How to open RVF.


How to open RVF.

Conventional users face the format of RVF files quite rarely, since this type of data storage in text form is practically not distributed and is used only in some software. However, sometimes needed to view a similar file on the computer. The usual text editors will not be able to correctly display all the contents, so you have to search for third-party applications to perform the task. It is about this that will be discussed below.

Open RVF format files on a computer

There is a little-known set of TrichView components, which is used only in certain development environments for C ++ and Delphi programming languages. The text editor is one of the toolboxes, just as it creates documents in the RVF format, and is also able to open them to view. In such files it is found: text, binary code, images, hot spots, tables and style patterns. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the three options for opening such objects, and we offer to begin with TRICHVIEW.


TRICHVIEW - Not just standard software, this is a set of source code stored in different formats for further opening through the development environment. All these components are focused on the fact that in the future they will be implemented and used in other graphic or console applications for various purposes. However, developers are offered to familiarize themselves with simple ready-made solutions, among which there is a text editor. Installation and configuration of this software is a rather complicated process, so let's understand everything in steps.

Step 1: Downloading TrichView

Prioritize the simplest action - download the software package to your computer. Files from the official site are downloaded, but only trial versions are available for free. However, this is enough to view all the files of interest and save their contents in another format.

Go to the official site TRICHVIEW

  1. Follow the link above to get to the TRICHVIEW Main Page. Move into the downloads section by clicking on a specially designated button.
  2. Go to the section with the download of TRICHVIEW software on the official website

  3. Explore all versions for familiarization. As you can see, each of them is focused on different programming languages. If you do not plan to work with these components in the future, we advise you to choose the Delphi assembly, since the installation of this Yap development environment does not take much time.
  4. Selection of TrichView version for download from the official site

  5. Expect the EXE file download complete and so far to postpone the installation procedure, since it cannot be completed successfully.
  6. Waiting for TrichView software download termination from the official website

Step 2: Installing Development Environment

If you try to start the TrichView setting at this stage, you will receive a notification that now on the computer there is no necessary software that supports the work of Delphi or C ++. Therefore, you will need to download one of the available development environments, which includes all the necessary programming language files. Within the framework of this instruction, we took Embarcadero Rad Studio 10.3 Delphi.

Go to the official download site Embarcadero Rad Studio

  1. Open the site by clicking on the link above.
  2. Select the option - C ++ Builder or Delphi to start free familiarization.
  3. Go to download Embarcadero Rad Studio to run RVF file

  4. Pass register to create a new account. Be sure to specify the correct and current email address, since the key will be sent there to activate Embarcadero Rad Studio.
  5. Obtaining a trial version of Embarcadero Rad Studio

  6. Upon completion of the download, proceed to installation. During it, a new window should appear with the choice of components for download. Be sure to tick C ++ Builder or Delphi to get the files of these programming languages.
  7. Downloading the necessary components for Embarcadero Rad Studio Development Environment

After starting, Embarcadero Rad Studio will only have to register a trial period by entering the license key that has arrived at the previously indicated email.

When using other development environments, the installation procedure can be significantly different, so we strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself with the official description of the developers and make sure that Delphi and C ++ Build support is present (and you do not need to download additional files for them).

Step 3: Installing TrichView

Now you can proceed directly to the TRICHVIEW installation. It is performed in the same way as in the case of all other programs, however, at the end it will have to do another action to integrate the software with the development environment, and this is done like this:

  1. Go to the folder where the trichview was installed and open the "SETUP" directory there.
  2. Go to a folder with installation components TRICHVIEW

  3. Run the found executable file.
  4. Run installation of trichview components on the development environment

  5. In the window that opens, you will need to choose a trichviewtrial.iide.
  6. Selecting a component to install TRICHVIEW on the development environment

  7. Mark the "Install or Modify" item, and then click on "Next".
  8. TRICHVIEW installation wizard on development environment

  9. Specify the checkbox installed earlier, go further and expect the installation end.
  10. Select Development Environment for TRICHVIEW

Step 4: Opening a RVF file

Now everything is ready to start the necessary RVF file through an existing text editor. Everything is simply simply:

  1. Go to the TRICHVIEW folder and in the DEMOS directory, find the "Editors" section. Select the folder with the second editor and open the Delphi Project File Reditor file via Embarcadero Rad Studio or another downloaded software.
  2. Running the source code of the TRICHVIEW text editor through the development environment

  3. As you can see, now this text editor is only the source code. It does not need to change anything, because it is already completely ready, it remains only to compile.
  4. TRICHVIEW text editor source code in the development environment

  5. To start compiling, click on the icon in the form of a green triangle.
  6. Starting a TrichView text editor compilation in the development environment

  7. Expect the compilation ending.
  8. Complete text editor TrichView in the development environment

  9. The editor will be launched automatically in a new window.
  10. Running text editor TrichView in the development environment

  11. Go to the opening of the document.
  12. Go to the opening of the required file through the TRICHVIEW text editor

  13. In the browser, find the object and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  14. Opening the desired file via the TrichView text editor

  15. Now you can view the contents and should be copied to you.
  16. View the contents of the open file in the TRICHVIEW text editor

  17. After compiling in the folder with the editor, an exe format application will appear. Now it can be launched without the development environment.
  18. Created Text Editor TrichView

  19. Immediately a text editor will open and work without any problems.
  20. Running a text editor TrichView through the application

As you can see, with the help of the official viewer of the RVF files, they are not so easy to see. This is due to the fact that initially this type of data was not created for mass use, and in the programs where it is used, the coding means is usually involved, which converts this format to more familiar to us, for example, TXT, DOC or RTF.

Method 2: Am-Notebook

AM-Notebook is a notes editor that allows you to create a schedule, record any notes or work with graphs. By default, it is not intended to open various files to view, but it contains one feature that allows you to familiarize yourself with the contents of the RVF files. The entire viewing procedure looks like this:

Transition to the official download site Am-Notebook

  1. Download Am-Notebook from the official site and run it.
  2. Create a new note by clicking on the appropriate button.
  3. Transition to the creation of a new sheet in the Am-Notebook program

  4. Specify it an arbitrary name and select a color.
  5. Creating a new sheet in the AM-Notebook program

  6. Drag the RVF file to the program area.
  7. Opening the RVF file through the AM-Notebook program

  8. Content immediately appears on the sheet.
  9. View the contents of the file in the AM-Notebook program

The AM-Notebook Possibility to display such documents is related to the writing of the program itself, the source code of which contains the TRICHVIEW components. Please note that all changes made in this way are not saved in the file, since it is not considered open.

Method 3: Standard Text Editors

This method cannot be fully effective, so we put it late. The fact is that RVF files have a non-standard encoding, which makes it difficult to display the content, but the text written by Latin letters is displayed everywhere correctly. Therefore, we offer as an alternative to use any text editor.

  1. Click on the file right-click and select "Open with".
  2. In the list, find notepad or WordPad and select it as a standard viewer.
  3. Select a standard program to open the RVF format file in Windows

  4. In the editor, the editor will be present incomprehensible symbols denoting the encoding, and the text on the Latin will go beyond them.
  5. Displaying the contents of the RVF in the WordPad text editor

As part of today's article, we demonstrated three available options for opening the RVF format files on the computer. Unfortunately, due to the unpopularity of this type, there are not so many means that make it possible to fully display the material saved there. If not one of the above methods does not come up, we advise you to use online converters or special programs that RVF will translate into a more convenient format.

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