How to disable autorun programs in windows


How to disable autorun programs in windows

Windows 10.

After installing programs in Windows 10, some of them are added to autorun and open when the new operating system session starts. Not always the user wants to see such a software in working condition constantly, therefore wants to change the autorun settings. In the "dozen" it began to do it even easier, since the developers have reworked a bit of the Task Manager menu by adding a tab that is just useful during the fulfillment of the task. However, you can go and other way if this method is not suitable for some reason. Read on all available options in the link below.

Read more: Disable autorun programs in Windows 10

How to disable the autorun programs in Windows-1

Windows 7.

Although Windows 7 is no longer updated, it still uses many users and also establish various programs that are added to the autorun. Managing the automatic software on the software here is a bit different, since the system menu is located elsewhere. Opening it is carried out a little more complicated than in the case of the "Task Manager", but also will not cause difficulties. If some problems arise with specific applications, you can contact third-party programs, the functionality of which includes an autorun management tool in the operating system.

Read more: How to turn off the programs in Windows 7

How to disable autorun programs in Windows-2

Some programs

In the final section of the article I would like to dwell on specific programs, the removal from the autorun of which may take from time to time. The fact is that certain ones are not so easy to disable due to the incomprehensible name of the parameters or their absence in the menus previously reviewed. Upon reference below, you will find the instructions on how this action is carried out with Steam playground.

Read more: How to disable Steam autorun

How to disable autorun programs in Windows-3

Approximately the same applies to Skype, because not all users find it to write it through the "Task Manager" or "System Configuration" application. Then you need to go to the graphic menu with the settings of the program itself or contact third-party means. There are three available methods that make it possible to cope with this task. The choice of suitable depends exclusively on your preferences, and in the case of a non-accomplishment of one of them, you can safely go to others.

Read more: Disable Skype autorun in Windows 7

How to disable the autorun programs in Windows-4

Discord causes more difficulties, since its entry in the Task Manager does not correspond to the name of the program itself, because the update is started first, and after checking the messenger itself opens. The user will help the instructions on the link below, where it is described how to detect the necessary parameter in the operating system or perform the same actions on shutdown through third-party software or the program interface.

Read more: Disconnect the Discord autorun when you start Windows

How to disable autorun programs in Windows-5

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