Vkopt for Yandex.Bauser


Vkopt for Yandex.Bauser

The popular social network VKontakte becomes even more functional and convenient if using various extensions. Vkopt is considered one of the most flexible and convenient scripts that works in all modern browsers, including Yandex. An active users of this website and a web browser will have to do the set of features that Vkontakte Optimizer.

Settings "Media"

After installing in the extension settings, you can get by clicking on the block with your name and avatar in the header of the site. All parameters available to change are divided into categories, and the first has become "media".

VKopt Extension Media Settings in Yandex.Browser

Wheel Picture Wheel Mouse

Activate this option to replace the scrolling of any photos on any page pages on the mouse wheel, and not use the clicks of the mouse or press the arrows on the keyboard.

Add the "Play Next" button to cover the album instead of the decrease button

The splitting button is needed not every user. Instead, you can use the "Play Next" button to put the playlist in the queue after the current track.

Change the decrease button in the playlist through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Classic style name and audio playback buttons

This item has several additional options, pushing off from which, you can closer to the appearance of the list of audio records to the same, the old mind.

Changing the appearance of the list of audio recordings through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Clean the names of audio from characters

Often in the names of the songs you can find additional icons, smiles that do not seek many souls visually or when downloading through third-party applications. In addition, they are inconvenient to users of the service Last.fm, since the formation of personal statistics and recommendations depends on the correct writing name of the performer and the names of the composition.

Skip button in the player from the cap

A song that you do not want to listen, you can skip, putting this priority in advance.

Skip the song through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Last.fm scrobbler.

Includes support for the logboard from the service Last.FM. In the future, the user can be brought to one of the three available buttons, with the first viewing, how many minutes and seconds left until the track is locked, using the second to add a song to the list of loved ones, and the third includes and turning off the blink, leave profile .

Buttons Control Distribution Last.fm through Vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Move the audio block to the right side of the profile

Previously, VK audio recordings were with the right side of the side of the profile, then it was moved left to the left. Those who will still be familiar to find this block on the right can take advantage of the corresponding parameter.

Transfer block in profile with songs to the right through vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Settings "Users"

In this category, you can enable parameters affecting the display of pages of registered users of the social network.

Users settings in Vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Show current online

The function allows partially to hide the online user, but it works unstable due to the changing policy of the VKontakte API. For example, it is impossible to demonstrate it at the moment.

Highlighting general groups on profiles

When entering the list of groups or publics to which the user signed, you can quickly find the same subscription for you, since their names will be highlighted with the color that you specify in the expansion settings. The default is green.

Separations in public subscriptions through vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Profile parameters

  1. Show age and zodiac sign in profiles - You can view these parameters provided that the profile has fallen a date of birth (complete or at least a day and month).
  2. Automatically deploy detailed information on the profile - By default, a block with information is hidden, but if these information is interesting for you and you have to constantly deploy them, use this option.
  3. Show user registration date - Vkopt shows not only the day, month and year of registration of the user account, but also the exact time.
  4. Show additional information about online on the profile - Displays data on how the device was logged in to the site: from a PC, mobile version or one of the mobile platforms.

Additional information about the profile via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Settings "Interface"

This section is the most voluminous - here you can find a variety of varied parameters responsible for a particular page element.

Interface Settings in Vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Extended menu

Turning to the left menu items, you call a list of sections that each of them is divided. This speeds up access to one or another subsections of the site.

Extended menu via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Secure the left menu

The menu rolls along with the scrolling page down and disappears as soon as you scroll the visible area of ​​the screen. If necessary, it can be fixed, and then it will be in its place, no matter how much you scroll down the tape, audio recordings and other content.

Remove all rounding elements

The current VK interface has many rounded elements - these are avatars in the "Friends" block, "messages", "interesting pages", etc., album covers in the audio recordings, a search field in the header of the page. If such a design you do not taste, turn off their rounding - so they will all get sharp corners and become square.

Square interface elements via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Replace Logo VK on VKontakte

Another "hello" from the old social network interface, when it was not yet in the international VK, but simply Vkontakte. If the second option is closer to you, turn on the display of the old logo.

Changing the logo VKontakte via Vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Hide Recommendations Groups and Friends

If you go to the "Friends" or "Group" menu sections, the right will be a block with recommendations of people or communities, respectively. In order not to see such proposals, turn off the display of these blocks. Please note that the block with possible familiar people will not be removed.

Recommendations of VKontakte Groups

Showing a page shift button in hat

If you deploy a browser on the full screen, in the blue header of the site on the left and right, you can see two arrows moving the main area of ​​the site into one of the parties.

Arrows Movement Page aside through the extension Vkopt in Yandex.Browser

For example, it looks like the page shift to the right.

Movement Vkontakte page via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Show the transition button to the latest comments

New Comment Display format is not convenient. In particular, many users are difficult to get from the first comments on the latter, especially if there are many of them. To simplify this task, enable the appropriate Parameter. Going to any comments, you will see the link that appears by making you the latest messages left by users under the post.

Transition to the latest comments through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

The ability to turn some blocks on the profile

On the pages of users there are many blocks with information, but they are not necessary for everyone. For example, when visiting different pages you may not be interested in the blocks "Friends" or "Gifts" - and others can be simply collapsed by clicking on the arrow on the left of each block name.

Folding blocks on the page through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

If you wish, you can always turn back by clicking on the same arrow, while clicking on the name of the block, you can go there, leaving it folded. At the same time, keep in mind that the rolled blocks will remain as such and when viewing your own page.

Transfer the comment block under photo

Previously, comments under the photos were always lower than them, but over time, the developers moved this unit to the right, as in Facebook. Return the previous format of this section of the site, you can turn on the transfer of the block with comments under the photo.

Displaying comments by photography through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Removal of advertising

Under the left, a small advertising appears by default, which can still be annoyed. It is successfully deleted by any advertising blocker, but if you do not use it, you can block information blocks only on VK using this parameter.

Advertising on VKontakte website

White background

VK uses a light gray background, but if this option does not fit and want more contrast, replace it on white.

White background via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Hide the gear in the left menu

When the browser is deployed to the entire screen, the cursor appears on the top of the "My Page" point when you hover the cursor gives the ability to control the rest of the menu partitions. For the aesthetes and minimalist lovers, the parameter hovering the button itself is intended.

Six in the left menu on VKontakte website

Hide block stories

In the news first, users see a list of stories of their friends and communities. Not everyone is watching them, and if you feel about the number that are not interested in stories, just hide the entire unit, since the default site does not allow it to do.

Block with stories on VKontakte website

Compact style buttons like buttons and repost

Reduce the size of the line with the husky and the reposity, if you do not pay attention and do not use this statistics most of the time.

Reduced panel husky and repost via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Memorize the interval when creating postponed publications

The function remembers the time created postponed publication and the subsequent will be created with an interval exactly one hour.

Dysloike via Vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Turn on Dizloike

The extension allows you to activate dislikes that will be visible under posts and comments, but you will see their vkopt users. In the extension settings, you can configure the appearance of the dyslak, selecting the most cute option. However, at the time of writing the article, this feature did not work, as well as the hide of online, because of the problems with the VKontakte API.

Dysloike via Vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Settings "Messages"

Here you can personalize some features of dialogs that make correspondence more comfortable.

Settings of the VKOPT extension message in Yandex.Browser

List of rights dialogs

Initially, the entire list of dialogues is located on the left, but for some users it will be more convenient if they are right.

Block of dialogs to the right through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

This feature can only be used when switching to a new type of message interface.

Switch to the modern view of VKontakte dialogues

Display the lock button references notification of text set

Control the notification for your interlocutors that you are typing the text. If you do not want them to do not know that you write a message, disable this feature.

Control button of the text set in the message via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Block of the newly used EMOJI in dialogs

VK provides a large amount of Emodi, and their search often slows down the process of sending a message. If you use about the same set of emoticons, the CCP can remember the few last sent emoticons so that you do not have to re-look for them from the list.

List of latest emoji via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Your background of unread messages

The standard color of unread messages is designed in the total color range of the site - blue. But if you wish, each extension user using a palette can choose any color you like to better distinguish unread dialogues from read.

Your background of unread messages through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Display Locks Lock Mark Messages Read Read

An envelope icon allows you to enable and disable the reference to the interlocutor notification that you have read his message. So, if you ban the mark of the message read, a person will not know that you viewed it, going into a dialogue with him. However, the blue color of the message sent to them will disappear immediately, as you begin to type the text in response.

Control button for reading read messages via vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Memorize the height of the input field in the dialogs

You can adjust the length of the message input field that is standard one line. However, each time after exiting the dialogue, it is height reset to the default. This parameter remembers the height, and when entering the dialog, it changes it to the last user specified.

The stored height of the text input field in the dialog through the vkopt extension in Yandex.Browser

Settings "The rest"

In this block, only 3 parameters, 2 of which will be interesting only to a narrow circle of users.

Settings other vkopt extensions in Yandex.Browser

Framing of functions of supplement with square brackets

The useless adjustment adds square brackets to the expansion parameters, such as, for example, patronymic. However, earlier, when the Vkopt interface was different, his functions were taken in [...] and allowed to distinguish the standard functions of the site from those that provide an extension, but now this opportunity has become irrelevant.

Square brackets for Vkopt functions in Yandex.Browser

Include bypassing Away.php.

Disabling Away.php allows you to freely switch to external links, provided that the transition cannot be done with the modification enabled.

Change text layout in the current field when you press Ctrl + Q or Ctrl + J

Useful feature for all those who periodically forget to switch the layout and dials, for example, instead of "hello" - "GHBDTN", and then erases it and reprints in his own language. By pressing one of the key combinations indicated in the header, you can translate the folding text form automatically.

We talked about the basic functions of the new VKOPT version that work not only in Yandex.Browser, but also in all supported by the expansion of web browsers. As you update additions, users should wait for more new features that can be implemented in the current version of the site.

Download vkopt for free

Upload the latest version of expansion from the official website

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