to gain access to the address book - call the View menu and the selection in it. Show Contacts.
        • Viber for Windows Transition to Messenger Contacts for Call by number from recordings via Viber Out

        • Find not registered in the user messenger (not marked the Waiber icon) in the list of the left window and click on its name right mouse button. To start a call, click "Call (Viber Out)".
        • Viber for Windows Calling a user from the Messenger contacts via Viber Out

        • On this all - the call is carried out, wait for the subscriber's answer.
        • Viber for Windows Call Process via Viber Out to Users from the list Contacts Messenger

      2. Challenge not saved in "Contacts" numbers:
        • Click on the image of three points in the Waiber window for Windows and click "Dial Number". Or call the View menu and click there "show dialer".
        • Viber for Windows How to dial the phone number to call via Viber Out

        • Enter the subscriber ID using a virtual application window or physical connected to a PC, keyboard and then click "Call".
        • Viber for Windows Dialing Number VIBER OUT

        • The expected result is achieved - the call through the Viber OUT service began.
        • Viber for Windows Call Makeup to any phone number


      We hope, after studying the instructions offered in the article, you have no questions regarding the organization of voice communication through Viber. Despite a wide range of advantages that provides the considered IP telephony system to its users, its use is not characterized by complexity - to figure out how to call through the messenger, maybe even a novice user.

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