How to remove the selection in photoshop


How to remove the allocation in photoshop logo

With a gradual study of the Photoshop program, a user has many difficulties associated with the use of certain editor functions. In this article we will talk about how to remove the selection in Photoshop.

Cancel discharge

It would seem that may be difficult in normal cancellation? Perhaps for some this step will seem very easy, but inexperienced users may have a barrier and here. The thing is that when working with this editor, there are many subtleties that the novice user has no idea. To avoid this kind of incident, as well as for a faster and efficient study of photoshop, we will analyze all the nuances that occur when removing the selection.

Options for removing selection

    Options for how to cancel the selection in Photoshop, there are many. Below we will present the most common of them, those that use the users of the PhotoShop editor.
  • The easiest and easiest way to remove the selection is using a key combination. You need to press simultaneously Ctrl + D..
  • The same result can be achieved by clicking on the mouse anywhere in the workspace.

    How to remove the selection in photoshop (2)

    It is worth remembering that if you used the tool "Fast allocation" You need to press within the selected area. In addition, it will work out only if the function is enabled "New allocation".

    How to remove the selection in photoshop

  • Another way to remove the selection is very similar to the previous one. Here you will also need a mouse, but you need to click on the right button. After that, in the menu that appears in the context, you must click on the string "Cancel allocation".

    How to remove the selection in photoshop (3)

    Note the fact that when working with different tools, the context menu has a property to change. Therefore, item "Cancel allocation" May be in different positions.

  • The final method is to visit the section "Allocation" In the menu on the top of the toolbar. After you moved to the section, simply find it there is a selection point there and click on it.

    How to remove the selection in photoshop (4)

It is necessary to remember some features that will help you when working with photoshop. For example, when used "Magic wand" or "Lasso" The dedicated area when clicking the mouse does not remove. In this case, a new allocation will appear, which you certainly do not need. It is also necessary to understand that it is possible to remove the selection when it is complete with it (for example, when using the "straight Lasso" tool). In general, it was the main nuances that you need to know when working with "marching ants" in Photoshop.

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