Where to download vorbisfile.dll and how to install it


Where to download vorbisfile.dll
The error associated with the vorbisfile.dll file may appear in Windows 7, Windows 8 and XP and, if you see the operating system message that the program starts is impossible, since there is no vorbisfile.dll on the computer, then most likely you want Run GTA San Andreas (however, an error may appear when starting other programs or games, such as HomeFront).

A bad approach to correcting the error - to search, where you download vorbisfile.dll for free for GTA SA, or search for a torrent with it, download this file with dubious online DLL collections, after which it is possible to easily install or throw this file. It is potentially dangerous (after all, you do not know what exactly downloads) and may not lead to the desired result, the game does not start. And now a good way.

What is vorbisfile.dll and where to download it correctly

Vorbisfile.dll error is missing in GTA SA

The occurrence of errors with the text "Starting the program is impossible" and an indication of the file that is missing, almost always means that there is no component that is not installed for the program. And, as a rule, this component consists of not one library, i.e. If you find where to download vorbisfile.dll and where to throw it, it may turn out that GTA San Andreas still does not start.

The correct way is to find out what kind of file and load the system component in which this file is contained.

Here I will help: Vorbisfile.dll is an OGG Vorbis codec And this means that it is possible to download it from the official site http://www.vorbis.com, with the installation program itself to set it where necessary.

Loading codec Vorbis Ogg from the official website

You do not need to take a DLL from various kinds of "dll-files" sites, it is unknown that containing the file in System32 and register the library in the system using "regsvr32 vorbisfile.dll", and even more so to install various programs "to automatically correct DLL errors" (which Almost always are not at all what is said in the description).

Note: If the game does not start after installation, try temporarily move the vorbisfile.dll files and ogg.dll files in the GTA folder to another place.

Video instruction

Another way to install vorbisfile.dll

As already mentioned above, this file is a music codec in OGG format and, in addition to downloading from the Official site of the codec, you can set the codec kit containing it (besides it is useful not only for GTA SA).

Vorbisfile as part of K-Lite Codec Pack

I recommend K-Lite Codec Pack as containing almost everything you need to play any content almost any devices. In detail about this codec patch in the instructions how to install codecs.

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