How to put a degree in Word: 3 easiest ways


How to put a degree in the Word

Sometimes during working with documents in Microsoft Word, there is a need to write a number to a degree, and in this article we will tell about how it is done.

Adding a degree sign in the Word

To put a degree sign in Word in several ways, and they are all extremely simple in their implementation. Consider them in a queue, starting with the most obvious and finishing, which is suitable for cases when, in addition to the degree's sign of interest to us, it is required to record in a text document and other mathematical expressions.

Method 1: Fast Sign

On the Tool Tool Tools Tools, directly in its "main" tab, there is a group of tools to work with font. One of them will help us put a degree sign.

  1. Enter the number or letter (s), which will be erected into a degree. Install immediately behind it the cursor pointer, that is, without clicking on the space.
  2. Entering a symbol for the exercise in the Microsoft Word program

  3. On the toolbar in the "Home tab" in the Font Settings group, find the "Personal Sign" button (made in the form of the X2 icon) and click on it.
  4. Additional sign button in Microsoft Word

  5. Enter the desired degree value and do not rush after adding it to press a space or enter any other characters if they must already be recorded not in the form of an adhesive index.

    Sign of degree added to the symbol in Microsoft Word

    In order to continue writing in normal mode, simply take advantage of the "Personal Sign" button (x2).

  6. Turning off the input mode in the Microsoft Word program

    To enable and disable the upper index, with which we recorded a degree sign, you can use not only the button on the tape, but also the keyboard key - "Ctrl + Shift ++" (plus sign located in the upper digital row). In both cases, you can turn into a degree of an already recorded element - just select it with the mouse and "erect" into the filling register.

    Combination of keys for quick input of the foregrade in Microsoft Word

Fearing sign in Microsoft Word 2003

If you for some reason still use the outdated version of the text editor from Microsoft, know the algorithm for adding a degree symbol in it is somewhat different.

Writing a degree sign in Microsoft Word 2003

  1. Enter the expression that you want to raise a degree, and also write next to it the number (or letter), which in the future should be a degree. That is, in order to get conditional x2 Enter x2.
  2. Highlight the sign that you want to convert to the degree, and then press it right-click. In the context menu that opens, select Font.
  3. In the "Font" dialog box, which by default will be open in the tab of the same name, check the box opposite the "Outstand" item and click OK.
  4. By specifying the required value and removing the allocation from this item (put the cursor immediately behind it), re-open the "Font" dialog box through the context menu and remove the checkbox opposite the "Perestnaya" item. This is what will need to do every time to put a degree in Word 2003.

    Method 2: Inserting a symbol

    If the use of a superstar badge to write you for some reason does not suit, you can go on a little other way - insert the corresponding symbol manually. True, closing ahead, we note that the set of such signs presented in Arsenal is somewhat limited.

    1. Write the variable you want to build a degree, set the cursor pointer immediately behind it and go to the "Insert" tab.
    2. Transition to the Insert tab to add a degree character in Microsoft Word

    3. In the right group of the "Symbols" toolbar, expand the "Symbol" button menu and select the last item - "Other Symbols".
    4. Go to the search and adding characters in Microsoft Word

    5. The "Symbol" dialog box will be opened, directly the "Symbols" tab, in which for the convenience of searching in the "Set" block, you must select the "Upper and Lower Indices" option.

      Upper and lower symbol indexes in Microsoft Word

      Note: If block options "Kit" not displayed in the window "Symbol" in block "Font" Choose the first of the items presented in the list - "(Ordinary text)".

    6. Next, select one of the degree presented in the set - from 4 to 9 (this is the most limit on which we wrote above - other values ​​in the library of the program is not provided). To add a sign, select it and click on the "Insert" button, after which it will appear in the document in the location you specify.

      Adding a degree sign to the symbol in Microsoft Word

    Additionally. The missing minimum of the symbols of the degree (specifically a square and cube - 2 and 3) can be found in the standard "Symbol Table" of Windows.

    1. From any screen of the operating system, call the search window - make it help the "Win + S" keys in Windows 10 or access to the "Start" menu in older versions of the OS (there is a search string). Start enter the "Symbol Table" request and, as soon as you see the appropriate result in the issuance, click on it to start.
    2. Search for a symbol table to add a degree in Microsoft Word

    3. In the window that opens in the "Font" drop-down list, leave the default or, better, select the one that you use to enter the expression (which is required to be raised to the degree in the document. In the list of the list, find a symbol of a square or cubic extent, that is, a number 2 or 3, respectively, recorded in the form of an adhesive sign.

      Search Symbol Symbol in Symbols Table in Microsoft Word

      Note: If there are no desired characters on the above place (the beginning of the list), it means that they are not supported by the font you selected, that is, it will be necessary to change it to any other, supporting these characters.

    4. Having found the necessary sign, highlight it by pressing the LKM, then click on the "Select" button located at the bottom right domain window, and after the next one, which has become the active button "Copy".

      Select and copying a symbol to insert the degree in the Microsoft Word program

      The degree symbol you choose will be placed in the clipboard, after which it will be left simply insert it into the document to the desired location. Use Ctrl + V keys for this.

    5. Insert a copied degree sign in Microsoft Word

      Note: As you can see from our example above, the copied and inserted symbol has a standard (default) for OS and WORD formatting style (size and color). Therefore, if another style is used in the document for writing a mathematical expression, you will need to adjust the added degree to it. So, we had to increase the font and change the color.

      Formatting of the value added in Microsoft Word

    If you carefully follow the process of adding a degree's sign by inserting characters through the Word menu of the same name, probably noticed that they all have their own code. Knowing it, you can enter the necessary expression without contacting the section "Insert" of the program. Available in the standard set of degree symbols have the following code notation:

    Degree Sign Codes in Microsoft Word Program

  • ⁴ - 2074.
  • ⁵ - 2075.
  • ⁶ - 2076.
  • ⁷ - 2077.
  • ⁸ - 2078.
  • ⁹ - 2079.

Code combinations for quick input of degree signs in Microsoft Word

Most likely, you will have a question what to do with the code code in order for it to turn into a symbol behind which it is fixed? The answer to it, the path and not the most obvious, given in the "Symbol" window (emphasized in the screenshots above). Everything is simple - you enter the necessary code in the place where the degree sign will be, and then, without making an indent, click "Alt + X" on the keyboard. This magic key combination transforms a set of numbers into the appropriate degree sign.

Symbols for replacing them for a degree in the Microsoft Word program

But here there is one important nuance here - we need a degree sign right behind the sign, which is required to erect into it, but the expression in this case will "join" to the code and its transformation or will work incorrectly, or does not work at all.

Combination of keys to replace code for a degree in Microsoft Word

In order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to make an indent (press space) from the symbol that will be built into the degree, enter the above code, then immediately press "Alt + X" and remove an unnecessary space between characters.

Remove the gap between the symbol and the degree sign in the Microsoft Word program

READ ALSO: Inserting characters and special signs in Word

Method 3: Mathematical Equation

If the need to write a degree's sign is not a single, and in addition it is required to use in a text document and other mathematical expressions or you just want to do everything "correctly", the optimal solution will be adding a new equation.

  1. Set the cursor pointer in the place where the variable will be erected (that is, so far I mean that it is not in the document), and go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Transition to the Insert tab to add a degree character in Microsoft Word

  3. In the "Symbols" tool group already familiar to us, expand the "Equation" button menu and select the "Insert New Equation" option in the list of available options.
  4. Inserting a new equation to add a degree sign in Microsoft Word

  5. A small field for entering a mathematical expression appears in the document, and the "Designer" tab will automatically be opened on the toolbar. In the "Structures" group, click on the second parameter - "index", and in the list that opens, select the first template, it is called the "top index".

    Upper index for adding degree in Microsoft Word

    In the "place for equation" in the previous step, the form for writing a variable and degree will appear, each of which is a separate small block. Enter into each of them, for which it is intended, that is, the element is erected and directly the degree itself.

    Place for entering the number and degree in Microsoft Word

    Note: You can navigate between mini-blocks for a value with both the mouse and the arrow keys on the keyboard.

    The number is recorded in the formula in the Microsoft Word program

    Indicating and expressing, and the extent to which it is required to be raised, click on the LKM on an empty place in the document, and then press the gap - it lines the received entry on the left edge of the document (or how is it specified in the alignment settings you currently ).

  6. Alignment of the number to the degree in the Microsoft Word program

    Note: To write mathematical expressions, the standard font - Cambria Math is used, - it cannot be changed, but you can change the size, color, drawing and other parameters available in the instrument group "Font" text editor.

    Font change options for Formula in Microsoft Word

    As we wrote above, adding a degree's sign by means of the "equation" function in Word preferably in cases where other expressions, formulas and etc. are required. If you are worth it for this task, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the reference below the material below - in it, work with equations is considered much more detailed.

    Changed view of the formula of the number with a degree in the Microsoft Word program

    Read more: Creating equations and formulas in Word


As we could make sure, there are several options for writing a degree sign in Microsoft Word. Just choose the most suitable for yourself and use it when it takes.

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