How to enable pages in Google Chrome


How to enable pages in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a functional web browser, which as default has a lot of useful functions, and allows you to expand your capabilities by installing add-ons. In particular, the article will talk about how to translate pages in the browser with a standard method and with the help of special extensions.

How to transfer a page in Google Chrome

There are several ways to transfer web pages in Google Chrome. The most popular is a built-in Google-translator. When there is a need to use alternative translators or additional features, you will first need to install them into the browser in the form of expansion.

Method 1: Standard Method

  1. To begin with, we need to go to a foreign resource, the page of which must be translated.
  2. How to enable pages in Google Chrome

  3. As a rule, when you go to the web site, the browser automatically offers to translate the page (which you need to agree), but if this does not happen, you can call an interpreter yourself. To do this, click on the web page on any Picture-free area with the right mouse button and in the displayed context menu, select "Translate to Russian".
  4. How to enable pages in Google Chrome

  5. After a moment, the text of the page will be translated into Russian.
  6. How to enable pages in Google Chrome

  7. You can return the original text if you click on the right side of the address string on the translator icon and select the "Show original" in the menu opened menu.
  8. Displays the original text in Google Chrome

Method 2: Lingualeo English Translator

Many are familiar with the popular English language Lingualeo. To improve skills and comfortable web surfing the creators, a separate addition-translator was implemented - Lingualeo English Translator. It should immediately make a reservation: the translator works exclusively with English.

  1. Install Lingualeo English Translator. To continue the work, you will need to log in to the system: To do this, click in the upper right corner over the extension icon and select the button. "To come in".
  2. Entrance to Lingualeo in Google Chrome

  3. Enter authorization data in the Lingualeo system. If you are not registered, select the button. "Create an account".
  4. Authorization in Lingualeo in Google Chrome

  5. To translate the text, select the desired fragment on the site and select the button. "Translate".
  6. Text translation with Lingualeo English Translator in Google Chrome

  7. The following addition displays the text translation.
  8. Translation result using Lingualeo English Translator in Google Chrome

  9. Also, the addition allows you to translate not only text from the Internet, but also the phrases prescribed by the user. To do this, click on the browser header on the Lingualeo icon, enter the text and press the ENTER key.
  10. Entering Text in Lingualeo English Translator for Google Chrome

  11. Following the screen displays transcription.

Text translation to Lingualeo English Translator for Google Chrome


Useful addition to IMTRANSLATOR can process up to 5000 characters and has 91 language support. The extension is interesting that it works with four different services for the translation of the text, allowing you to achieve the best results when performing the translation of the text.

  1. Install IMTRANSLATOR in Google Chrome. Highlight the phrase on the site, click on it right-click and select item "IMTRANSLATOR: Translate into Russian".
  2. Text translation to IMTRANSLAOR for Google Chrome

  3. The Appendix window will appear on the screen with the result of the translation. To familiarize yourself with other options that offer alternative services for translation, go to the tab you are interested in.
  4. Alternative translation options to IMTRANSLATOR for Google Chrome

  5. You can translate the text and somewhat different: select the desired fragment and click in the upper right corner on the add-on icon. The selected text appears in the Intranslator window, which, if necessary, you can edit or add. Next, select the button "Translate".

Text translation to IMTRANSLAOR for Google Chrome browser

Each solution will allow you to instantly translate into Google Chrome as separate text fragments and entire articles.

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